Q&A for How to Clean Velvet

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    What should I do for wrinkled velvet cloth?
    Community Answer
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    You can try hanging it in the bathroom when you have a shower; the steam will help the wrinkles to drop out - but make sure not to get water droplets directly on the velvet, as it can leave a mark. If this doesn't get the wrinkles out, you can try using a clothing steamer on the inside of the cloth, taking care not to get the material wet.
  • Question
    I already washed my velvet dress and it's no longer soft - is it possible to fix it? I used a small amount of gentle detergent and washed it in water, hung to dry.
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    Community Answer
    Have it dry cleaned. That might help restore it.
  • Question
    I got my vomit-stained velvet jacket dry-cleaned, but the stink still lingers. What should I do?
    Community Answer
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    If the dry cleaner did their job correctly, all traces of the stain should be gone. Either return it to be cleaned again or take it to a different, more careful dry cleaning service.
  • Question
    Can I wash velveteen if it has a cotton base?
    Community Answer
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    You can, but I don't recommend it. It won't damage it, but if there is any lint or other fabrics in the washer, it will get stuck in the velveteen and ruin the appearance. If this happens, the best you can do is to gently and meticulously brush it out with a soft brush (almost like a nail brush) and some warm water with a little bit of detergent mixed in.
  • Question
    I've got a velvet headboard. How can I clean what appears to be sweat marks?
    Samantha L. Campbell
    Samantha L. Campbell
    Community Answer
    You can use the method for cleaning velvet furniture. Apply the foam from a mixture of 2 tablespoons baking soda and 1 cup of lemon juice, making sure to wipe in the director of the nap.
  • Question
    How can I clean a velvet handbag?
    Samantha L. Campbell
    Samantha L. Campbell
    Community Answer
    You can use the method outlined in the Caring for Velvet Accessories section - first brushing with a clothing brush or lint-free cloth, and then treating any spots or stains with the foam from a mixture of gentle laundry detergent and water. Make sure to dab carefully and blot up any excess moisture. Let the handbag dry and then brush again with the clothing brush or lint-free cloth!
  • Question
    I need to hand clean a vintage velvet bodice with stays which has perspiration stains. How can I do it as the dry cleaners will not?
    Samantha L. Campbell
    Samantha L. Campbell
    Community Answer
    You can try the method outlined in the cleaning velvet clothing section, using the foam from a mixture of gentle laundry detergent and water to dab onto the stains, blotting any excess moisture. Repeat this until the stains are gone. Make sure you test this on an inconspicuous area of the bodice first to make sure it will not harm the fabric.
  • Question
    Can cotton velvet be machine washed?
    Drew Hawkins1
    Drew Hawkins1
    Community Answer
    While other blends of velvet, such as polyester, can be machine-washed, cotton velvet, also known as velveteen, must be cleaned by a dry-cleaner. Otherwise, you may damage or alter the appearance of your cotton velvet. Check the tag for "S" on it, which indicates that it should be professionally cleaned.
  • Question
    Can you iron velvet?
    Drew Hawkins1
    Drew Hawkins1
    Community Answer
    No, you should never iron velvet. The heat from the iron can damage it permanently. To get rid of wrinkles from velvet, use a hand steamer or the steam from an iron to gently steam the material so it loosens and releases the wrinkles on its own.
  • Question
    How do you store velvet fabric?
    Drew Hawkins1
    Drew Hawkins1
    Community Answer
    The best way to store velvet fabric is to hang them upright in a closet or place them in a dust cover. Keeping them upright will prevent creases and wrinkles. Make sure other clothing isn't pressing up against the velvet and squishing it.
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