Q&A for How to Cook Enoki Mushrooms

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  • Question
    Do you need to cook enoki mushrooms?
    Drew Hawkins1
    Drew Hawkins1
    Community Answer
    No, you don't have to cook enoki mushrooms. They can be eaten raw or cooked. However, it's really important that you clean them first and pick out any slimy or discolored stems, which can be bitter and distasteful. Run the cluster of mushrooms under cold water and cut off the woody stem at the end. You can then enjoy them raw, add them to dishes whole, or cut them up and add them to a stir fry. You can cook them any way you can cook other types of mushrooms.
  • Question
    Are enoki mushrooms poisonous?
    Drew Hawkins1
    Drew Hawkins1
    Community Answer
    No, enoki mushrooms are not poisonous or toxic. However, they can be contaminated with bacteria or pathogens such as Listeria, which can make you really sick or be potentially life-threatening. But if you get your enoki mushrooms from a quality source or grocer and you spend time cleaning them well, there's no reason to be concerned about potentially becoming ill from them.
  • Question
    How do you know if Enoki mushrooms are bad?
    Drew Hawkins1
    Drew Hawkins1
    Community Answer
    There are a couple of obvious signs that enoki mushrooms have gone bad. Look to see if they're discolored or have spots on them. Check the gills beneath the mushroom caps to see if they're dark or look dry and wrinkly. Touch the surface to see if it feels slimy, as well. If you're unsure, or if the mushrooms look questionable, hold off on eating them. In addition, check to see if there have been any reports of contaminated enoki mushrooms in your region.
  • Question
    How many minutes should you keep it on the frying pan?
    Edwin ng
    Edwin ng
    Community Answer
    Until the enoki mushroom is fully cooked, which is about 3 to 5 minutes. Remember to flip the mushroom to cook it evenly.
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