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Find out whether güero is an insult or a term of endearment
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Güero is a Spanish slang term that is used to describe someone with fair skin or blonde hair (in some cases both). The term is popular in Mexico and Central America, and if you’ve landed here, you might have been called one yourself. Don’t worry, it’s not offensive. In fact, it’s a term of endearment! In this article, we explain the meaning behind güero, how to use it, whether or not it’s offensive, and more!

Güero Meaning: Quick Overview

Güero is a Spanish term used to refer to someone who has fair skin or blonde hair, or in some cases, both. Generally, güero is used to describe white people. Although some may take offense, it’s not meant to be offensive, as it’s common to use descriptive nicknames in Mexico.

Section 1 of 6:

What does güero mean?

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  1. Güero is a Spanish term that’s commonly used by people in Mexico and Central America to refer to people, usually foreigners, who have fair skin or blonde hair, or in some cases, both. Although it is normally used as a noun, it can be used as an adjective. As an adjective, güero means having fair skin and/or blonde hair.[1]
    • The feminine version of the term is güera. Güerita means the same thing, but is more endearing.
    • Güerito is the more endearing version of güero.
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Is güero an insult or a term of endearment?

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  1. Güero is usually used as a term of endearment. In Mexico and Central America, it is common to refer to someone by their most notable physical feature. Although some perceive the term as offensive, people who use the term güero tend not to do so offensively. When they call you güero, they’re actually giving you an endearing nickname.[2]
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How to Use Güero

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  1. Use güero to refer to someone who has fair skin or blonde hair. When you encounter a person with fair skin and/or blonde hair in a Spanish-speaking country, use güero to describe their appearance to others. If you call the person themselves güero, be careful not to offend them. Use a soft, friendly tone of voice to let them know you mean no harm.[4]
    • Example: “Hola güero! Que tengas un buen día!”
    • Although it’s generally used to refer to white people, güero can be used to refer to anyone with light skin and/or blonde hair.
    • Some people even call their fellow Mexicans güero.
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What does it mean when a girl calls you güero?

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  1. If a girl calls you güero, she’s likely giving you a playful nickname. Since güero is used as a term of endearment, if a girl calls you this, she’s likely giving you a fond, playful nickname. She’s probably not trying to be rude, as güero tends to be used as a descriptor rather than a racist remark. To figure out what she means, take a look at the context. If you just bought something from her and she smiles and calls you güero, she’s probably trying to be friendly.[5]
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Related Spanish Slang Terms

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  1. Gringo/gringa is a Spanish slang term that is used to refer to foreigners, especially those from the United States or Britain.[6]
    • Gringo is used to refer to male foreigners, while gringa is used to refer to female foreigners.
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    Gabacho Gabacho is an alternative to gringo that is also used to refer to people or things from the United States. It is used less frequently than gringo.[7]
    • Gabacho was first used by Spanish people to describe French people.
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    Fresa/Fresita Fresa/fresita is a Spanish slang term that is used to describe a wealthy individual (usually a teenager) who lives an expensive lifestyle and is generally pretentious.[8]
  4. Prieto is a Spanish slang term that is used to describe those who have darker skin.[9]
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Marcus Pruitt, BS
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wikiHow Staff Writer
This article was co-authored by wikiHow staff writer, Marcus Pruitt, BS. Marcus Pruitt is a staff writer at wikiHow. Marcus earned his B.S. in Journalism from Illinois State University in 2023. He has been all around Chicago’s creative scene, writing about up-and-coming artists, musicians, and designers for small publications before moving on to independent writing. As an independent writer, Pruitt has focused on topics like mental health, social justice, and media representation. His documentary, Portrait of Jelani: Grief, Art & Memory, won the Audience Choice Award at the 2023 Foxtail Film Festival. Throughout his career, Pruitt has written with the purpose of helping others, which landed him at wikiHow. Here, he enjoys writing articles that make the big ideas in readers’ lives easier to navigate.
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Updated: January 10, 2025
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Categories: Spanish | Spanish Phrases
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