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Learn to hone your intuitive skills and send messages with your mind
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Telepathy is the ability to transmit words, emotions, or images to someone else’s mind. While there’s no evidence that telepathy exists, you can still give it a try. Relax your body and mind, visualize the receiver right in front of you, and focus your thoughts on sending them a simple word or image. Take turns sending and receiving messages with a close friend or relative, and track your progress with a journal. With practice, you might be surprised to find you and your friend have a strong mental connection!

How to Communicate Telepathically

Quiet your mind with meditation and stretching to focus your thoughts. Then, visualize a simple word or image (like an apple) in great detail. Imagine sending that image to someone you know well and picture their reaction to receiving your message. Ask them what they saw or felt to see if your telepathy was successful.

Section 1 of 3:

Focusing Your Telepathic Thoughts

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  1. Try playing white noise through headphones and wearing blackout goggles. Shifting attention away from your physical perceptions might allow you to focus more deeply on sending the telepathic message.
    • You and the receiver should both try tuning out your senses. Sensory deprivation might help you each concentrate on the message.
  2. Stretch your muscles or try doing yoga. Trying to send a telepathic message requires a lot of mental focus, so try to become physically and mentally relaxed. Regular stretching and practicing yoga can help you learn how to put yourself in a focused, relaxed state.[1]
    • When you prepare to send a telepathic message, try stretching your legs, arms, and back. Breathe in as you move into a pose, then exhale slowly as you stretch for 15 or 20 seconds. As you stretch, visualize all your tension leaving your body.
  3. Meditate to calm your mind. Wear loose-fitting clothes and sit upright in a comfortable position. Inhale and exhale slowly, and do your best to clear your mind of unwanted thoughts. Imagine scattered, random thoughts leaving your mind as you exhale.[2]
    • Spiritual director Jennifer McVey, Cht, says “Find a position that you're comfortable in, right in a space in your home (or wherever you're going, or outside)...and let yourself slip into a deep meditative state.”
    • Do your best to focus your mind on a single thought. Try meditating for at least 20 minutes a day. With practice, it should get easier to focus your mind.
    • Once you’re in a calm, focused state, you’re ready to try sending a telepathic message. Keep in mind that both the sender and receiver of the telepathic message should relax and clear their minds.
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Section 2 of 3:

Sending a Telepathic Message

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  1. Visualize the person receiving your message. Close your eyes and picture the receiver as clearly as possible. Try to imagine that they are sitting or standing right in front of you. See details with your mind’s eye, such as the person's eye color, weight, height, length of hair, and the way they sit or stand.[3]
    • According to McVey, “Visualizing a person that you want to telepathically communicate with will help you establish a better connection with them.”
    • If you are far away from the receiver, it might be helpful to look at a picture of them before you begin visualizing them.
    • As you build your mental image and send it to the receiver, they should relax and focus on being open to the message. Ask them to clear their mind and imagine you in front of them with as much detail as possible.
  2. Call to mind the feelings you experience when you interact with the person face-to-face. Feel these emotions as if the person was actually in your presence. Focus on these feelings, and believe that you are creating a connection with the other person.
  3. When you’re just starting out, stick with something simple, such as a nearby object. Visualize it with as much detail as possible, and focus your mind solely on it. Concentrate on what it looks like, what it’s like to touch it, and how it makes you feel.
    • For instance, imagine an apple. See a particular apple as clearly as possible in your mind’s eye. Imagine its taste and the feeling of biting into it. Focus your thoughts solely on the apple.
  4. After forming a clear mental image, imagine the object traveling from your mind into the receiver’s. Visualize yourself face-to-face with the receiver, and say to them, “Apple,” or whichever thought you’re transmitting. In your mind’s eye, see the look of realization on their face as they understand what you’re telling them. Imagining something visceral and sensory, like a person’s face, increases your intuition and personal power.[4]
    • Keep in mind there’s a difference between being focused and straining. Concentrate on the mental image, but stay relaxed.
    • Once you’ve sent the thought, release it from your mind, and don’t think about it anymore. Imagine that you’ve given it away to the receiver and are no longer holding onto it.
  5. Once you’ve sent the message, the receiver should remain relaxed and open until they sense that a thought has entered their mind. They should then write down whatever has come to their mind.[5]
    • Before checking in with the receiver, you should also write down the thought you were trying to send. This can help you stay objective when you compare your results.
  6. When you’re both ready, you and the receiver should show each other what you’ve written. Don’t get discouraged if you’re not successful, especially at first. Take some time to clear your mind, and then try again with a different image.[6]
    • Don’t get down on yourself if you’re not able to send a clear telepathic message. Just try to have fun while you try!
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Section 3 of 3:

