Q&A for How to Become a Wiccan

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    To become Wiccan, do I have to have an ancestor that was Wiccan?
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    Community Answer
    Although some people might tell you so, the (vast) majority of pagans believe that you don't have to be a descendant of Wiccan or a witch in order to be one. Wicca is spiritual path and you decide what you believe in. Witchcraft is - as the name says - craft. Some people practise witchcraft and practise makes perfect, as they say. In order to be Wiccan, you don't have to practise witchcraft. They are two separate things. There's a popular phrase in the Wiccan communities: 'Not all Wiccans are witches, and not all witches are Wiccans'.
  • Question
    Do those spells to become a witch really work? Or do you have to go through this process to become one?
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    Community Answer
    No spell will make you become a witch, but following this process and being initiated into a coven will achieve your goal.
  • Question
    How do I practice Wicca as a beginner?
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    Community Answer
    Start off by learning each corner of Wicca. Learn what Wicca is, when the holidays are, what they mean, etc. Then you can begin to learn about magic -- how it works and how to use it.
  • Question
    Instead of practicing alone, can I practice with someone else?
    Community Answer
    Yes. Practice with as many people as you want. Four or more is called a coven.
  • Question
    Do I have to join a coven?
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    Community Answer
    No, you don't have to join a coven. It's completely up to you. If you want to work alone, that's fine. I would suggest, however, to get out there and connect with the Pagan community at large. It is nice to have physical interactions with others of like mind and you never know, you could learn from them. (Just remember to be cautious of your surroundings and any information you give to others, as there is still a lot of prejudice.)
  • Question
    How do you start the book of shadows?
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    A book of shadows is personal. Most people tend to have a mix of personal experiences and knowledge of Wicca itself. Consider getting a binder, not a book, because then you can reorganise it at any point and add pages in wherever you think you've missed something. For the actual content, it's completely up to you, but most books have the full Wiccan Rede, information on the deities, things like the Decent of The Goddess and the Invocation of the Horned God, etc., as well as things like the Thirteen Principles of Wiccan Belief. You can also include drawing down the moon, things like colour correspondents, the sabbats, the esbats, and anything else you feel belongs in there.
  • Question
    How should I celebrate the eight holidays?
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    Community Answer
    Any way you want to. There are many ways to celebrate the sabbats, some as simple as planting a flower, or as complicated as a public ritual. Start by doing some research on the sabbats. In our tradition, getting in touch and communing with nature are the goals (to sync your life with the cycles of the seasons). Your celebration could be as simple as meditating in a quiet spot in the backyard.
  • Question
    I can't have a book of shadows because I'm afraid that my parents will find it. Is it okay to write it in my phone?
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    Community Answer
    You could, as long as your parents aren't able to get to it on your phone somehow. I am a closeted witch for the same reason, and I have a book of shadows written in a simple notebook. If possible, you can write a book of shadows in a notebook too and have it hidden away (like under your mattress or something). If you don't want to do that though, then your phone will work fine.
  • Question
    Can I draw my altar on the floor with chalk?
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    Community Answer
    Yes you can! Most of Wicca is symbolic, so any type of alter will do. For the most part, an alter just helps you concentrate on your praying/spells.
  • Question
    How do I know who my deity is?
    Community Answer
    Some people are chosen by deities, but this is uncommon. What I did was find a goddess (in my case Brighid) who I felt connected to and I admired. When I first prayed to her, my dog started sleeping at the doorway. Surprisingly, Brighid governs over doorways. Find gods/goddesses that you connect to and admire, and pray, send offerings, make room in your altar. Also, take notice of dreams and small events that deities might be sending your way. Not everything is a sign, but some things are.
  • Question
    What if I was a Catholic, and I have a tattoo of Jesus, can I still become Wiccan?
    Community Answer
    Wiccans aren't automatically non-believers in Jesus, though our saint is Aradia. You have some choices here. Cover up the tattoo, or be a Wiccan that believes in Christ's existence and appreciates his teachings.
  • Question
    If I used to believe in a different god/goddess, can I change and become Wiccan?
    Community Answer
    Yep! I changed from Catholicism and I am now a devoted Wiccan. I serve Aphrodite and Brighid. It takes a lot of courage, but it can be done!
  • Question
    How can I decide on gods/goddesses and deities?
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    Community Answer
    The best way to find out about gods/goddesses and deities is by reading about different backgrounds and even divine historical figures. If something divine catches your eye, look into it and research it. Books are amazing, and Google can be your new best friend!
