Q&A for How to Develop a "Radio Voice"

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    My goal is to become a radio jockey, how can I do that?
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    Community Answer
    First, you need to figure out why you want to become a radio jockey. Before you make commitments, understand all the parts of being a radio jockey. Is this something that you will still be passionate about in the next 5 years? Will it earn enough for a decent living? If you are really interested, definitely do your research and ask around to see if anyone currently in the industry can help mentor you. There are also broadcasting education programs you can look into.
  • Question
    I want to be a radio presenter, but I don't know what courses I need to study in university. Any help?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Take audio editing and production for a start, then go from there. You can also attend short programs through community radio stations. Connecticut School of Broadcasting offers short certificate programs. You don't need a college degree to be a presenter.
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    How do I get job doing radio voices?
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    Community Answer
    You can contact your local radio station and inquire about an apprenticeship or ask them if you could go on and be one of the team. Once you are known on that radio try moving to others and get yourself known. Then, when big companies need a new radio presenter you can apply for the job.
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    l am a young girl auditioning for a position in radio. What questions should l expect?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    You will need to find out whether or not they want a young person first and you will need to have your parent's permission as they'll ask that. Questions might include: Have you worked for radio before? Have you had voice tuition? What is your area of interest in radio? Do you plan working after school and on weekends? Look at the job description too, it'll give you an idea of what they're likely to ask and read the whole website of the radio station so you can answer questions about the programs, the history and the corporate strategy.
  • Question
    I am trying for radio presenter. Currently I am 47 years old. How can I improve my voice quality?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    The tips covered in this article work no matter what age you are. An additional tip you might find helpful would be doing some singing, which should help make your voice smoother, if that is a problem. If you are using your own recording equipment, that may be the culprit for bad sound quality.
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