Practicing Telepathy with a Partner

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  1. Switch up your roles as you practice and see if you have more success with one or the other. Maybe you’ll find that you’re better at receiving messages and your friend is better at sending them.[7]
    • Keep in mind it’s helpful to practice with someone you trust, like a close friend or relative.
  2. Take five unique cards, such as playing cards or cards with symbols on them. With your partner in a separate location, pick a card at random. Relax and calm your mind, then focus your thoughts solely sending the card’s image to your friend.
    • Have your partner calm their mind and try to sense your message. When they feel an image has come to mind, have them write down the card you sent, then check your results.
  3. Try drawing a shape or simple combination of shapes, like a circle inside a triangle. Focus your thoughts on the shape and visualize the image traveling from your mind to your partner’s. When they sense that they’ve received the message, have them draw whatever shape has entered their mind.[8]
    • Alternatively, someone else could draw an image and show it to the sender, who would then try to transmit it to the receiver.
  4. Each time you try to communicate telepathically, write down the details of your attempt. Note who the sender and receiver were, what the transmitted image was, and whether or not you were successful. A journal might help you find ways of refining your abilities.
    • Even if an attempt was unsuccessful, note any promising details. For instance, if the message was “apple” and your friend wrote down “red” or “fruit,” that’s a great sign!
    • Try journaling about your dreams, too. Some believe you’re more open to telepathic communication while you sleep, particularly if you can lucid dream.[9]
  5. At random moments, try to guess what time it is without looking at a clock or your phone. Or, every few hours, try to guess who’s sent you an email recently before checking. Record your guesses to see how often you’re correct and if you’re improving.[10]
    • You can also try guessing who’s calling or texting you every time you hear your phone go off.
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Expert Q&A

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  • Question
    How do you practice telepathy?
    Jennifer McVey, Cht
    Jennifer McVey, Cht
    Spiritual Director
    Jennifer McVey is a Spiritualist, Seer, and the Spiritual Director of Spiritual Answers and Solutions. With more than 22 years of experience, she specializes in manifesting, ghosts and spirit attachments, hypnotherapy, channeling, and spiritually based life coaching. Jennifer has also published 13 Affirmation Image and six Word Search Puzzle books in spirituality and self-help and has produced over 600 audio sessions.
    Jennifer McVey, Cht
    Spiritual Director
    Expert Answer
    Practice with somebody! For instance, you might sit and think about how you want ice cream, and imagine yourself sending the other person a picture of ice cream. You might be surprised to find that the other person will want ice cream, too.
  • Question
    How do you control your telepathy?
    Jennifer McVey, Cht
    Jennifer McVey, Cht
    Spiritual Director
    Jennifer McVey is a Spiritualist, Seer, and the Spiritual Director of Spiritual Answers and Solutions. With more than 22 years of experience, she specializes in manifesting, ghosts and spirit attachments, hypnotherapy, channeling, and spiritually based life coaching. Jennifer has also published 13 Affirmation Image and six Word Search Puzzle books in spirituality and self-help and has produced over 600 audio sessions.
    Jennifer McVey, Cht
    Spiritual Director
    Expert Answer
    The key is becoming more conscious about what you're actually doing. If you're thinking a private thought, try thinking about it differently by drawing the shades in your mind or putting a shield.
  • Question
    Does it work on animals?
    Community Answer
    Yes, you can communicate with animals using telepathy and they will be able to respond to you. That's what an animal whisperer is.
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  • Keep in mind there’s no guarantee that you’ll successfully learn how to communicate telepathically. There’s no concrete or replicable evidence that telepathy exists or that someone can learn how to become telepathic.[11]

Tips from our Readers

  • When visualizing the receiver, gather photographic references if you don't interact with them frequently. Having accurate mental details will strengthen your visualization.
  • Record environmental factors like time of day, location and mood during attempts in your journal. This additional context may reveal helpful patterns.
  • Take brief 1-2 minute breaks during longer meditation sessions to stretch, drink some water and re-center attention before resuming focus.
  • Schedule regular telepathy practice sessions with your partner like you would any other skill. Consistency is key to improving over time.
  • Have fun with it! Approaching practice with lighthearted playfulness will reduce tension that could disrupt your concentration.
  • If words don't seem to be working well, try simpler shapes and images. Visual details may be easier to transmit for beginners.
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About This Article

Jennifer McVey, Cht
Co-authored by:
Spiritual Director
This article was co-authored by Jennifer McVey, Cht and by wikiHow staff writer, Dan Hickey. Jennifer McVey is a Spiritualist, Seer, and the Spiritual Director of Spiritual Answers and Solutions. With more than 22 years of experience, she specializes in manifesting, ghosts and spirit attachments, hypnotherapy, channeling, and spiritually based life coaching. Jennifer has also published 13 Affirmation Image and six Word Search Puzzle books in spirituality and self-help and has produced over 600 audio sessions. This article has been viewed 1,738,820 times.
3 votes - 53%
Co-authors: 54
Updated: November 5, 2024
Views: 1,738,820
Categories: Paranormal Beliefs
Article SummaryX

If you want to develop telepathy, close your eyes and visualize the person receiving your message. Try to imagine that they are sitting or standing right in front of you. Ask the receiver to clear their mind and visualize you as well. Imagine forming a connection with the person, then focus on a simple object, like an apple or a book. Concentrate on that concept until it is clear in your mind, then imagine the object traveling from your mind into the receiver’s. If you’ve been successful, the receiver should be able to name the object you imagined. Keep reading to learn how to practice your skills!

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    Christal Pajdak Paycheck

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