Q&A for How to Ground Your Child

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    How do I ground my child when they need to eat and drink?
    Community Answer
    Let him/her downstairs for dinner or bring dinner to their room. Provide water and snacks in their room when it is not meal time. Being grounded doesn't mean the child can't eat and drink.
  • Question
    What kind of punishment should I give my 11-year-old daughter for taking 8 Benadryl pills with her friend?
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    I think you need to talk to her about what they were trying to do by taking those pills. Explain that taking pills is extremely dangerous. You may want to take her to see a psychologist instead of punishing her. She was either trying to get high or trying to hurt herself. Either way suggests emotional distress.
  • Question
    How do I decide how long to ground my child?
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    it depends on their age and what they've done. As a rule of thumb, if they are six to 10 years old, 24 hours should be enough, but if they are 11-17, a few weekends or a week should be enough.
  • Question
    How do I ground my child if she has a TV in her room?
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    Try to disconnect it from the cable or move it elsewhere. Depending on the TVs functions, it might be as simple as taking the remote.
  • Question
    Why do some parents ground their kids for a month?
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    Some parents are stricter than others, and they believe the longer time the child is grounded, the more time that child has to think about his/her behavior.
  • Question
    How should I punish my daughter for sending topless photos of herself to boys?
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    If she's doing this through an app, you could try locking the account or controlling who she's connected to through the account. You could also take her phone away completely or replace it with a cheaper phone that doesn't have texting capabilities.
  • Question
    When it comes to grades in school, what is the most effective way to show that I am upset, but I still want them to ask for help? I have tried taking my daughter's phone away and it doesn't work.
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    You need to be honest and truthful with your daughter. She needs to know she won't get into a good college with bad grades on her report card. Taking away her phone doesn't work, because she'll still talk to her friends at school. The most effective punishment I know is to take away her allowance money for a week. Without money, she'll have no choice but to change her ways.
  • Question
    Should a child be grounded for 8 months?
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    No, grounding should be used for a couple of weeks at most. 8 months is way too much time; if this length is the result of prior groundings not being effective, it's probably time to find a new technique.
  • Question
    What if she says the F word?
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    Well, this shows bad behavior, so you should talk to her about the language use. Teach her not to say it. She may not have any idea what it means or that it is a bad word. If the language becomes continuous, then consider grounding.
  • Question
    How long should I ground my 12-year-old daughter for talking back to me?
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    If it's a first time offense, ground her for the day. If she does it again, push it to 2-3 days so she gets the point that this kind of behavior will not be tolerated.
  • Question
    My 12-year-old recently threatened to stab her 9-year-old cousin. Her uncle says she should be grounded for at least 6 months, her dad thinks I should've beat her. What should I do?
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    First of all, do NOT beat your child. You cannot teach a child that physical violence is wrong by using physical violence. It doesn't make sense. A six month grounding may not be that helpful either. Talk to her and try to get to the root of the problem. Why did she make the threat? Does she understand that hurting people is wrong, and that threatening to hurt someone is just as wrong? Does she have violent thoughts often? Is she angry about something that's going on in her life? There's something going on here, so figure out what it is. If you need help, consider talking to her doctor and/or a child psychologist.
  • Question
    How do I ground my child for stealing from my wallet?
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    Make him/her do various chores to repay you for the money they stole. You can make them babysit for a sibling, clean windows, load the dishwasher, etc. With my child, I did not give them an allowance until they repaid me. I know a friend whose child stole $20 from their wallet, the mom made her give her all the money she had earned for babysitting for the following three babysitting jobs. She then made her miss going to the mall the following weekend to shop with her friends.
  • Question
    Why don't some kids learn their lesson?
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    They are either too young, are bothered by something else or didn't completely understand what the grounding was for in the first place. Parents need to be very clear and specific about the reason for the grounding and what they expect the child to do differently next time.
  • Question
    My daughter got suspended from riding the bus twice in a one-week span. What should I do?
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    Ground her for 3-5 days in her room with no electronics. Tell her next time it's going to be two weeks. You should also talk to her about what happened and make sure there's nothing more serious going on that is causing her to act out, like a bullying situation.
  • Question
    How long should I ground my daughter for seeing her friends without asking her dad or me?
    Community Answer
    Depending on her age, ground her for 1-3 days if she is 6-10 years old. Ground her for up to 2 weeks if she is a tween or teen. The consequence should relate to the misbehavior. Because she went and saw her friends without asking, ground her from participating in any social activities and seeing her friends.
