Q&A for How to Memorize Flashcards Effectively

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    What if someone is borrowing my flashcards?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    If you really need them, ask for them back, or ask the person to meet up and quiz each other using the cards. If you can't get them right away, just try to study the material without your flashcards for the time being.
  • Question
    What should I write in the flash card?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Once side should have a term or question about a concept. The other side should have the definition or answer. For example, one side of the card will ask: Where is the U.S. capital? The other side will have the answer: Washington, D.C.
  • Question
    What happens if I made my flashcards too late? Is there a way I can revise them quickly?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Revise them card by card. Once you have fully memorized one card, move onto the next card. You can also get a friend or a family member to test you over and over again until you answer all of your palm cards' topics / questions correctly.
  • Question
    How well can I study with flashcards?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    I have used the system all throughout my years in school and college, and I can personally say that no matter the material, flashcards are always a highly effective method of studying.
  • Question
    Do you really have to use the electronic flash card?
    Sammy S
    Sammy S
    Community Answer
    You can choose between physical flashcards or electronic flashcards - whatever works best for you.
  • Question
    I have to study History; my 6th-grade teacher makes us do humongous piles of flashcards. How do I handle this?
    Gabrielle Sheets
    Gabrielle Sheets
    Community Answer
    Sort them into piles that make sense together. You could do one for important figures, another for dates, another for regions, etc. Once you have your topic piles, go through the piles one by one. Once you have one pile down and memorized, move onto the next pile. After you have memorized each pile, mix them up, and have someone help you study.
  • Question
    Are flash cards suitable for everyone?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    No, everyone has a different learning style.
  • Question
    How can I memorize flashcards effectively if I have to use them for two different courses?
    eve sofia
    eve sofia
    Community Answer
    Usually, I buy lots of different colored packs of flashcards so that when I want to revise a certain topic, I begin to associate it with a color and then I use different colors for another topic.For example, all of my biology flashcards are blue, and my flashcards for math are pink. Or you can buy different sizes of flashcards and use those for different subjects.
  • Question
    Can I use flashcards effectively if I have one day left before my exam?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Yes, they can be a very effective method of learning material quickly.
  • Question
    How do I make flashcards for biology?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Try putting a question or a picture on one side of the card and the answer or identification on the other side. That way, you will connect the two and they will become more familiar. Pictures always help because you will remember the familiar picture and know the explanation of whatever it was about.
  • Question
    I usually need to memorise bullet points or step-by-step guides on how to do things. Can I still use flash cards for that?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Yes, you can write down the name of the guide or process you are trying to memorise and then you can write one side what stage, namely stage 1, then on the other side what happens in that stage.
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