Q&A for How to Get a Hot Body

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  • Question
    Can I get a good body in 3 months?
    Danny Gordon
    Danny Gordon
    Certified Personal Trainer
    Danny Gordon is an American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) Certified Personal Trainer and Owner of The Body Studio for Fitness, a fitness studio based in the San Francisco Bay Area. With over 20 years of physical training and teaching experience, he has focused his studio on semi-private personal training. Danny received his Personal Trainer Certification from the California State University, East Bay and the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM).
    Danny Gordon
    Certified Personal Trainer
    Expert Answer
    It depends on your current level of fitness and what you mean when you say "good body," but you can absolutely improve your overall fitness in 3 months. You may not want to make this your primary goal, though. If you don't picture yourself as attractive and your goal is to make a total 180 in 3 months, you may get discouraged. Focus on little gains and building a regular exercise routine!
  • Question
    What if I don't want to run or have a problem with running?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    There are other ways you can lose weight while exercising. For example, Yoga and Zumba are both fun ways to lose weight without running. You could also try biking, dancing, or swimming.
  • Question
    How many hours do I need to sleep?
    Community Answer
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    Children aged 6-13 need 9-11 hours of sleep. Teenagers aged 14-17 need 8-10 hours. Adults need 7-9 hours. You may find that you feel and function better if you sleep on the lower or higher end of your recommended range, but as long as you're within that range, you're fine.
  • Question
    How do I stop eating so much when I'm bored?
    Community Answer
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    Try to get up and do something so you're not bored, like hanging out with friends or exercising or cleaning. Just try to keep yourself busy, and if you're still craving something, chew gum. There's nothing wrong with having a snack one in a while, even out of boredom, but try to stick with something healthy like a piece of fruit or some almonds.
  • Question
    What if I don't exactly like eating vegetables? What if there's no way that I can give up some foods, like tacos?
    Community Answer
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    You can try limiting the number of tacos you eat per day or week. For example, if you tend to eat three of them per day, you could reduce to one every two days. Also, add more vegetables to your grocery list and try to work them into your diet "in disguise". For example, it's super easy to add spinach to smoothies without tasting it at all.
  • Question
    What if I have to meet someone in five minutes?
    Community Answer
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    If you'd like to get a hot body before meeting someone in the next five minutes, and you don't already think you have such a body, then that's impossible. Just be confident in yourself.
  • Question
    What if I feel fat and depressed about it and I'm 12-years-old?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Virtually everyone feels that way at your age, your body is changing and it's totally normal to feel unhappy about the way you look. Try to remember that it's temporary, your body will continue to change over the next few years. In the meantime, try to eat healthy and exercise or play a sport when possible. Even if you're not really overweight, you'll feel better about yourself.
  • Question
    How can I keep myself motivated to work out?
    Community Answer
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    By focusing on the prize. Ask yourself why you want to work out in the first place? To lose weight/get in shape? Keep thinking about the results you're going to get and all the progress you'll lose out on if you quit. Also, try varying your routine from day to day to keep from getting bored.
  • Question
    How do I stop cravings?
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    Find out if your cravings happen at the same time every day, for instance a sugar craving around 15.00, or with certain moods, like when you feel stressed. Be one step ahead of your craving and have a small healthy meal just before that time, to make sure you're already full. You can also wait until you start craving, and replace the sugary snacks you would normally go for with healthy ones, such as nuts or (dried) fruits. Dates are a great snack, since they're nice and sweet naturally, and the natural fruit sugars take longer to release into your bloodstream, providing energy to your body in a much healthier way.
  • Question
    What if I don't want to lose weight but want to have a hot body?
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    You can exercise to get a hot body, and not lose weight while doing so. Just keep eating healthily and drink loads of water.
  • Question
    Is it healthy and helpful to be vegetarian while I am trying to have a better body?
    Community Answer
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    It certainly can be, but it's definitely not necessary. Being a vegetarian would make it easier for you to maintain a healthy diet, although you would need to ensure that you had plenty of protein, so it can be helpful in that sense.
  • Question
    How much weight should I lift when exercising?
    Community Answer
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    This will vary from person to person. Start off small and build your way up. A safe weight to start with would be 5 pounds. Once you can handle it without breaking sweat, go to the next weight.
  • Question
    Is it possible to get a summer body in 3 months?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Yes. Just keep doing it after your event or summer, so you don't regain all the weight that you lost.
  • Question
    What if I don't want to exercise?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Then it may be difficult to acheive a "hot body".
