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QuestionHow can I clean my finished cross-stitch? It's a little dirty.wikiHow Staff EditorThis answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.
Staff AnswerwikiHow Staff EditorStaff AnswerFill a bowl with cold water. Dip the cross-stitch in and clean with a gentle soap. Rinse well. To dry, place it face down on a clean towel that has been doubled over on a flat bench or area. Iron to help it dry faster, especially if the room temperature is cold. It should look nice and clean, and will be ready to frame or use as needed. -
QuestionWhat is evenweave?wikiHow Staff EditorThis answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.
Staff AnswerwikiHow Staff EditorStaff AnswerEavenweave refers to the fabric used for embroidery that has the same number of threads per inch both horizontally and vertically. The evenweave allows you to create even cross stitches throughout the whole project. -
QuestionHow do I do a French knot?wikiHow Staff EditorThis answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.
Staff AnswerwikiHow Staff EditorStaff AnswerIt is easiest to see full instructions with images––read How to Do a French Knot for guidance. -
QuestionWhat is stranded cotton?wikiHow Staff EditorThis answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.
Staff AnswerwikiHow Staff EditorStaff AnswerStranded cotton is embroidery cotton that combines 6 strands to make the single thread. Usually you remove the amount of strands needed for your project. Even if you plan on using all 6 strands, it's a good idea to separate them and put them back together again, as this produces smoother work that appears shinier. -
QuestionMy picture is too large for my Aida cloth. How do I calculate how many stitches to crop on each side?Community AnswerFigure out how many squares your picture is and how many squares your cloth is. Find out the difference and divide it by two. This way the picture is still centered. For example: Picture=320×450, Cloth=298×370. 320 - 298 = 22; 450 - 370 = 80. Count 11 stitches in from each side, and count 40 in from the top and bottom.
QuestionDoes the background need to be stitched or can I leave it bare?Community AnswerCross stitch backgrounds are typically left bare because filling in the entire space would be tedious and time consuming.
QuestionShould the cloth show through between the stitches?Community AnswerThat depends on your pattern and the thread you use, but generally, it should not show.
QuestionAfter washing, the color has bled. What should I do?Community AnswerThere is little to do after the fact. But to prevent it in the future, use DMC floss, it's supposed to be color-fast, and/or get some dye-absorbing sheets and put them in the water when you wash your piece. You can usually get the sheets wherever you buy laundry supplies. Also, wash it in lukewarm water, almost cold.
QuestionHow much material should be left on the outer edges of the pattern?Community AnswerAt least 2" on all sides, to allow for framing or other finishing options. You can always cut it if not needed, but it can't be added after the fact, and could leave you in tears!
QuestionWhat is the best way to cross stitch with multiple colors throughout the entire pattern?Community AnswerThere are several ways of doing it. You can count the stitches and do one color at a time, or (and this is the easier way) you can let the threads be on top of the stitch so that it won't loop, and then use the thread you need when it's time.
QuestionIf I input a picture of a person, can I get a cross stitch kit to do the cross stitch of the picture?Community AnswerIf the picture you are using is well defined and not too detailed, it may work, but you will have to make adjustments as necessary to get the desired outcome.
QuestionHow do I find a pattern?Community AnswerThere are many websites to find patterns. and are some good sites. Craft stores will also have patterns.
QuestionWhat is the best way to teach kids to cross stitch?Community AnswerBe patient. Attempt it only if the child is interested (if he/she sees you doing a pretty and colorful pattern, chances are, they will get interested.) Choose a small, simple, colorful pattern that the child likes. Frame it or celebrate it when it's done.
QuestionWhat does 4 strands mean?SarahBCommunity AnswerThis indicates you should use four strands of the thread.
QuestionHow do I know which side to use?Community AnswerBoth sides are the same in Aida cloth, it doesn't matter. If the Aida is rolled, it may be easier to use one side or the other.
QuestionThe color instruction for DMC is 743/3706. Is this two floss colors combined?Community AnswerYes. It would require one strand of 743 and one of 3706 to be sewn so that they sit side by side.
QuestionCounted or blank cross stitch, how do I know where to start?MicheleTop AnswererThere are two ways. You can start in the middle by folding your fabric lengthwise then crosswise and mark the center. Most charts have the center lines marked, or you can count the number of stitches needed, divide by 2, then grid your fabric. This allows you to start almost anywhere.
QuestionHow do I do a half cross stitch?MicheleTop AnswererA half cross stitch means you begin the stitch going from lower left to upper right (or whatever is comfortable for you) but don’t complete it by crossing it. That’s a half stitch, also known as a tent stitch. Just be consistent throughout your project.
QuestionIs there a default number of strands for cross stitching, or does it just depend on the pattern?Community AnswerIt depends on the pattern, and the pattern should give you instructions. However, I do think most patterns use two strands for cross stitches (and perhaps one for back stitches).
QuestionHow do I determine where to start the back stitch lettering and center it in the pattern?Community AnswerDetermine the center of your canvas with a red thread loosely stitched from top to bottom and crossways. Count your letters in the lettering. Determine the center of the lettering. For example, Good morning has 12 letters and spaces. The center would be 6, or after the m in morning. Place m next to the center red on the left, and o next to the red on the right. Begin from the center letter to stitch.
QuestionWhat is the difference between a stem stitch and a satin stitch?Community AnswerA stem stitch is best used to make lines like a stem for a flower or a border around your piece. A satin stitch is best used for filling in spaces. has some pretty good tutorials; go to the website and type "how-to" in the search bar for tutorials on a bunch of different stitches.
QuestionI am trying to cross stitch. What does two over two mean?Community AnswerThe first two indicates how many threads you are using, the second two indicates how many holes you are going over to make your X. Over 1 means you come up in the lower corner and down in the upper corner. Over 2 means you come up in the lower corner then skip a hole to come down in the upper corner. So over 2 would have a hole under the center of the X.
QuestionI want to fringe my finished crossstitch as a placemat. Should I stitch a border and fringe to that so it won't keep unraveling?MicheleTop AnswererDefinitely stitch a border to prevent further unraveling once you’ve fringed as much as you need. Stitch first, then fringe. You can always clip some of the fringe to make it even.
QuestionWhere do I buy Aida cloth? I can't find it anywhere.MicheleTop AnswererYou can buy Aida from Amazon,, and other cross stitch sites.
QuestionHow do I repair a fabric that has a few holes in it after I have unpicked it?Community AnswerYou can take thin thread the same color as your fabric and patch up the hole with it. This usually works for me.
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