  • Question
    My daughter was grounded for two weeks. So far, she has handled it properly. This weekend, she wants to go to a friend's birthday party. Should I let her go?
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    Make a deal. If she goes to the party, then she will be grounded next weekend.
  • Question
    What if my children just keep getting into trouble over and over all the time?
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    Either the discipline you are using isn't strict enough, is too strict, or it isn't working at all. If you are too strict your children will rebel, it is about getting the right balance of soft and strict.
  • Question
    Our teenager took edible drugs at school and then ran away. He doesn't enjoy electronics or his friends much and is in therapy. How do we punish him when we don't know what works?
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    You should talk to him. Have a real conversation with him and see if he has any emotional problems that led him to do this. Analyze if there was a deeper reason for running away. Do some digging and find out who his friends are at school, or try to talk to his teachers and the school faculty.
  • Question
    My son has been grounded for the last month, and wants to play a game he has been waiting for the release of for half a year. Would it be reasonable to let him of the hook? If so, for how long?
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    It kind of depends on what he did wrong and how serious it was. A month is a pretty long time for most run-of-the-mill infractions, so it might be a good time to just unground him. If you don't want to do that, perhaps you could allow him to play the game for 30 minutes per day for the duration of the grounding, or maybe just 1-2 days out of the week. It's really up to you.
  • Question
    My daughter lied to me about who was taking her home. She was in the car of a 16 year old friend rather than the parent she said was picking her up. How long do I ground her?
    Community Answer
    if this is the first time she has done something like this have a talk to her about how she broke your trust and the dangers of what could have happened, warn her if she lies again there will be a serious consequence, and if she lies again, then ground her for a week.
  • Question
    What are some things I can do when I'm grounded?
    Community Answer
    You can read, draw, write, sing, exercise, and reorganize your room.
  • Question
    How should I punish my son for peeing on our pet cat to be funny around his friends?
    Jibrilandrashad Chambers
    Jibrilandrashad Chambers
    Community Answer
    If its the first time he did it, tell him that he is warned. If he does it again then ground him up to a few days or a week. Also, your son shouldn't show his privates around his friends. He can't do that in order to be funny.
  • Question
    Should the child be punished on the spot or after giving the punishment thought?
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    If you are going to punish your child, do it as soon as possible. Delaying the punishment will give your child time to use banned electronics to find ways around punishments.
  • Question
    What should I do if I’m super angry at my parents for grounding me and I think they’ve made a terrible mistake?
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    When you calm down, talk to your parents about the situation and what you did wrong. Have a conversation with them and see from their perspective as well. Try to be level-headed and not yell, that could make the situation worse.
  • Question
    My son hasn't done his school projects, and I told him he was grounded until he did them all. He's upset about it. What do i do?
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    Lift the grounding. Making him angry won't help. Instead, use positive reinforcement. For example, offer to take him to his favourite restaurant if he completes the projects.
  • Question
    My 11-year-old boy cut a kid in school (and caused bleeding), because they were mocking him. How long should he be grounded?
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    Don't ground him. While violence isn't the answer, his action resulted from being bullied, which is clearly inappropriate, too. Talk to your son to make sure he knows what he did was wrong and that violence is never appropriate. Talk to the school about this situation, and instruct your son to tell his teacher if the bullying occurs again, so that adults can step in and handle the situation.
  • Question
    How long should I ground my 14-year-old son for vaping for a second time?
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    Take away the vape and any other smoking products. Explain to your teen the health effects of vaping. If you feel grounding is necessary, one or two weeks should be enough.
  • Question
    Last week I got grounded for a week. I was sent to bed at 3:30 pm on the first day. I didn’t mind, as I deserved it, but is it OK for parents to send teenagers to bed as punishment like a child? I’m 16.
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    That could be considered excessive, especially at 16. It could lead to missed homework and bad grades if it happens more than once.
  • Question
    For howw long should my nephews be grounded? They are 4 and 7.
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    They're rather young for grounding. Most kids under 10 or 12 won't see grounding as a punishment.
  • Question
    What can I talk to my child about when they are grounded?
    Jibrilandrashad Chambers
    Jibrilandrashad Chambers
    Community Answer
    You can talk about their behavior before you grounded them. You can talk about what they can do while they are grounded.
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