Q&A for How to Prepare for a Concert

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    How good is the chance of hearing damage at a concert? Should I get earplugs?
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    Community Answer
    It depends on the type of music, the audio system, and how close you are to the speakers. If it's a loud heavy metal concert for example, it'd be best to stay away from the speakers, and/or wear special earplugs. You can buy earplugs made specifically for music, which do a good job of protecting your ears while still making the music sound good. It also depends on how often you go to concerts. One loud concert probably won't do permanent damage, but if you go regularly without earplugs, you could damage your hearing gradually over time.
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    What should I wear to a k-pop concert?
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    You should wear whatever you would like, as long as it is stylish and comfortable. You can wear a dress, or you can try jeans and a nice top.
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    How can I meet the artist at a concert?
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    It depends on the type of concert. For a pop artist, it's going to be very hard and you'll need to follow the guidance of those running the event. For a classical concert, you probably can just go up to the stage at the end of the concert and say hello and thank you to specific artists. Ask at the ticket booth for more details or call the concert organizers ahead of the event.
  • Question
    How can I get a meet and greet ticket if I can't afford one?
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    PBS television frequently gives pairs of these for donations but the price is usually high and events are limited. They usually do this during their Saturday night music shows. You could also try to win them from radio/TV contest giveaways.
  • Question
    How can I get the attention of an artist among tens of thousands of fans?
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    Go to the concert early and stay in front. When the artist is looking down, raise your hands and shout like others do.
  • Question
    Do I need to wear earplugs to a concert?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    You don't have to. It's safer for your ears, though.
  • Question
    What time should I arrive at a concert to get to the front row?
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    Community Answer
    It depends on how popular the group is. If they're very popular (and especially if the show is sold out), you should get there sometime in the early to mid afternoon.
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