  • Question
    How do I find out my element without using zodiac?
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    Spend one month studying, connecting with and being around each element. The one you feel the strongest connection to is your element.
  • Question
    How can I practice Wicca without my parents/guardians knowing if they disapprove of the craft?
    Beatriz Menoli
    Beatriz Menoli
    Community Answer
    You can study, pray and write in your Book of Shadows.
  • Question
    How young do you think is too young be a Wiccan or a witch?
    Community Answer
    There is no age limit on religion, but witchcraft should start whenever a person is comfortable and capable of understanding the nature of a belief system.
  • Question
    Over the past several years, I find myself more and more drawn to Wicca. I've been told, however, that I can't be a true Wiccan if I don't believe in a deity. Is this so? The spirituality is there, but I don't think there is a supreme intelligent being. Are there atheistic wiccans?
    Community Answer
    Perhaps you need to believe in a deity to be a specific type of Wiccan, but to be an Eclectic Wiccan, you don't need a Deity. Choose to be an Eclectic Wiccan or just a Pagan if you don't want a deity.
  • Question
    How can I make a wand out of branches if I live in the city and don't have trees?
    Community Answer
    A wand can be anything- a chopstick, a spoon, anything that you channel your energy through.
  • Question
    What is the difference between Wicca and Witchcraft?
    Community Answer
    Wicca is a religion focusing on the Horned God and Goddess, but witchcraft is a practice that isn't defined by religion.
  • Question
    What things should be on altar? What is absolutely essential and what is optional?
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    Community Answer
    Nothing is absolutely essential for your altar (including the altar) but there are a tool to help put you in the proper state of mind. The most typical items are salt, water, God/Goddess candles, spirit or fire candle, chalice, incense burner.
  • Question
    I have been told by many spirits that I am the strongest witch, can that be true?
    Community Answer
    All Witches have equal potential, it's just that they have different ways of expressing it, or they have trouble tapping into it. You could still be called the strongest Witch if you express and tap into it the best, but don't take it too literally. Watch out for spirits like that, learn how to do a Cleansing Purification Ritual or Spell, and if the spirits stay, then they're probably good or neutral.
  • Question
    Are there any things Wiccans aren't allowed to do?
    Community Answer
    Wiccans aren't allowed to curse people. The threefold law states that what you do unto a person repents unto you three times as much. Otherwise, that's it.
  • Question
    Where can I find info about all the gods and goddesses?
    Community Answer
    Free-witchcraft-spells.com, books, Wicca.org, Wicca.com, yourself, a high priestess or teacher, etc. Search the library and the web!
  • Question
    If I am a Wiccan, can I marry someone who isn't one?
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    Community Answer
    You can, but make sure that your partner is fully aware and accepting of your Wiccan beliefs. Otherwise they might cause problems in your marriage over time.
  • Question
    What if I can talk to a Wiccan Goddess in my mind, and I've been told by many spirits that I am the strongest Witch there is?
    Community Answer
    The spirit is probably lying -- there's no such thing as a "strongest Witch." But you could be called the strongest Witch for being the best at tapping into, and expressing, your power. However, all are of equal potential, so don't let this get to your head. Do a Purification Ritual, and see if the spirits keep coming -- that proves that they're good.
  • Question
    If I blend what I have read here along with other things I have researched about Pagan, Celtic, and Druid rituals, would I still be considered Wiccan or something else?
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    Community Answer
    There are dozens of different Wiccan traditions out there. In your case though, as you want to (or do) blend different rituals, beliefs etc. to your spiritual path, you are eclectic pagan. Do an online search for 'eclectic witchcraft', 'eclectic paganism' and similar and you'll learn more.
  • Question
    Does a deity choose me or do I have to choose one?
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    Community Answer
    If you choose a deity, it will be because you like it. If you like it, you have a calling for it, which means it chose you. So it's a little bit of both!
  • Question
    Can I be bisexual and Wiccan?
    Community Answer
    Yes. Sexuality is fluid in Wicca, as is gender identity.
  • Question
    When we wave our arms clockwise to close the circle, do we ask for the abilities, or are they given to us automatically, and then the ritual is over?
    Community Answer
    Abilities are never given automatically in Wicca. Sure, you can ask for it; doing so increases the chances. But just having respect, belief, and concentration can give you the abilities --- you don't always have to ask.
  • Question
    What are some good websites to look at to learn more about Wiccan?
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    Community Answer
    You could look at spellsofmagick and dragonfeather on YouTube. Both are good.
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