Q&A for How to Know if Your Dog Likes You the Best

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    How can I train my dog to make them bond more with me?
    Beverly Ulbrich
    Beverly Ulbrich
    Dog Behaviorist & Trainer
    Beverly Ulbrich is a Dog Behaviorist and Trainer and the Founder of The Pooch Coach, a private dog training business based in the San Francisco Bay Area. She is a Certified CGC (Canine Good Citizen) Evaluator by the American Kennel Club and has served on the Board of Directors for the American Humane Association and Rocket Dog Rescue. She has been voted the best private dog trainer in the San Francisco Bay Area 4 times by SF Chronicle and by Bay Woof, and she has won 4 "Top Dog Blog" awards. She has also been featured on TV as a dog behavior expert. Beverly has over 18 years of dog behavior training experience and specializes in dog aggression and anxiety training. She has a Master of Business Administration from Santa Clara University and a BS from Rutgers University.
    Beverly Ulbrich
    Dog Behaviorist & Trainer
    Expert Answer
    Any kind of training will be productive so long as you're going about it in a productive way. The big mistake that I see people make is that they aren't consistent. A lot of people will try too many different things when they're training, which can get really confusing for your pup. The analogy I like to use for this is if you tell your kid to go to bed at 8:00 pm one night and then turn around the next day to say they need to go to bed at 7:00 pm, they're going to get frustrated and confused. So just be consistent!
  • Question
    My dog usually sits on the couch with me, or in the same room as me but he won't usually sit with me. If I go and pet him or hug him he'll move away, but he cuddles other people. He also doesn't respond if I pet him, but my other dog smiles and will pet you back and make you keep petting her. What can I do?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    You dog probably needs some space. Try leaving him alone for awhile and if that doesn't work try playing with him or walking him
  • Question
    Our dog prefers me over my husband. My husband wants a dog that is bonded with him and instead of following me around. How can we get the dog to like my husband more?
    Community Answer
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    Have your husband take care and feed your dog most.
  • Question
    What if my dog is lazy and doesn't like moving a lot? How do I know he loves me?
    Community Answer
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    He will lay and sleep next to you. Make sure you're hugging your dog the right way. There are articles on the web about how to do that.
  • Question
    What do I do if my dog does not like me as much as it likes another person?
    Community Answer
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    Spend more time with your dog and make sure you do things that make him happy, such as playing with them or giving them treats.
  • Question
    What if I try kissing my dog and he moves to another spot on my bed?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Some dogs can feel threatened by being kissed/hugged; they don't understand what it means. If your dog doesn't seem to like it, just don't do it. Stick to petting the dog.
  • Question
    Why does my dog bite me even though he loves me?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Perhaps he is young and is teething. For many dogs, it is also a playful attitude. If this is the case, the bites will not draw blood. If the bites do cause you to bleed thoroughly rather than just a scratch, perhaps it would be good to speak to a trainer about this problem.
  • Question
    What if your dog shows the same amount of affection to others as it does to you?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    You have a very friendly dog. A dog like that would make a great therapy dog. But if you are alone with your dog and it lies with you, kisses you etc., then that shows it loves you.
  • Question
    How do I get my dog to follow me around?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Try calling his name and showing him a treat. When he comes to you, give him the treat and praise him. Do this a few times and it should work.
  • Question
    I love my dog, but he hates his chain and leash, barks, bites, etc. and doesn't seem to really like me. What can I do?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Try to find a professional trainer near you. Go to the kind where you and your dog do everything together. This will not only stop his barking and biting, but it will strengthen the bond between you and your dog.
  • Question
    How do I make my dog love me the most?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Spend more time with it and give him lots of treats (but not too much or else he will be unhealthy). Most of all, show your love and trust always.
  • Question
    My dog growls every time I try to pick her up or pet her. What can I do?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Your dog probably doesn't feel safe when you touch her. Try some trust building exercises to assure her you don't mean any harm. See how to gain a dog's trust for help.
  • Question
    Why doesn't my dog like when I carry her?
    Community Answer
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    Most dogs don't like being carried. They are above ground and might be afraid. But if the dog is okay with being carried by other people but not you, it might be because your dog doesn't trust you to carry him or her just yet.
  • Question
    How do I know if a dog likes me?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    If it jumps up to lick your face, wags its tail, or barks happily when you come around, it likes you.
  • Question
    Why does my dog fall asleep when I pet it?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    He is relaxed, and that makes him sleepy.
