This article was co-authored by Nathan Fox, JD and by wikiHow staff writer, Amy Bobinger, BA. Nathan Fox is an LSAT teacher, the co-host of the Thinking LSAT Podcast, and the co-founder of LSATdemon. Nathan is the author of six LSAT books including The Fox LSAT Logical Reasoning Encyclopedia. He scored a 179 on the February 2007 LSAT and holds a JD from the University of California, Hastings College of the Law.
There are 10 references cited in this article, which can be found at the bottom of the page.
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Timed tests can be kind of nerve-wracking, but you've got this! If you manage your time wisely, you'll be able to get the best score possible, even if you don't have time to answer every single question. Take a few extra minutes to plan ahead to make the most of your time and do the best you can on your exam. We've gathered our favorite tips and tricks to help you succeed, from how to prepare for the test to how to organize your time once it begins!
Expert Q&A
QuestionWhat's the first thing I should do after I receive the test?Alexander Peterman, MAAlexander Peterman is a Private Tutor in Florida. He received his MA in Education from the University of Florida in 2017.
Test Prep TutorAfter you get to the test center, it would be beneficial to look through the test questions -- at least skim them -- to get an idea of how to budget your time on the test. This will give you the best opportunity to let your studying take over and get a good grade! -
QuestionWhat are some tips for remembering what I've studied for an exam?Community AnswerThere are several techniques you can use to increase your recall and retention for an exam. 1. Try reading your materials out loud. Reading out loud commits the information to a different part of the memory than just reading, which increases your retention. 2. Teach the materials. Teach what you've studied to a friend, a parent, or even a stuffed animal. The idea is that you will both demonstrate mastery and find gaps in materials you've learned if you teach them. 3. Draw diagrams of more complex ideas or, for example, all the muscles in the human body. Recalling information this way not only helps you further commit it to memory, but will show you what you need to brush up on.
QuestionSometimes I get nervous during exams, which causes me to forget what I had to write. What can I do?Community AnswerGetting nervous is one serious problem many of us face. Before entering the exam, drink enough water and try to relax. If you are thoroughly prepared, then there is nothing to worry about.
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- ↑ Nathan Fox, JD. LSAT Teacher, Founder of LSATdemon. Expert Interview. 15 November 2019.
About This Article
It’s important to manage your time during tests to make sure you have a chance to work on each section. Before your test begins, make sure you have a watch or that you can see the clock on the wall so you can budget your time. While taking the test, answer the easy questions first to allow you extra time to work on the more difficult sections. Just make sure to return to the questions you skip. Another tactic is to focus on a question’s worth. After you’ve answered the easy questions, spend your time on the questions that are worth more points. For example, spend 10 minutes on 1 question worth 20 points instead of the same amount of time on 10 questions worth 1 point each. While you’ll want to budget your time effectively, you should also take a breath or two between each section to help you relax and transition. You’ll also want to avoid rushing yourself as this can lead to critical mistakes. To learn how to make a test time budget, keep reading!
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