Q&A for How to Memorise Paragraphs

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    How do I improve my ability to memorize passages?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Try chunking the text into seven or eight words and repeat these until you know them. After you can repeat them without looking, do another set of seven or eight. Once you can repeat those, repeat them together in order. Continue to practice a set and then the whole thing together in a sequence, adding another set after you can repeat the sequence you have already been memorizing without looking at the text. The longer period of time you practice and the longer you stretch out the different practices, the better you will remember.
  • Question
    How do I memorize things?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Read over the material plenty of times, and use little sentences that will trigger your memory or brain by remembering the whole paragraph.
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    How do I remember a long Arabic paragraph?
    Community Answer
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    Break it down. Read the smaller sections first, then read it all together.
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    How can I remember the paragraph after memorizing? I keep forgetting it.
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Try to think of it as a challenge. Every time you mess up or forget a part, read it again and start over until you get it. This will force the brain to tackle specific phrases.
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    How do I memorize a lot of text?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Read one part over and over while looking, then try saying it without looking. Then do this with all the other parts. When you're done, read it once, then say the whole thing without looking. If you haven't memorized it after that, start over from the top.
  • Question
    How do I memorize a long passage when it is not in my native language?
    Community Answer
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    First, translate it to your native tongue and read it until you understand it. Then, try to associate the foreign words with your native words. After those steps, memorize it like any other paragraph!
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    What is the easiest way to memorize a Chinese paragraph?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Make sure you understand all the meaning behind all the words you are trying to memorize. Then split the paragraph into small sections, and repeat phrases over and over until they become ingrained in your memory.
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    How can I memorize an explanatory video?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Try making a script, and write down everything they are saying. Try using index cards, writing section by section. Writing down what you want to know always helps remember whatever you want to say/ memorize.
  • Question
    How do you memorize long paragraphs fast?
    Aditi Mahanti
    Aditi Mahanti
    Community Answer
    Here are some tips that can help you memorize long paragraphs quickly: (1) Break it down: Break the paragraph into smaller chunks and try to memorize each chunk separately. Once you have memorized one chunk, move on to the next one. (2) Repeat, repeat, repeat: Repeat each chunk of the paragraph over and over again until you have it memorized. Once you have memorized all the chunks, try to put them together and recite the entire paragraph. (3) Use mnemonic devices: Use mnemonics like acronyms, rhymes, or associations to help you remember the information. For example, if you need to remember a list of items, create a sentence using the first letter of each item. (4) Visualize: Create a mental image that you know will cause you to remember the information.
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