Q&A for How to Help Slow Learners

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    What should I do with a child who cannot read and write but speaks well?
    Community Answer
    First, take it slowly with them. Start with basics, like the alphabet or small words. Teach them letter sounds and try to read them books at bedtime or anywhere else. If this doesn't help, you can always go to a learning center or similar place.
  • Question
    My son is ten years old. He's a slow writer (and his writing is bad) and slow in actions, as well as being naughty. Any ideas?
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    He may have dyslexia. Dyslexic children struggle with reading and writing assessments, and their frustration and resulting lack of confidence in school can lead to inappropriate behavior. Have him tested for dyslexia, and share the result with the school if he is so they can put extra support arrangements in place.
  • Question
    My child is 12 years old and slow at learning in school. The school is recommending hiring a teacher to be teaching only him in a separate class. Will this help him improve as expected? Is home better?
    Community Answer
    1-to-1 support can be very beneficial for those with learning needs. The specialist teacher will be able to tailor learning to suit his needs and help him reach is targets. However, if you find that this is not helpful after trying, home may be best.
  • Question
    My daughter is 9 years old. She is a slow learner. I find difficulties in making her understand some lessons in mathematics. What should I do?
    Community Answer
    Speak to her tutor, or SENCO at the school, and discuss your concerns. They will then be able to make arrangements to support her learning.
  • Question
    My son is 14 years old and struggles to call simple words. He also adds letters and subtracts letters from words. I am embarrassed and frustrated. How do I help him and myself over his challenges?
    Community Answer
    Based on the information you have provide here, I think that your son might benefit from one-on-one tutoring in phonics and direct teaching in the anatomy of words and grammar so that, for instance, he understands prefixes and suffixes and why some words have 'ing' at the end or 'ion' or 'ed' etc. Your son needs to grasp the fact that words are patterned and to understand what those patterns are so that he knows how to use them. It seems to me that he is confused and essentially guessing what form of a word he must use and that he is sometimes getting this wrong.
  • Question
    What can I do if my student can't understand the reading and doesn't know how to read it?
    Kim G
    Kim G
    Top Answerer
    Consult with the school reading specialist or psychologist to have the student tested for learning disabilities and physical problems such as visual or hearing impairments. You can also have them prepare a program tailored to your student's needs.
  • Question
    What causes lack of concentration and absent mindedness in children?
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    It could be a lot of things! There are some mental disorders such as ADHD and ADD, and if it happens frequently can be worth it to get a diagnosis. Kids also need to have their mind occupied at all times, and sometimes what they are doing is just not interesting! So they will think about other things and stop paying attention. You can help them by changing subjects, get them moving, and encourage participation a lot more.
  • Question
    My son is 9. Although he can read fairly well, comprehension is a struggle for him. How can I help him?
    Kim G
    Kim G
    Top Answerer
    There are several things you can do to help him with his comprehension. First, make sure he has books that are on his reading level. You can consult with his teacher to find recommended titles. At home, have him read out loud and discuss the book with him. Have him summarize in his own words what the book is about and where he has trouble understanding.
  • Question
    Why are some people slow at learning?
    Kim G
    Kim G
    Top Answerer
    There are many reasons a person could be a slow learner, including physical disabilities such as sight or hearing impairment, learning disabilities like dyslexia, or other problems. A slow learner should be evaluated by a professional such as a psychologist to determine what category they fit into. It may be possible they do not fit neatly into a predefined category.
  • Question
    My daughter of 5 years is low in learning, she can't write or read. What do I do to help her?
    Kim G
    Kim G
    Top Answerer
    Children develop at different rates. A child may not be ready to learn to read or write until he or she is a few years older than her peers when they learned to read and write. If she has no learning disabilities or physical impairments, you can try to encourage her by reading to her, playing word games with her, and helping her to become interested in reading and writing. Your school should be able to help with this,.
  • Question
    My son is seven years old. He cannot read pronounce English correctly and even writing is a problem. He also suffers from a lack of concentration. Any advice?
    Kim G
    Kim G
    Top Answerer
    First, consult with your son's school guidance counselor or psychologist to determine if he has a learning disability or a hearing problem. They may be able to create a program to address his learning needs. If they are unable to do so, don't hesitate to seek help outside the school, such as through your doctor or a family therapist.
  • Question
    Hi, my daughter is seven. She can read, but is slow in writing. How can I help her?
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    Do fun activities to promote her writing. Set a timer for her to write a sentence, and every time she writes it faster, reward her with a sweet or a very small amount of money. Activities like this will make her enjoy writing more and want to improve at it.
  • Question
    I am 22 years old. I'm the slow learner at school, and I have tried very hard. What can I do?
    Community Answer
    Do work outside of school. If you think you are trying very hard in school, you may not be trying hard out of school. Take online courses. Revise before bed. If you believe you can improve, you can, but you must work to your full potential.
  • Question
    My child is 12 years old and is really slow in learning. She however excels in arts but I really would like it if she does better in the other subjects. What can I do?
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    Then she really must do well in English, writing, reading, basic math, some science and social studies/history or she may not be able to go to college to study art.
  • Question
    My boy is eleven years old and he can not read, what's the remedy?
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    Take your son to a doctor or child psychologist, who can diagnose his reading problem. Only then will you be able to understand why your kid cannot read.
  • Question
    What learning disabilities are out there? My son is already diagnosed as ADHD with mild autism and on medication for the ADHD, but he still struggles with math and language arts.
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    Community Answer
    There are lots of different categories and subsets of learning disabilities, including dyscalculia (difficulty with math) and dyslexia and dysgraphia (problems with reading and writing). Perhaps you need to have a meeting with the teacher. Make sure that the teacher is teaching your child based on the program that is in place for your child. If there is nothing in place, you should insist that he be tested to determine if he needs a teaching specialist and not just the regular teacher.
  • Question
    What should parents do for a slow leaner?
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    Get the school diagnostician to test your child to determine what educational programs will be most effective. At home, be patient and encouraging with your child as they're learning. Help them with their work by showing them how to do things rather than simply doing their work for them.
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