Q&A for How to Howl Like a Wolf

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    For the howl, do I have to cup my hands around my mouth to make a better sound, or can I leave my hands by my sides?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Cupping your hands around your mouth helps to form the muzzle that real wolves have. It will make the sound deeper and louder, as well as carry it farther.
  • Question
    Why would humans want to howl? Is there a reason?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    It depends on what age you are. If you're a kid, maybe you would want to howl for a game or just for fun. If you're an adult, maybe it's like a primal scream to get back to your ancestral roots of being in the wilds or maybe it's to communicate with wolves while out in the woods. The diversity of benign human interests is to be celebrated.
  • Question
    Would this be a good idea to do when I'm trying to connect with my spirit animal (a wolf)?
    realHerobrine iHerobrine
    realHerobrine iHerobrine
    Community Answer
    Yes, it is. For best results, make sure to drink a lot of water to keep your voice clear and your throat hydrated.
  • Question
    How far would the sound carry?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    It depends on where you are. If you are in a forest, it might not carry as far as if you were on a cliff.
  • Question
    Can howls be translated into human speech? (Ex. A certain type of howl equals "hello"?)
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Wolves typically use howls to warn other packs away and demarcate their territory and to relocate members of their own pack. In that sense, wolf howls have a purpose, but they can't be "translated" the way a human language might. The kind of casual communication between wolves that you seem to be getting at with your example would most likely happen through body language, anyway.
  • Question
    Do I have to exhale or inhale when I am saying "wooooooooo?"
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    It is highly recommended to exhale while saying this.
  • Question
    How do I make it sound more wolf like?
    Cowboy 4 Jesus
    Cowboy 4 Jesus
    Community Answer
    Listen to wolf howls, and do it with a friend so they can tell you how close you are.
  • Question
    What I do if people see me and say I'm crazy?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Ignore them! If they judge you, don't take it to heart. Be yourself and don't listen to the negativity.
  • Question
    When I am trying to connect to my inner wolf/spirit animal, should I do this often? I feel like I could be part animal, and I want to connect to that part. Is this the best way? If so, what should I do?
    Community Answer
    It sounds like you are a therianthrope. Research therians, they are people who believe that they are part animal on a non-physical level.
  • Question
    How do I cup my hands over my mouth?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Make a 'C' shape with both your hands so the top of the 'C' will touch your nose while the bottom touches your chin.
  • Question
    If I howl and a pack of wolves come, would they be friendly to me or not?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Absolutely not. A wolf is not going to mistake you for another wolf, even if you're howling. If you see a wolf or wolves, back away slowly and try to make your way to safety. Don't run.
  • Question
    How often should I howl? A wolf is my spirit animal/ gardian animal and I want to connect to it. Is howling the way to do it?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Howl as often and as much as you want. Howling is one way to connect to a guardian/spirit wolf, but you can also perhaps meditate or dream, to see if you can communicate with them, and run around on all-fours. Despite this, howling is probably the easiest and (second) most fun way to connect with your inner-wolf .
  • Question
    How do I tell my parents that I'm a Therian in a way that they will understand?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Just sit them down and explain it the best way you can. Tell them what this identity means and how it applies to you specifically. Tell them how it makes you feel, and let them know what you need from them in terms of understanding and support.
  • Question
    How do I howl like a wolf without people knowing?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Considering that howling is a loud activity, it's not really possible to do it around people and keep them from knowing. Look for somewhere you can do it where there are no people around, like a nearby forest.
  • Question
    When I howl, do I need to sit like a wolf or just sit like a human? If like a wolf, how do I do that?
    Karlee Ellis
    Karlee Ellis
    Community Answer
    You can sit or stand, it doesn't really matter. But standing would carry the sound of the howl a little farther. If you want to sit like a wolf, sit on your feet and put your hands down on the ground.
  • Question
    Will wolves attack me if they come because I’m not a wolf?
    Amy Houston
    Amy Houston
    Community Answer
    Yes, they would. They would think you are a threat to them because our ancestors hunted wolves.
  • Question
    Is it possible to befriend a wolf?
    Community Answer
    Possibly but it's hard unless you find a proto-dog wolf that is interested in being friendly, and they're rare. Wolves, however cute they may be, or however patient, can be aggressive if you pose a threat and you're never to know how the wolf is going to perceive you. A wolf-dog, fine, but a regular wolf, you should be a wildlife expert, have something to defend yourself with if things go downhill, and some good cardio to escape up a tree.
  • Question
    What do I do if I lose the ability to howl like a wolf?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Keep practicing! If you could learn to do it once, you can probably learn to do it again. It may be that your voice is changing a little bit; try howling in a lower tone than you did before.
  • Question
    What way is easier to howl like a wolf?
    Community Answer
    The classic "A-wooooooooooo!" will do the trick. It is simple to do as long as you're willing to raise your voice.
  • Question
    Is there any way of making my howl louder?
    Community Answer
    Try looking up real wolf howls, and do your best to imitate it. If you want to make your howl louder, try using more of your breath.
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