  • Question
    Does my dog like me the best if she cries when I am gone and always wants to be with me?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Yes, it sounds like it! Your dog wants to spend as much time with you as possible because she loves you.
  • Question
    Who is her person? She cuddles and sleeps with both of us, but she often brings her toys to me. What does this mean?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    She most likely can't choose between you two. My dog can't choose between me and my friend, he just loves us both so much. Not all dogs have a favorite master!
  • Question
    Who does my dog like best If my dog gets excited with me, but goes to my parents when we're in the same room?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    He/she obviously loves you all, but it's not unusual for a dog to gravitate towards an adult in the house because they think they are the "alpha" (head person of the family). The dog might also go to your parents because they usually feed him/her.
  • Question
    My dog will keep bouncing back between my sister and I. Why does he do this?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    He thinks you are equal as in a pack. So, you may not be who he considers the alpha, but he thinks that you two are equally as awesome.
  • Question
    Does my dog like me the best if he always wants to bite me?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Sometimes dogs nip when they're being playful. If he displays all of the signs listed in the article, he probably likes you a lot, but it would still be a good idea to train him out of this behavior by shouting "no!" and then ignoring him when he bites.
  • Question
    Why won't my dog lay next to me on my bed?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Your dog might not feel as comfortable laying with you. Don't take it too personally though! You can try walking him more, giving him treats, or playing with him more often to try and make him more affectionate towards you.
  • Question
    My dog is playful, but she gets too hyper and starts biting us. Why?
    Community Answer
    All dogs are like this sometimes. A lot of times it's because they're bored and they want to go outside and run or play. Take it on a 20-30 minute walk, come home, give it water, play for a little while, and then you should be fine. Do this every day.
  • Question
    My dog is always more playful at night. What is wrong with him?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    He may not be getting the attention and exercise he needs during the day. If your dog sleeps a lot during the day or is alone until you return from work in the evening, he will have pent up energy and probably wants to spend time with you. If possible, put aside some time before going to bed to play with your dog.
  • Question
    How can I help my new dog get to know me?
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    Community Answer
    Don't force yourself on your new dog, as it's just learning its new environment and pack-mates and may need space to process everything. However, when your new companion comes to you and wants attention/affection, give it as much love as possible. Taking it on lots of walks is a great way to bond over one of dogs' favorite activities, as will treats (but don't overdo the latter). Don't yell or make sudden swift gestures around your dog, but rather talk to it a lot (using its name so your dog gets used to it) using a soothing tone so it knows you're not a threat, but rather a pleasant human who can be trusted.
  • Question
    How do I become the dog's favorite?
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    Community Answer
    You could feed the dog (by yourself) so that you show you care about him/her. Take the dog for a walk every day or every second day if it’s a smaller breed. Give the dog some space. If you give the dog some space, it will know that you care about its feelings and mental health. Play with the dog often. Show your dog you are its best buddy.
  • Question
    How can someone love their dog if they didn’t want them but everyone else in the family/household did?
    Community Answer
    It's okay to feel that way. Sometimes, though you should try to not dwell on the past to much. Think of how much you love them now, it is the future, not the past that counts.
  • Question
    My dog always favors my mom. I take care of her, I clean up after her and I give her love. How can I get her to like me more?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    There is not much you can do. Some dogs just do not go for kids. The dog probably sees your mom as alpha, the one who feeds and disciplines her, so she has a natural affinity for her.
  • Question
    Why does my dog bite me? I thought I was her favorite person.
    Noah Waite
    Noah Waite
    Community Answer
    All dogs do that. If your dog does that playfully, then it is a sign that you are their favorite person. Your dog understands how much it hurts and will not do it hard as she would do to somebody she doesn't trust. What she is trying to do is play with you. Just slowly move and get her to detach and give her a to to bite instead. Don't get angry, just let her have fun. This will make her love you even more.
  • Question
    My dog has bit through his leash to come and check on me also whenever I call one of the other dogs, he tags along too. Does my doggy like me?
    Noah Waite
    Noah Waite
    Community Answer
    Yes. Your dog loves you. A dog wants to stay with their owner all of the time. Some breeds of dogs even get depression if they are away from their owner for more than an hour.
  • Question
    Why does my dog always lie down and her tail and head is down but she is not sleeping?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    A lot of dogs do that. As dogs get older they lie down a lot. It is a form of resting in between their bursts of energetic activity. They will often be watching what is going on though.
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