Q&A for How to Build a Go Kart

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    Is this a good project for young teens?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Yes. It is a perfect parent-child project for pre-teens and teens.
  • Question
    Is it possible to construct a go-kart which can run both by fuel as well as by charging a battery?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Unless you are a professional, it could be very difficult. An electric engine requires a battery, which would add a lot of weight, and a smaller battery would die too quickly. One way you could kind of have an engine that uses both gas and electricity would be an electric start.
  • Question
    If I can't buy or make the parts you suggest, how can I make another cool go kart with a few parts and an engine?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Probably the easiest way to have a working kart for cheap is to buy a kart from offerup or craigslist. It will be easier and cheaper to refurbish a kart instead of build one (I'm talking from experience).
  • Question
    What about acceleration?
    Caleb Tincher
    Caleb Tincher
    Community Answer
    If you want to have better acceleration or traction, consider buying a live axle. This puts power to both wheels. If this isn't enough, find a turbocharger or supercharger to put on it, and you could also put a motorcycle transmission on it.
  • Question
    Does a go kart have a battery?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    If you are asking in relation to what is the main means of moving the kart around, not necessarily. The go kart instructions here are for a gas powered engine kart. A kart could be powered by a battery and electric motor. If you are just asking in general if they have batteries, then it would depend on the setup: A battery might be added for lighting or for an electric motor to start the gas powered engine.
  • Question
    Where can I learn about go-kart engines?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    You could ask your local go-kart club, as they'll have all the experience and knowledge you need.
  • Question
    Is the suspension required for a go kart that carries 4 people?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    No, but it would result in a more conferrable ride.
  • Question
    What is a lightweight way to add power to headlights if I want to add them to my go kart?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    You could use 30 AAA batteries for the headlights, or about 15 AA batteries. The batteries should go as close as possible to the headlights so you would need fewer wires.
  • Question
    How fast can a go-kart go?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Depending on the size of engine, wheels, conditions, and weight, most go-karts can go about 20-25 MPH.
  • Question
    What is the general weight of a Go Kart?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    It depends on how you want to make it. Typical professional karts will weigh about 165-175 lbs.
  • Question
    What it I have some wood and an old lawnmower lying around? Could that work?
    Joey's Garage
    Joey's Garage
    Community Answer
    A lawnmower would be difficult to use, as most of them have a vertical shaft engine, where go-karts use horizontal shaft engines. You could use wood, but it would be less strong than a welded steel frame would be.
  • Question
    How does the go kart start?
    Joey's Garage
    Joey's Garage
    Community Answer
    If you are talking about how the engine starts, most engines have a pull start, and some have an electric start that sends electricity generated from the flywheel to the spark plug. If you are talking about how the go-kart starts to move, they use a clutch or a torque converter, which engages when you give the engine more throttle input.
  • Question
    Can I install two motors on one go kart? Will doing that make it go faster?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    You can, it will require a lower gear ratio to get more speed. But it will be more complicated to build.
  • Question
    Could you make it without a welder?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Yes you can if you have bolts and nuts and drill pilot holes in the metal. This can be done by getting a cordless drill and a metal pilot bit to make the holes. Be sure to use oil when drilling, as it can star a fire if you don't!
  • Question
    About how much would it cost to make a kart on a low budget?
    Dr. Silent
    Dr. Silent
    Community Answer
    Around 1000 dollars if you are using new parts. You can get parts from a backyard sale or scrapyard for around 300 dollars. Also, ask around to see what friends and family might be able to give you for free.
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