Q&A for How to Get Veiny Arms

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    Can I gain vascularity in my forearms and arms by squeezing a hand grip?
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    Community Answer
    Yes, you can.
  • Question
    I have no veins in my hands. What can I do?
    Community Answer
    It's anatomically impossible to not have veins in your arms. Work out, especially strength train, to make the veins pop up. Also, very young people will not have prominent veins. It begins to appear once you're quite into your teens.
  • Question
    What if the other arm has more veins in it? Is that okay?
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    Community Answer
    Yes, it is absolutely OK. Dominant arm is more likely to have better muscle.
  • Question
    How does lowering salt intake make your veins pop up?
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    Because salt absorbs water, the body has to store more water as a basis for dissolution. When salt intake is lowered, that means the body has to store less water. Water is often stored between the skin and muscles; lowering water means the skin is tighter around the muscles, which in turn leads to more visible veins.
  • Question
    Which exercise should I do to lower the fat percentage in my body?
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    Lifting. When you work bigger muscle groups, you burn more fat. Lifting also has the added benefit of increasing your metabolism. While cardio is obviously great for burning fat, running on the treadmill for hours on end has actually been proven to be the least effective way of burning fat, as your body eventually acclimates your metabolism and causes you to burn fewer calories. If you're afraid of lifting, try doing HIIT: High-Intensity-Interval-Training. Basically alternate between short bursts of high intensity cardio and medium intervals of low intensity. Doing this for 15 minutes is more effective than doing low-intensity cardio for 30 minutes. It's also way more fun.
  • Question
    If I feel like I have strong abs, why are they not visible?
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    You're carrying additional body fat, that's why you can't see your abs. I would recommend burning some fat (cardio is your best bet for this), and you'll see your abs within a reasonable amount of time.
  • Question
    Can I get veiny arms by drinking more water?
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    Not by drinking water alone. You need to exercise and burn fat to get the veins to pop. Though diet and water intake are very important factors too.
  • Question
    How do I tighten my biceps fast?
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    Do chair dips, push-ups, planks and counter push-ups daily. You will see results in less than 30 days.
  • Question
    I work out daily and have been for almost a year but I have no sign of bulging veins. Why not?
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    You'll probably have to lower your body fat percentage to see your veins. Try a low carb, high protein diet.
  • Question
    How can I tell the difference between veins and arteries?
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    Veins are blue, since they are returning deoxygenated blood to the heart. Arteries carry blood away from the heart to the tissue and organs that need oxygen.
  • Question
    How many reps of 10 kg should I do to make my veins visible?
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    It depends on how strong you are, but start with 3 sets of 10 reps. If that's too easy for you, progress to 5 sets of 10 reps. When that's too easy, try adding more weight and/or increase the number of reps in each set.
  • Question
    How long does it take to get results, and how many push ups do I need to do every day?
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    "Reasonable time" depends on where you are at right now. If you have a high BFP, it will take you more time. You should do 3 sets of push ups. You can work increasingly (first set 10, second 15, third 20) or the opposite (20,15,10 reps). Again, how many push-ups you do depends on what level you are, so test for yourself and make it a habit.
  • Question
    Is it normal for my non-dominant arm to have more veins?
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    If you work out more with your non-dominant arm, then yes. Regardless, it probably isn't anything to be concerned about, but you can always mention this to your doctor if that would make you feel better.
  • Question
    How do I minimize love handles, especially if there may be some excess skin because of past weight loss?
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    Diet and exercise are both key in lowering body fat and toning the body. Love handles are one of many areas that extra fat is stored; so reducing the amount of fat stored will reduce the appearance of love handles. If you have already succeeded in losing the excess weight and your concern is with the extra skin left behind, surgery may be the only choice. However, many people have noticed a reduction in the amount of loose skin they have after maintaining a healthier/leaner lifestyle over time, depending on the amount of skin and physiological variations.
  • Question
    Is water fasting and exercise effective to get veiny arms?
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    Always stay hydrated. If you don't drink enough water, it's bad for your vascular health. Lifting is a very effective way to get veins.
  • Question
    How many push-ups and pull ups would I need to do to improve the appearance of veins as a kid?
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    Young people have less prominent veins, and it would be difficult in the extreme to get the "veiny" appearance in your arms. So, not necessarily any number. Just stay fit!
  • Question
    Is it normal to have more veins on one arm?
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    Community Answer
    Yes. Your dominant arm is more likely to have your veins pop more. You could make your arms more similar if you do more reps of lifting on your weak arm.
  • Question
    How do I get veiny arms if I can't go to the gym?
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    Do push ups and pull ups at home. You will see a difference in less than 4 weeks if you keep this up daily.
  • Question
    Can doing these exercises hurt my arms?
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    No, as long as you use proper form and don't try to lift too much weight too soon. Start with low weight and focus on your technique, increasing weight gradually. Your arms will be sore from the workout, but this will go away in a day or two.
  • Question
    It's been a year since I started working out. My arm's size has grown but my veins are still not visible. What can I do?
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    You can try using a hand grip or squeezing something that fills your hand. You should see results within a week by doing those activities.
  • Question
    Why is one of my arms bigger than the other?
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    Community Answer
    Many people's dominant arm is bigger than the other. It means they use that arm more. (Your dominant hand is the one you eat with.)
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