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QuestionWho has right of way, the vehicle making a U-turn at a protected left turn arrow, or the person making a right turn on red?Community AnswerThe car with the protected turn light has the right of way. Any car making a right on red must come to a complete stop and make sure that the intersection is clear before proceeding.
QuestionWho has the right of way if I am making a right turn onto a road and someone is in the median making a U-turn?Community AnswerIf a car is in the intersection, it has the right of way to clear the intersection before another car enters the intersection.
QuestionIf the driver in the right lane comes to an intersection and wants to make a right turn, then another driver in the incoming lane wants to make a left turn, who yields?Community AnswerThe driver turning right has the right-of-way. Left turns must yield to traffic in the lane to which they want to turn.
QuestionDoes a vehicle making a U-turn on a protected left turn arrow (green) or a driver on the left turning right on red have the right of way?Jared ButlerCommunity AnswerThe driver making a (legal) U-turn on a green left turn arrow has the right of way. A driver can only turn right on red after yielding to all oncoming traffic, even for a vehicle turning left or making a U-turn on a green arrow.
QuestionWho has the right of way, the right turn with a yield sign or left turn at a green stoplight?Community AnswerThe left turn at a green stoplight because the right turn has a yield sign. Yield signs require that the car yield to all vehicles, regardless of approach.
QuestionA vehicle is exiting a parking lot, making a left hand turn onto a roadway. Another vehicle on the roadway is making a left hand turn into the parking area. Who has the right of way?Community AnswerThe vehicle already on the roadway has the right of way, because the vehicle exiting the parking lot has a stop sign.
QuestionWhich car at a three way stop has the right of way if one is going straight and the other is making a left turn?Community AnswerIt depends. The vehicle to your right always has right of way. If the two cars are facing each other, it would be the one that is continuing in the same direction over the one making a left.
QuestionWho has the right of way when there are opposing cars with cars parked on each side of a narrow road?Community AnswerNobody really has the right of way in a situation like that, so usually one driver will voluntarily yield to the other. (The car that arrives at the choke point last usually yields to the driver that arrived first.)
QuestionIf you are crossing the road to stop in the median before a turn, would it be considered a turning or crossing the street?Community AnswerCrossing a street occurs when you cross all lanes of the street. If you only cross half the lanes and then turn, it would be a turn.
QuestionIf I come to an intersection and am making a left turn and there are opposing cars making a right turn, do I have to wait for all (5 cars) to make their right turns before I can proceed?Community AnswerYes; the cars turning right have the right of way. If there is a gap between cars large enough for you to safely make your turn, it is legal to do so. If not, you have to wait until the lane is clear.
QuestionWho has the right of way on a surface street when someone is backing out of a driveway?Community AnswerThe one on the street has the right of way; the one entering from a driveway or alley must wait until the street is clear of traffic.
QuestionThere is a main road and two stop signs on either side facing each other. If one vehicle is turning left and is first to the sign, does the turning car have the right of way over the car going straight?Community AnswerTechnically, yes, in a situation where both cars have a stop sign, the car who approached first has the right of way. However, it is always a good idea to make sure the car opposite you is stopping fully before turning in front of it.
QuestionOn a metered on ramp with two lights side by side, which car would have priority when both lights turn green at the same time?Community AnswerThe first car to get to the light has the right of way while the second car to get there has to wait, even if the light is green.
QuestionWhen passing a slow vehicle, and the slow vehicle makes a left turn, who has the right of way?Community AnswerThe slow vehicle has the right of way if it isn't interfering with other traffic. You cannot pass a vehicle near an intersection.
QuestionWho has the right of way at a stop sign?Upnorth HereTop AnswererDepends upon how many roads meet and what other signs there are, if any. Generally, the driver without the stop sign has the right of way.
