Q&A for How to Finger Knit a Blanket

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    I have made a bunch of pieces for the idea of making a blanket. How do I connect the strands?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    You can connect these sections a couple different ways. You could sew (with a machine or preferably hand-sew) the strands together, weave the ends of one into the other, or tie the ends together.
  • Question
    What should I do with the stitches if I need to stop the project for a while?
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    You can string something through them to make sure you do not drop any stitches, and tie a knot in the thread that you use.
  • Question
    How do I get it to stay in place? Do I just tie it?
    Community Answer
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    For your yarn tails, cut them to about 7 inches (or your personal preference) and tie them in a knot, then weave the rest of the tails into your other surrounding stitches.
  • Question
    Can I use a sewing machine to stitch the finger knitting?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    That would likely jam the machine, as sewing machines are not meant for yarn.
  • Question
    How to finger knit with one colour of yarn?
    Kat Nordstrom
    Kat Nordstrom
    Community Answer
    Just continue to use the same colour of yarn instead of changing colours later.
  • Question
    I do not get how to end the finger kitting strand?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    In finger knitting, just cut the yarn about 3 inches and pull the string through the rings that your fingers go through, then pull hard until the yarn stays. If it's a finger chain using 2 fingers and 1 ring, just cut the string 2 inches and pull the yarn through the 1 ring.
  • Question
    How do I stop the knit from rolling up into a rope-like thing and keep it flat?
    Baby Shark
    Baby Shark
    Community Answer
    When you insert the hook/needle into the last row to make a new one, don't insert it into the front-most loop. Instead, put it through both.
  • Question
    Why is my blanket curving in and how do I fix it?
    Community Answer
    There are several factors that could be making your crochet project curve, including the hook in proportion to the yarn size, if you remembered an end stitch, if the stitches are all the same tightness, etc. The biggest thing that causes the warp is not using a turning stitch, or using one that doesn't match the stitch you are using. Just search up the pattern/stitch you are using and find what the turning chain at the end of the row is. If this isn't the problem, consider what was mentioned above and change accordingly, whether that is changing your hook/yarn or just maintaining a steady tightness.
  • Question
    What happens if if you loose a loophole?
    Community Answer
    Under almost every circumstance, it is best to unravel it and go back. However there are a few opinions, including: 1. Fill the hole with a small stitch with end pieces hidden in the project. A band-aid to make it look like nothing happened. 2. Unravel all the following work until you reach the mistake. It allows you to pretend nothing happened, and is why you need to survey your project while working on it. 3. Warp the project to hide the stitch, simply put it underwater and warp the other stitches to conceal the mistake. 4. Accept the mistake. I do this. I notice the hole in the future, acting as a reminder that I made this. It reminds you that you're human.
  • Question
    Can I take any color?
    Alexandra Grossi
    Alexandra Grossi
    Community Answer
    Yes, you can! In knitting, it doesn't matter the color unless you are making it for someone who has color choices, it can be whatever color you want.
  • Question
    How can I make my lines tighter? Mine turned out kind of wide as I continue to finger knit, and I just want one thin line.
    Alexandra Grossi
    Alexandra Grossi
    Community Answer
    No worries! Just pull it tight and it will be fine. Many of my projects have turned out this way, and I like it. If you like it in one line, you simply pull it.
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