  • Question
    What can I do to burn fat instead of exercising?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    You can clean your house. Moving your body, ideally vigorously, is really the best way to burn more calories and thus lose more fat.
  • Question
    I'm 13 and I'm addicted to late-night computer usage. How can I lose this addiction or find another way to get the recommended sleep time?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    This could be a difficult habit to break. I suggest limiting your recreational computer time to 30 minutes and designating a specific time after school to use the computer. Plan ahead so you get as much done during this time as possible. Stick to it! It might be tempting to keep checking your email, scrolling down your Facebook newsfeed, and going on a YouTube spree. Unless you need to use the computer for a class or other legitimate reason, stick to the 30-minute rule. Get in the habit of checking your Facebook, email, or other social media once a day (during that 30-minute time slot).
  • Question
    What should I do if push-ups and crunches hurt?
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    Start by doing stretches and yoga positions such as pelvic shift and cat cow stretch. Then slowly work your way towards crunches and push-ups.
  • Question
    Will following these steps help me recover from anorexia?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    These tips are tips to get into a healthy and good shape. Anorexia is not healthy therefore yes, you should follow these tips to get healthier, just do not overdo the exercise. The most important thing is eating the right amount and exercising the right amount. That means not too little and not too much. Don't ignore exercise or eating correctly, because this is what will make your body (and therefore your mind) balanced and happy.
  • Question
    I want to be fit and have that hot body, but I am too lazy to exercise and eats a lot of junk food. How do I stop that and get a hot body?
    Tom De Backer
    Tom De Backer
    Top Answerer
    You cannot be lazy and have a bad diet and at the same time have a hot body. It's a choice. Either stay lazy and eat junk food, or stop being lazy and eat healthy foods. There's really nothing else to do here. Find a sport you like, look into other sports than the usual ones. Try rope skipping, parkour, horseback riding, frisbeeing, slacklining, anything. Once you find an activity you like, you will be confronted with the duality that you like it, but your body isn't capable of doing everything you like to do. At that moment, you'll be motivated to start shaping your body to be able to do the things you like to do.
  • Question
    I want to get in shape by two weeks. What should I do?
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    Community Answer
    First, don't put a time limit on your new healthy lifestyle. Decide to eat right and exercise every day, not just for a few weeks, and your body will reward you for it.
  • Question
    What if I have a sleep problem and all the medicines that help make me fat or sick?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Everyone's health situation is unique so it is hard to generalize. Keep taking your medications while eating healthy and exercising. In time, you may be able to sleep naturally as your body heals. Try speaking with a physician or holistic doctor for alternative natural solutions to your problem. Always consult a doctor before stopping your medication.
  • Question
    How can I lose arm fat without gaining muscle?
    Lucia Eldridge
    Lucia Eldridge
    Community Answer
    Do more cardio exercises, such as biking, running, and rowing. These will help burn fat, but you won't gain too much muscle.
  • Question
    What if I don't have time and just want a flat belly in a week?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    You will have to make time. There is no trick to it. It takes hard work and dedication.
  • Question
    What If I am fasting and cannot eat multiple meals a day or have access to constant drinking water?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    If you are fasting for Ramadan, a good option is to eat healthy foods and drinks that will keep you full for long as possible during the time you are allowed to eat. Also, try exercising at night or in the morning when you can still drink water.
  • Question
    How can you lose a lot of weight in one month?
    Community Answer
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    Eating healthily, exercising, and staying hydrated. Try to eliminate over-processed foods from your diet, and eat mainly vegetables and fruit. Try to eliminate every liquid besides water from your diet. Studies have shown that water can raise your metabolism, which helps you burn calories.
  • Question
    What if I don't want to diet?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Focus on exercising and making better food choices. Choose whole grains, lean meats and fruits and vegetable over processed foods..
  • Question
    What if am thin and I want to have a hot body?
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    Community Answer
    You can be thin and have a hot body. Just be confident.
  • Question
    Is 130 pounds for a 12-year-old too fat?
    Community Answer
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    Not really, you should be around 115-138 pounds. Just make sure you are eating healthy and getting in some physical activity every day.
  • Question
    What if I'm a super skinny male and I want to get a hot body?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Try drinking protein shakes and loads of (good fat) fatty foods like peanut butter and avocado after you work out. This will help build muscle and give you your "hot body."
  • Question
    How can I stop eating junk food?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Make shopping lists for food for the whole week and only buy that. Prepare your own fresh meals, and make sure they are healthy and balanced. Eat slowly and learn portion control. Don't eat when you are bored; only if you are hungry.
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