Brian Blake
Aquarium Expert
- BS, Ichthyology and Aquatic Environmental Science, Emporia State University
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- Utilizes Lab Grade Materials
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Co-authored Articles (27)
How to
Cure Betta Fish Diseases
If you have ever been to a fish store, you will probably have noticed small, colorful fish in solitary plastic cups. These are the wonderful aquarium fish ''Betta splendens'', or the Siamese Fighting Fish. Unfortunately,...
How to
Care for a Red Eared Slider Turtle
If you're looking to get a pet turtle, consider a red-eared slider turtle. This easily adaptable pet prefers warm habitats, but can thrive in a large tank. The red-eared slider is named for the red-line running behind i...
How to
Start Daphnia Cultures
Known as "water fleas" because of their jerky movements, Daphnia are tiny live organisms that can be a nutritious food source for pet fish or amphibians. To start a Daphnia culture, you'll need to set up their habitat an...
8 Easy Ways to Dechlorinate Water
Plus a simple guide to the best water filters on the marketWhether you’re concerned about chlorine in your drinking water, fish tank, or garden, there are several quick and easy ways to remove chlorine from water. Nat...
How to
Prevent and Treat Popeye in Betta Fish
It happens suddenly: last week you had a seemingly healthy betta fish, but now its eyes are buggy, foggy, and sticking out of its head. Unfortunately, your betta is experiencing a symptom known as popeye, in which fluid ...
How to
Raise Goldfish Fry
After your goldfish has successfully spawned, you'll be left with goldfish fry to care for. Goldfish fry are not the same as regular goldfish, and require special conditions in regards to their food and environment. With...
How to
Feed Sea Monkeys
Sea Monkeys are actually a brand name for a breed of brine shrimp, whose eggs are sold through the mail along with the materials necessary to hatch them. Since using the wrong amount of food can kill the entire tank rela...
How to
Breed Ghost Shrimp
Raise baby ghost shrimp easily with our helpGhost shrimp, also called glass shrimp, are small, transparent shrimp commonly sold as aquarium pets or fish food. While several species are referred to by the same name, they ...
How to
Breed Gouramis
Gourami, also pluralized gouramis or gouramies, are popular freshwater aquarium fish, and many gourami species are easily bred in captivity. Many gourami care for their eggs in beautiful nests made from bubbles, while ot...
How to
Tell If a Hermit Crab Is Sick
Hermit crabs are animals that often live long lives in large colonies. They are sometimes considered “starter” pets by people. In general, Hermit crabs are usually pretty easy to keep happy and healthy. But under ce...
How to
Care for Mystery Snails
Mystery snails (or pomacea diffusa) are common freshwater snails to breed and/or keep as pets. If cared for correctly, mystery snails live an average of 2-3 years. By setting up your tank with care, adding the snails to ...
How to
Make a Siphon
Depending upon the method you use, it only takes one or two things to make a cheap siphon. Whether you're siphoning gasoline out of your car, or showing kids how siphoning works as a science experiment, it can be done wi...
How to
Check Ppm of Water
If your water is odorless and clear, how in the world can you tell what’s in it? The answer is you measure really, really small. Parts per million (ppm) measures tiny amounts of substances in your water. It’s actuall...
How to
Tell if Your Goldfish Is an Adult
Goldfish tend to reach sexual maturity at around a year of age, although they are not fully grown until they are two or three years old. You can see if your goldfish has reached maturity by examining its physical charact...
How to
Selectively Breed Betta Fish
Betta fish, also called Siamese fighting fish, can make wonderful and very beautiful pets. Bettas are often kept separately because they can attack and kill tank mates. Many people like the idea of having multiple bettas...
How to
Set Up a Pacman Frog Enclosure
The Pacman frog, or the horned frog, is given its name for the small horn-like bumps over its eyes and its ability to open its mouth incredibly wide when catching prey. As it's relatively easy to come by and quite low ma...
How to
Test Water Purity
Clean drinking water is one of the most important resources in the world. Although pollution is a scary issue to worry about, there are a few simple ways to put your water to the test. For the most accurate results possi...
How to
Give Your Hermit Crab a Bath
Hermit crabs require exposure to salt water to keep them healthy and happy, but you may not want to keep a salt water bowl in their tank in addition to their freshwater drinking bowl. In that case, you should give your ...
How to Raise and Feed Mosquito Larvae to Your Fish
Give your fish a nutritious, cheap, and live source of food Mosquito larvae are a cost-effective, nutrient-packed snack for pretty much any kind of fish.. 25 January 2024. Plus, they’re incredibly easy to raise—mosqu...
How to
Care for Tree Frogs
Tree frogs make great pets, but require that you have a suitable environment and food for them to ensure they are healthy and happy. There are several species of tree frogs that are often kept as pets. White’s and Gree...