Q&A for How to Bullet Journal

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  • Question
    How do I decorate a bullet journal?
    Claire Donovan-Blackwood
    Claire Donovan-Blackwood
    Arts & Crafts Specialist
    Claire Donovan-Blackwood is an Arts & Crafts Specialist and CEO of Heart Handmade UK, a site dedicated to helping people live a happy, creative life. With over 13 years of experience, Claire uses art as a form of therapy and focuses on mindfulness in the making of art. She makes crafting easy and accessible for those she works with. Claire received her B.A. in Photography & Visual Imagery from The University of Huddersfield.
    Claire Donovan-Blackwood
    Arts & Crafts Specialist
    Expert Answer
    There are many different things you can do. For example, search online for a "magic reflector" that reflects photos from your phone onto your bullet journal so you can draw them perfectly. You can also use Rebel Soul embellishments, which are like tattoos for paper — you just rub them on and end up with a cute illustration.
  • Question
    How do you make a study tracker?
    Janice Tieperman
    Janice Tieperman
    Community Answer
    Some people like to make a calendar-style style tracker where they note how much they studied per day each month. Others prefer to take a more in-depth approach by color-coding their classes and tracking their study time for each class per week. For inspiration, look up different study trackers on image searching sites like Pinterest and see if any of them catch your eye.
  • Question
    Do handmade bullet journal work best? Because I have already made one.
    Janice Tieperman
    Janice Tieperman
    Community Answer
    A handmade bullet journal works just fine! Any notebook can realistically work for a bujo, as long as there's enough space for you to create and write in your trackers and collections.
  • Question
    What's the best way to decorate and organize my bu-jo if i'm a beginner?
    Janice Tieperman
    Janice Tieperman
    Community Answer
    It's best to start with the basic bujo trackers when you're just starting out, like the future log, monthly log, and daily log. As you get used to how your journal works, you can focus more on customizing and decorating your journal and adding new collections.
  • Question
    What kind of supplies should I write with in my bullet journal??
    Janice Tieperman
    Janice Tieperman
    Community Answer
    It's completely up to you! Some people like using traditional pens, while others prefer to use more colorful markers, like a Sharpie pen. Be mindful of how thick your journal's paper is, though—if it's on the thin side, something like a Sharpie could bleed onto the next page.
  • Question
    Can I start a bullet journal in August, or do I have to wait for a new year so I can start at the beginning?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    The bullet journal is versatile, and there are no hard-and-fast rules to maintaining one. You don't need to start at the beginning of the year. Consider maintaining a bullet journal from August until December. Set goals to achieve by end of December and gear your journalling towards those goals.
  • Question
    What is the use of decorating our journal when they are kept private, because who's going to see them?
    Autumn Smith
    Autumn Smith
    Community Answer
    Some people like decorated notebooks because they're pretty. Not all bullet journals are kept private.
  • Question
    Is hand lettering useful for bullet journaling?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    It can be! I use it all the time in my bullet journal to make headings and titles.
  • Question
    Do grid books work for bullet journals?
    Autumn Smith
    Autumn Smith
    Community Answer
    Yes, these work, along with blank, lined, or dotted paper. Get whatever notebook is right for you!
  • Question
    In my country, notebooks are bad quality and have a small number of pages. I want to make it a bullet journal for school. What can I do?
    Aliya Iqbal
    Aliya Iqbal
    Community Answer
    If you have a ring binder, you could fill it up with lined paper and section it off with tabs, wallets or plain paper.
  • Question
    I've tried to start a bullet journal several times, but I just forget about it. How can I remember to use it every day?
    Anna McKelvey
    Anna McKelvey
    Community Answer
    Make it a habit by doing it at the same time every day, such as during lunch, when you wake up, or right before bed. Setting a reminder on your phone can also help, or even asking a friend to remind you.
  • Question
    How many pages are recommended for a year bullet journal notebook?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Depending on your handwriting, daily goals, etc. around 200-300 pages is likely enough.
  • Question
    If I have only 100 pages, should I use the book?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Yes. You could always get another book when one is filled.
