20 Tips for Living a Happier Life Based on Scientific Research
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QuestionIs it ok to do it barefoot?Community AnswerYes, but only in your house or on soft ground. Make sure not to jump barefoot on concrete or a hard sidewalk.
QuestionWhere are the balls on my feet?Community AnswerIt is the area you feel in contact with the ground when you rise up on your toes.
QuestionI am 13-years-old. I do jump rope inside my house, is this okay or should I do it outside only?Community AnswerIf you have a large space with relatively high ceilings that is free from breakable objects, it is probably safe to jump rope in that area. Otherwise, keep it outside. Also, make sure you have permission from your parents before jumping rope indoors.
QuestionIs it harmful to do a front flip without a spotter on soft surfaces?Community AnswerIf you're a beginner, yes, you could hurt yourself without a spotter. If you've been doing front flips successfully for a long time, you can probably do without a spotter.
QuestionWhat is the distance between the take off board and the landing area in triple jump events?Community AnswerIt depends. In my middle school, they have different lines that you take off on depending on how good you are. The closest line is 10 ft away from the pit. The next line is 15 ft away and the last line is 25 ft away from the pit, but I'm sure that it varies depending on the pit you jump in. The best thing you can do is bring a tape measure and measure it.
QuestionShould I jump up or down?RuahCommunity AnswerWhenever you jump, you will always go up. Your landing depends on whether or not you are down. Being down means being closer to the ground.
QuestionI'm having a struggle jumping up instead of out. I just naturally go out in long jump and pole vaulting, What should I do to fix this?Kasey SmithCommunity AnswerIt might be harder for you to jump up because of your muscle memory. To fix this, you can try jumping flat footed. If this doesn't help, try doing it while leaning backward slightly.
QuestionDo I jump with my toe or heel?WikiBoatCommunity AnswerYou should be landing and pushing off with your toes. The heel is sensitive, so make sure not to let it take any heavy impacts.
QuestionCan you use those techniques to jump off a building?Community AnswerSure, but what's the point? If you have problems, welcome to the club. Have a long talk with the people who love you the most.
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