QuestionWho has the right of way if I am stopped in the center turn lane to make a left turn and there is a car sitting at a stop sign directly across from me?Upnorth HereTop AnswererGenerally, the second driver arriving at that situation would yield to the other, not to mention all cross traffic.
QuestionYou are coming out of a side street. A car is making a left turn into your street. I have been waiting to cleat. As I start to go left another car comes into view. Who has right of way?Upnorth HereTop AnswererTechnically, if you had already waited for it to clear and started into the intersection before the other car came into view, then you have "the right of way" and the other driver is required to be watching and slow down if necessary to avoid a collision. Even many cops are unfamiliar with this rule, so you may need to explain it to a judge, if you're cited for "causing" a problem.
QuestionWho has the right of way when a vehicle is crossing a lanes of a divided highway to make a left turn on the other side of the median and another vehicle in those lanes is making a U-turn?Upnorth HereTop AnswererThe second vehicle should yield to the first, since you have no idea who is making a left and who is making a U-turn.
QuestionStopped at a red light at the 7-11. When the light turns green proceed straight. A car is coming toward me but wants to turn left. Who has to wait for whom?Upnorth HereTop AnswererLeft-turning traffic must yield to any on-coming traffic, unless a signal directs otherwise (e.g., left arrow for "protected left" or a sign indicating "advanced green").
QuestionWhen arriving at an intersection with a green arrow right turn and a green arrow left turn, who has right of way when a motorist makes a U-turn?Upnorth HereTop AnswererAssuming you mean drivers from opposite directions, that would be an illegal signal configuration, since a left arrow signifies "protected" against movement by other drivers. In reality, the left-turning driver should yield to the "oncoming traffic", as necessary.
QuestionWhen traveling on 2lane road that merges into 1 lane, who should yield with no yield sign?Upnorth HereTop AnswererLane reduction requires drivers in each lane to take turns proceeding into the single lane. In effect, the first car to the pinch point has the right of way, but the car behind them does not.
QuestionAt an intersection on a dual carriageway, does crossing a give-way road marking onto the main dual carriageway causing an accident constitute a criminal offence?Upnorth HereTop AnswererCriminal laws vary in each specific jurisdiction. Generally, a traffic "accident" is not a criminal matter unless there is proof that a driver acted recklessly or intentionally to cause the collision.
QuestionWho has the right away at a 2-way stop, 2 cars traveling in opposite direction, one going straight, the other going left?Upnorth HereTop AnswererGenerally, the second driver should yield to the other driver, regardless of which way the other driver elects to proceed. However, some drivers are trained that left-turns must always yield to on-coming traffic, which is not the actual rule in most places.
QuestionWho has right of way when cars arrive at the same time and one has a stop sign and the other a yield sign?Upnorth HereTop AnswererStop sign means stop. Yield sign means to stop only if other traffic is arriving with the right of way. The driver at the stop sign must yield right of way to the other driver.
QuestionHow do I tell who has the right of way when someone is making a u-turn?Community AnswerThe first person who got there has right of way. As a rule of the road it has the same rules at the 4 way intersection.
QuestionDoes the traveling lane or the merging lane have right of way on a highway?Community AnswerThe merging lane has right of way because you are supposed to move over a lane to allow the merging motorist to join in.
QuestionIf two cars are stopped at stop signs across from each other waiting for through traffic, who has the right of way if one is going straight and the other is turning left?Community AnswerTwo drivers at opposite stop signs are bound by the "first to arrive" rule, not the "turning must yield" rule.
QuestionIf two cars traveling in the opposite direction then come to an intersection at same time with a four way stop and one car goes straight and the other is making a left turn, who has the right of way?Community AnswerAt 4-way, it is always the first to arrive who must be given the right of way, regardless of which way they go.
QuestionIf there are two on-ramp lanes merging to one lane before entering a highway, which of the two lanes has the right of way?Community AnswerThere is generally no "merge" sign in this situation. "Merge" of two lanes to one means the drivers in each lane take turns going into the single line.
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