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QuestionWhy are the leaves of my prayer plant curling inward along the sides of almost every leaf?Community AnswerThis may be the result of not watering enough. It doesn't have to be pathological though. The leaves change shape throughout the day, depending on the light they're exposed to and what sources it comes from.
QuestionHow long does a prayer plant live?Community AnswerI have had mine for 40 years and it is still growing strong. I usually re-pot it every few years.
QuestionCan I grow a prayer plant from a clipping?Community AnswerYes. I just clip off above a bottom leaf and place the cutting in water for a couple of weeks until you see roots.
QuestionWhat causes the edges of leaves to turn brown and a bit yellow?Community AnswerOverwatering occasionally has that effect. Try not to water too much or too often.
QuestionMy prayer plant keeps getting a white sticky substance on the stems. What can I do to stop this?Community AnswerThis sounds like an insect problem. It may be mealy bugs (they tend to like warmer climates). Try a pesticide or a home remedy like water and unscented dish soap.
QuestionWhat does it mean when the leaves are not the deep purple they should be?Community AnswerYour plant may be exposed to too much sunlight, which would cause the colors to fade or bleach.
QuestionWhy is my plant growing all to one side of the pot?Community AnswerMore than likely, the plant is trying to tell you that it is not happy in its current spot. Try turning it every three days and watch its behavior.
QuestionMy plant has some spindly flowers. Should those be nipped off?Community AnswerI tend to leave them. They only blossom for a few days before they fall off, making room for new ones. Once there are no more, the entire blooming peduncle starts to dry, at which point I trim it. I find the flowers to be a nice touch, they come a few times a year.
QuestionOne part of my prayer plant is drying up while the rest is fine. What should I do?chee hean YeongCommunity AnswerUneven watering or humidity could be the cause. Remember to water and mist evenly. I find double potting helpful, as trays of stagnant water may encourage mosquitoes breeding.
QuestionIs this a hanging plant, or does it grow upwards?Community AnswerPrayer plants, if properly cared for, make lovely hanging plants. Their tendency is to spread.
QuestionCan I place my prayer plant away from a window?Community AnswerThey prefer indirect sunlight and low light, so you can move them away from the window as long as you don't completely rid them of light. I have mine near (but not directly under) a skylight, and it does just fine.
QuestionIf my prayer plant is wilting at night, does that mean I'm over-watering or under-watering?Community AnswerIf by "wilting" you mean the leaves curl up (only at night), then congratulations! Your plant is perfect. This is why they are called "prayer plants," they are supposed to do that.
QuestionIs this an indoor or outdoor plant?Community AnswerI keep mine indoors, as I bought mine in the "indoor plant" section of a nursery. However, if you live in a climate that is hot and humid at all times, such as the tropics, then I'm sure it could do quite well outdoors.
QuestionAm I supposed to stake up the prayer plant or let the leaves hang over?Community AnswerI don’t stake mine as a rule, it looks great as it is. But I made an exception when one of the stems was becoming stressed by the weight of the new leaves. Since the plant is experiencing a growth spurt, though, I think it’s time for pruning and sharing a start with a friend!
QuestionMy stems are turning black. What is happening?Community AnswerMore than likely, it's root rot from way too much water. You could try to take it out of the pot, dry it out and cut off the black parts, but it could already be too late.
QuestionI've had my prayer plant for 3 months. It was doing fine and looking healthy, now all of a sudden the dark green leaves have turned a light green. Is this a sign of nutrient deficiency?Community AnswerIt's likely a result of too much light. If your plant is in a spot where it gets lots of direct sunlight, try moving it to an area where it gets bright but indirect light, and the new leaves should grow in dark and vibrant.
QuestionDo prayer plants do well with grow lights?Community AnswerMine did great all winter! I just made sure to water it normally and kept it misted every other day.
QuestionWhat's the best way to stabilize my tall prayer plant?Community AnswerI use a little bamboo fan trellis. Cut them to the height needed and start the plant on it and you're good to go. You can find them at any Dollar Store for a buck or two.
QuestionShould blooms be cut off of my prayer plant? Should a prayer plant be allowed to bloom?Community AnswerLet them bloom if you want to. I usually wait for the blooms to start dying before pruning. From what I can tell, blooming is a sign that your prayer plant is really happy with its current conditions.
QuestionWhy are the edges of my prayer plant turning brown?Community AnswerIt could be excessive sunlight and a lack of humidity. I have noticed improvements when I started misting mine.
QuestionWhat is causing my prayer plant leaves to curl inward even though I water it right and it is not exposed to sunlight?Community AnswerIf it happens at night, then it's totally normal. Some tropical plants, like certain marantas and calatheas have leaves that close up at night and open during the day to catch the sunlight. Other than that, perhaps the position needs to be changed or there may be an insect infestation.
QuestionCan I put my prayer plant outside once in a while?Community AnswerIf it's hot and humid where you are, there is no reason not to. Just be sure it's in a shaded area, as too much light will fade the color and possibly scorch the plant.
QuestionHow do I care for a prayer plant with leaves that are curling up completely? They look like brown pea pods. I am watering it correctly and it has the right light.Community AnswerIt means you're either not watering it enough, or you're over watering it. Try watering it every other day, and mist spray it lightly every day. You'll also need to cut off the brown curled leaves, as they cannot be saved.
QuestionWhy does my plant close during the day and open at night?Cory KentCommunity AnswerThis is one of the special things that make us call the species of plant known as Maranta leuconeura, the prayer plant. The leaves folding in at night is a process called nyctinasty. It's not know for sure why they do this but the prevailing belief is it may help to catch rainwater overnight to fall down off the leaves and more easily reach the lower parts of the plant and the roots below ground. Water that falls on leaves overnight can sit all night without evaporating, which in some plants can cause problems. During the day the leaves fold out because it catches more of the sunlight, and it doesn't have to be as concerned during the day about water on the leaves.
QuestionWhat does it mean when my plant has bulbs on the roots?Community AnswerThose are future baby plants. Just leave them alone and when you go to to transplant the plant again, separate the babies from the parent plant and plant them in 4 inch pots. Now you're set for gifts for friends and family!
QuestionMy prayer plant leaves are turning brown. Do I need to cut the leaves off, or is there something else I should do for my plant?Community AnswerBrowning on plant leaves means those areas of the leaf have died. If most of the leaf is still intact, you don't have to cut it, but it is best to remove leaves that are mostly brown or yellow. The pattern of discoloration tells you what happened. Browning at the leaf tips and/or large yellow spots indicate overwatering. Underwatering usually presents as browning sides and limp, thin leaves.
QuestionMy prayer plant leaves are turning brown. What should I do?Community AnswerThat’s a sign of over watering. Water less often once every other week to see if you notice a change.
QuestionThe underside of some of my leaves are turning reddish. Why is this?Community AnswerThat is totally normal. When plants have red in their foliage, it is an indication of their natural lighting absorption capabilities. Red on the underside of leaves catches sunlight so that plants that inhabit lower light conditions (as Calatheas do) can process the sunlight into energy. Green leaves allow sunlight to pass directly through, therefore, plants with green foliage can tolerate higher light levels.
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