Archana Ramamoorthy, MS

Archana Ramamoorthy is a Tech Executive based in Sunnyvale, California. She currently serves as Senior Director of Google’s Cloud Security Product Management division. Prior to her current role, Archana held leadership roles at multiple technology companies and has over 15 years of experience in the industry. Prior to her role at Google, she was at Workday for 8 years, culminating her time there in the role of Chief Technology Officer, North America. She is a product ninja and online security advocate. She also actively works to enable more diversity and inclusion in the tech industry. In 2021, she was a founder partner in Neythri Futures Fund, the first fund with a mission to increase the diversity quotient in the venture capital ecosystem. In particular, Neythri Futures Fund positions South Asian women to be key investors and stakeholders in the industry. Archana received a BS in Electronics and Communication Engineering from SRM University and an MS in Electrical and Computer Engineering from Duke University.

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