Q&A for How to Change Yourself

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    How can I have a more professional demeanor?
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    Your personality, body language, tone of voice, and attire all effect the image you are projecting in a business setting. Be confident, stand up straight, look people in the eyes when you speak to them, offer a firm handshake, make sure that your clothing is tailored and pressed, and speak with confidence.
  • Question
    How do I change my way of thinking to become a better person?
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    Try thinking positively, negative things and thoughts will destroy your goal. Remove yourself from negative influences in your life and on social media, and replace them with positive. Practice appreciation for the people, things, and situations around you.
  • Question
    Am I trying to better myself by not being myself? If some people don't want to be around you, does that mean I should change for them?
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    You should try to be the best version of yourself you can be. This means basically being yourself, cultivating your natural strengths, and occasionally changing certain things that are objectively harmful or negative. You certainly don't need to be liked by everyone, and there is no need to change for the people who don't like you. However, if *nobody* seems to like you, or if pretty much everybody is bothered by a certain behavior of yours, you should try to consider their perspective and whether it might be worth working on changing one of your bothersome characteristics.
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    How can I be confident about myself when people are always bringing me down and disrespecting me?
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    Take some time to think about your life. Do you like it? Do you like yourself? Do you enjoy doing what you usually do and does it bring you satisfaction? I am asking these questions because they say a lot about you and your level of happiness. How you feel about yourself is very important, especially in a situation like this. If you feel that your confidence is running low and other people's opinions are getting to you, then you need to learn to love yourself. Appreciate what you have. Work towards what you don't have. How you appear to treat yourself is how others will treat you. So hold your head high.
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    How can I become a good person?
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    Be helpful and understanding to all people; become their friend, or at least try to brighten up their day. Try to do a good deeds - it doesn't have to be a big thing, just small, selfless acts that come from the heart.
  • Question
    Why don't other people trust me even though I am honest?
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    Honesty is an important factor for trust, but there are others. For example, you have to be tactful and considerate and think before you speak. If you are honest but inconsiderate or obnoxious, that will repel people. If you blurt out whatever comes to mind without controlling yourself, that could make people question whether you could keep a secret. You can also try asking people directly why they don't trust you - there could be something else about your body language, way of speaking, or facial expressions that people find 'off'.
  • Question
    I have had a bad breakup. It really hurt and it changed me for the worst. How can I change for the better?
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    Try looking for positive things in the world. Just try new things until you find what makes you happy. Then, focus on that and things will get better.
  • Question
    I feel sad, hopeless, useless, and worthless all the time. How can I continue to live?
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    You may need to seek professional help from a therapist to manage these feelings, and there's no shame in that. Don't be afraid to ask for help. Your family and friends care too much about you to see you suffer. Try finding something to distract you from these feelings too, like a sport or activity you enjoy.
  • Question
    What if I don't even know who I want to be?
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    Most of us question this often during our lives, but the good news is it's not a destination, but rather a journey to discover and become the best version of yourself. What/who you'll want to be will likely change as you go, and you'll find hidden talents and interest that you didn't know you had, as well as finding creative new ways to use or reawaken existing ones. During the process, you will figure it out. Gravitate toward what makes you the happiest, and get out of your comfort zone now and then to explore new things.
  • Question
    How could I change myself without getting any problem from others while I am in college?
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    Take small steps every day, so that the change is gradual and others get used to it bit by bit.
  • Question
    How do I stay motivated towards my goal?
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    It helps putting a reminder of it somewhere you see it first thing in the morning. You could also tell a friend or family member, so you feel more likely to do it.
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    What are some good ways to stop being an outcast and get more popular if I'm being bullied in middle school?
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    You need to be confident in your abilities. A good way to help with popularity is to have friends who are genuine, will stand up for you, and be kind. If you're having trouble making friends, find a club, a group, or anyone who seems to share an interest with you. Smile, make conversation and try to help others. Being a good friend is a good way to make friends.
  • Question
    I cannot make a strong mind for change. What should I do?
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    Ask yourself why you want to change. Then, make a very small goal to help you with this change. When you accomplish it, make another goal. Slowly, you will achieve the change you want to make.
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