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QuestionWhat time of year do I plant them?Andrew Carberry, MPHAndrew Carberry is a Food Systems Expert and the Senior Program Associate at the Wallace Center at Winrock International in Little Rock, Arkansas. He has worked in food systems since 2008 and has experience working on farm-to-school projects, food safety programs, and working with local and state coalitions in Arkansas. He is a graduate of the College of William and Mary and holds a Masters degree in public health and nutrition from the University of Tennessee.
Food Systems ExpertPlant your tomatoes in the spring, when the soil has warmed up, and after the last average annual frost date for your area. -
QuestionMy tomatoes are about full size but they are still green. Should I take them off the plant and let them ripen in the sunlight?Andrew Carberry, MPHAndrew Carberry is a Food Systems Expert and the Senior Program Associate at the Wallace Center at Winrock International in Little Rock, Arkansas. He has worked in food systems since 2008 and has experience working on farm-to-school projects, food safety programs, and working with local and state coalitions in Arkansas. He is a graduate of the College of William and Mary and holds a Masters degree in public health and nutrition from the University of Tennessee.
Food Systems ExpertThey will take longer to ripen if you remove them from the plant. If you want to extend your harvest, harvest a few green tomatoes to ripen for later. -
QuestionCan I grow tomatoes from store bought tomatoes?Community AnswerYes, you can use these by storing the seed and letting the seed dry. Then wait for the correct season to plant the seeds, as explained in the article.
QuestionHow do I take care of seedlings until it is warm enough to plant them?Community AnswerKeep them in a sunny window and rotate them every day to help them grow straight. Water only when the soil dries out. Be careful not to let the leaves get wet when you water.
QuestionOur tomato plants are 35 inches tall. Can we cut the stalks back?KarinTop AnswererDo not cut the stacks back (not the top at all) as you'll kill the plant. You can, however, trim the growth that's coming at the intersection between the leaf and the main stem to make it less bushy. If you nip the top growth, you will basically terminate the plant and cause it to die back. So, instead, push in stakes and tie the plants up with string (cotton string is fine, or butcher's string) to hold them in place. Tomato cages work well too, but should have been put in when they were only 8 to 12 inches tall.
QuestionWhat do I do for leaves that are turning yellow on the bottom?Community AnswerCut them off. Start from the bottom and then you will also be able to bury them deeper into the ground, which encourages more roots to grow.
QuestionHow can I cure white fungus on the leaves of the tomato plant?Community AnswerWhite fungus are pests. To remove, [Make Organic Pesticide|make an organic pesticide using wikiHow]] or simply cut that leaf.
QuestionDo I need to pinch somewhere on the stem?KarinTop AnswererYes. You need to pinch the growth that is coming at the very corner of the leaf of the plant, which is the junction between the leaf stem (housing all those leaflets) and the main stem. But do NOT pinch the very top growth, as this will terminate the growth of the plant and cause it to die.
QuestionMy plants look like suckers without a main stem. What is wrong?KarinTop AnswererThat can happen if you do not prune back the growth. Suckers come from the base of the leaf where it meets the main stem, and if not pruned out, they continue to grow and produce new growth. It gets exponential if not controlled, and reduces fruit production as well. Trim the suckers out completely, and trim out any new growth coming from the base of the leaf. The suckers will have lighter green stems than the main plant. Stake up your plants to help them grow up instead of laterally over the ground.
QuestionI have only one place to plant my tomato plants each year. What should I do extra to the soil each year to help the plants?Community AnswerPut in extra compost each year after harvesting your tomatoes and give the compost a whole winter to "set".
QuestionDo I need more than one tomato plant?Community AnswerNot unless you want more. One will be sufficient for a salad or two.
QuestionWhat is the rule for trimming or pruning?KarinTop AnswererTrim the growth coming from the base of the leaf, no matter how tiny. You don't need for shears, just use your thumb and forefingers to roll the growth between your fingers and let it fall away. Do not trim the growth at the top, as that is where the primary growth point is and what is needed to let the plant both continue to grow and produce fruit.
QuestionDo I remove the plastic from the root when planting?Community AnswerYes, you remove plastic bag from root when planting. Otherwise the root will suffer and may die.
QuestionSomebody told me to take the yellow flowers off i don't think they are right but would like to know the right answer thanksCommunity AnswerThose yellow flowers must be pollinated if you're going to get tomatoes. Keep them on.
QuestionWhy do blossoms dry up?KarinTop AnswererBlossoms dry up because the plant is turning that flower into a fruit or body where seeds are produced. The plant needs to produce seeds so it can propagate its offspring and ensure the survivability of its species.
QuestionWhen does the plant start to blossom for the tomatoes to start?Community AnswerMine started to blossom 4-5 weeks after seed. Be patient. It will happen.
QuestionCan I use oak leaves as mulch for the tomato plants?Community AnswerYes, mulching with oak leaves are good, but first chop them up with lawn mower. Large leaves hold water back from plants and take too long to decay,
QuestionShould I pinch off the buds on the plant when they're still small?Community AnswerNo, you should not. This can limit the plant's growth over time.
QuestionWhat makes the leaves turn brown and what can I do to prevent it?Community AnswerThe plant may be getting too much sun or not enough water.
QuestionShould I pinch off the flowers when the plant is so small?Community AnswerNo! This is the time when they are about to bloom and produce fruits.
QuestionWhy do I have so much greenery and not many flowers or tomatoes? It looks more like a green bush.Community AnswerSprinkle crushed eggshells around it. Your plants are lacking in calcium, and should have had eggshell at the bottom of the hole if it was transplanted.
QuestionWhen do I start pruning suckers? How big/early/late/old should the plant be before you start doing this?Community AnswerWhen your plants are about to bloom. Doing this will motivate the plant to put its energy into producing flowers and fruits instead of producing another branch or leaves.
QuestionDo I need two plants to get tomatoes?Community AnswerNo. One plant should give you enough tomatoes. It depends on how much you want.
QuestionCan I grow tomato plants in pots?Community AnswerYes.
QuestionWhat are sucker leaves?KarinTop AnswererThose are the leaves or growth that comes up at the base of the main leaf. These little shoots need to be trimmed off, otherwise they become much bigger suckers that can make the plant look ugly, and cause it to become more bushy than fruit-bearing.
QuestionI have a raised bed garden. My tomato plants are 18"to 24" high and look healthy, except for two plants, which were wilted and look even worse after I watered them well. Any ideas?KarinTop AnswererIt sounds like those two plants may have root rot and are beyond saving. It would be best to pull them out and discard them in the compost pile.
QuestionShould I dig the soil around the plant at the time of fruitinvCommunity AnswerWait until after you have harvested, usually between October and December.
QuestionShould I pick the bottom leaves to make an open looking stem?KarinTop AnswererIf you want, but you're better off maintaining the growth coming in at the base of the main leaves. Don't trim the tops as that's where the growth point is. That way it forces the plants to put energy into fruit production instead of leaf and stem production.
QuestionAre used coffee grounds a good soil additive to use when growing tomatoes?Community AnswerYes, but make sure to let them cool down before mixing them into the soil to avoid harming the plants.
QuestionOnce my tomato plant has finished fruiting how do I get the plant to give more tomatoesKarinTop AnswererTomatoes are actually perennials in warm climates where there is no killing frost or freezing winters. Bring them inside, in pots, to keep them producing fruit and maintain the once or twice weekly pruning schedule. Water regularly, and you will get regular fruit even during the winter.
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