  • Question
    Can I bullet journal in lined notebooks? If so, how do I do it without it looking messy or bland?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Yes, you can! Just decorate the same way you would with blank or dotted paper journals.
  • Question
    What if I mess up on a page? I spilled some coffee, but I don't want to rip any pages out.
    Shelby Byrd
    Shelby Byrd
    Community Answer
    Leave it! Everyone makes mistakes, and those mistakes give us (and our journals) character.
  • Question
    My dog chewed the edge of my bullet journal. How do I disguise the prominent chew marks, or should I just rip the page out?
    j carter
    j carter
    Community Answer
    The chewed edge gives your journal character, and makes it stand out as truly unique and yours.
  • Question
    How should I write titles?
    Community Answer
    Just write the title as large as you want it, then decorate around it if you want. It is all up to you.
  • Question
    Can a boy who is otherwise normal keep a bullet journal without anyone thinking it was weird?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Yes! Your bullet journal can be a great tool for staying organized, and it can be as plain or as fancy as you like to suit your personality. It's not weird to use what works to help you achieve your goals and stay organized.
  • Question
    I started a bullet journal, and I put in the weekly spread, but I want to put in more collections. I'm afraid it won't be in order, should I add the collections or not?
    Susan Chacko
    Susan Chacko
    Community Answer
    Bullet journals are versatile. You can add collections after or before the weekly spread, and you can add as many collections as you want and in any order. Just make sure that you number the pages and update the index correctly.
  • Question
    What can a middle school student put in a bullet journal?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Whatever you like! A bullet journal is for your use, however you see fit. You could create a collection for each class. You could create a collection for your dreams for the future. You have monthly, weekly and daily tasks that you need to get done, including chores, or on the flip side, key accomplishments that you are proud of. You can track how you're enjoying a hobby or sports that you enjoy. There are lots of options!
  • Question
    If I have a constantly changing week, is a bullet journal a good idea?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    It's an even better idea for you since you have more changes to keep track of. Be sure to set up weekly and daily trackers to get everything documented and tracked that you need to do.
  • Question
    When is the best time to update my bullet journal?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Check it every day and see if you actually have to do anything or not. If there needs to be updating, update it. If there is no need, then make a new collection or just put it away.
  • Question
    Can I use a bullet journal as a diary?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Absolutely! Just label a few pages as "diary notes", draw writing lines horizontally down the page and write on them as you would for a diary.
  • Question
    I don’t have any notebooks and I can't buy one. I have an old school notebook from a long time ago but I erased a lot, would that work?
    Top Answerer
    Yes, you could use an old school notebook for a bullet journal the same way you would any other notebook.
  • Question
    What do I do if my bullet journal pages came out?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    In that case, you should probably re-write it, or get another book. Easily-ripped pages in a book is a sign of a low-quality book, so maybe getting another book would be your best bet.
  • Question
    Where can I safely keep my journal?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Your room is likely a good place to keep your journal when you aren't moving around with it. If you are going somewhere, consider tucking it into your purse or a coat pocket (if it's big enough) that can button/zip up. If you are worried about losing it, keep it in one area of your house.
  • Question
    How do I bullet journal if I have many pages?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    It depends how many pages. If you don't want blank pages, you could always fill them up with doodles. Maybe try double page spreads if you aren't already, you could fill up a 400-page book!
  • Question
    How do I make sure my bullet journal isn't filled with unnecessary things?
    Ritu Punji
    Ritu Punji
    Community Answer
    There's nothing called 'unnecessary things' you can add anything you want. It is your bullet journal.
  • Question
    Does it have to be small for the journal size, or should it be vary sizes for bulleting?
    Ritu Punji
    Ritu Punji
    Community Answer
    It's your wish. If you are just starting then a small one is good, and that is if you don't want to draw and only write. But if you want to draw, then it's best to get a bigger book.
  • Question
    If I can't buy any notebooks, what can I do?
    Top Answerer
    You could buy a 3-ring binder and some loose-leaf paper, put the paper in the binder, and then use that as a bullet journal.
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