Q&A for How to Protest

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    Can I hold a protest at my school?
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    Yes, but there may be consequences for protesting during school hours or on school property without permission. You may want to hold a peaceful protest during lunch or recess that does not interfere with other students working. You could hold up signs or just hold a gathering. Don't be loud or rowdy.
  • Question
    Isn't it helpful for a protest to turn violent because more people's attention will be drawn toward the issue being protested against?
    Top Answerer
    No, because if it turns violent you'll get the wrong type of attention and it will be far less likely that people will take your protest seriously.
  • Question
    What information needs to be shared to organize a protest?
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    What you're protesting, when you're protesting, where you plan the protest to happen (this includes the route of the march, if any) and anything else that seems pertinent.
  • Question
    Would it be okay to protest against raising minimum wage and the cost of living?
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    It's always okay to protest, but there is also always the chance of backlash. Know your subject extensively and be able to support your view with facts.
  • Question
    How do I protest in the US (specifically, Texas) to allow unnaturally colored hair in schools?
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    You could write a letter to your school expressing why you think colored hair should be allowed, or ask to meet with a principal to discuss the issue. Or create a petition online or on a sheet of paper and get as many of your classmates to sign it as possible. Another effective method is to hold an organized protest. Choose a day, and encourage everyone to dye their hair and wear it to school.
  • Question
    How can I protest the fact that too many Somali refugees are causing American people to become homeless?
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    That is an extremely audacious claim and there is zero evidence to back it up, but I guess you could write a letter to your representatives in Congress if you really have something to say on this subject.
  • Question
    Is it okay for kids to go to a protest?
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    It depends on the protest. Some protests are appropriate for all ages, but other protests might be too intense for kids. I would use your best judgment.
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    I am hoping to start a protest in Australia for Anonymous people. How can I gather people together and how can we defend against possible violence from police?
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    Use social media to get the word out about your event. As for the police, wear heavy clothing and pack some means of first aid. Seek out an attorney ahead of time in case of arrest and write that attorney's phone number on your hand. Suggest to your fellow protesters that they do the same.
  • Question
    How do I protest to overthrow a new president?
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    Look for like-minded people in your area. If you leave near a major city, there are likely already protests going on. Speak to people in leadership positions and ask how you can get involved. Put your ideas into a Facebook/Twitter page and disseminate it to reach new people. Write an op-ed for a newspaper. Get creative.
  • Question
    How should I protest to get a new president to be thrown out of office?
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    In most cases, the protest of a single person will not be enough to remove a sitting president from office. Historically, protests had to be widespread and very large for this to happen. For example: In Communist Poland, it took a general strike called by a trade union 10 million strong (roughly 25% of the whole country) to force reform. If you are able to organize in such numbers, you should be able to make sure the country hears your calls for impeachment loud and clear. If the above is not something you can do, fear not. In some countries gathering enough signatures under a petition calling for impeachment will force the government to consider it. Exact numbers vary between jurisdictions.
  • Question
    How can I protest the corrupt business practices of Aspen Dental?
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    Boycotting would be a good idea, getting people to stop going there decreases their revenue, which impacts them in a way that would make change. Get the word out about your boycott to friends, family, etc. through social media. You could also start a petition if you have specific practices you'd like to see changed.
  • Question
    If I'm parked in a lot across from the business I'm boycotting and one of the employees comes to where I'm parked to record or take a picture of me, are they violating my rights?
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    That depends on where you are. If you're on public property, then no, they're not violating your rights. You have no right to privacy in a public place, meaning it's not illegal for them to record or take photos of you. If you're on private property, it's a different matter.
  • Question
    What can I do to start a student protest against rules and pressure from the teachers?
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    Get a goal, find other people who feel the same way, make a valid point and recruit those people to your cause.
  • Question
    How can I protest the elimination of the music department at school?
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    It's probably best to go to your school's principal and tell him/her your ideas. A lot of people have to support your idea, so try to garner support from others for your cause.
  • Question
    How can I protest about fair employment for people who have records?
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    You can find people who feel the same way and hold an assembly at a specific time and place. Make sure that you keep your event peaceful while, at the same time, generating media buzz about it. That way you can hopefully raise awareness about the issue.
  • Question
    Are we allowed to block traffic and airports?
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    No, you aren't allowed to block traffic or public airports. Make sure you have a permit for your protest in case the police show up.
  • Question
    How do you protest about terrible school lunch?
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    You claim that the system is corrupt and that you must start a school wide revolution to rid your school of terrible lunches.
  • Question
    How do I protest about a dress code?
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    Find a strong reason why the dress code is wrong - "it's unfair" just won't cut it! If you can find examples where the dress code is discriminatory or unfairly targets women over men (this is common; look for rules about the length of skirts or shoulders being revealed) and protest on a platform that calls for equality. Schools (or businesses) will find it harder to dismiss this. Use social media to your advantage and create a petition. Rationally discuss the matter with your principal/ whoever enforces the dress code before you protest fully so that later you can defend your actions by saying that you gave fair warning.
  • Question
    Can I protest against anything?
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    You can protest against absolutely anything as long as it's a peaceful assembly and you're not breaking any laws or rules while doing so.
  • Question
    How can I protest issues in my school's curriculum?
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    Write up a petition addressing the issues with the curriculum that you are dissatisfied with and pass it around to your fellow students, asking them to sign it. Once you've gotten a substantial number of signatures, take the petition to the principal and respectfully present it to them.
  • Question
    How do I protest without my teachers knowing?
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    I wouldn't suggest this. Think of the consequences if you get caught. Plan the protest and get permission.
  • Question
    Can I protest against modernizing a building and/or getting rid of nasty people in the business in the building?
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    Yes, you can protest against absolutely anything you want (provided you live in a country where protest is legal and permitted).
  • Question
    How do I make sure my peaceful protest stays peaceful?
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    There are never any guarantees. Do prepare to maintain peace and respect. Do know the ordinances and laws. Set the tone by giving the crowd info on non-violence principles. Do prepare by assigning safety monitors/peace keepers, a liaison to speak with the police, a medic, legal observers (see "CDLC.org"), and a media liaison. One march I was in started chanting, "This is a peaceful protest!" when the police started to approach. If an agitator/unruly person starts to get out of control, try to surround them with love, hugs, etc.
  • Question
    How do I protest the fact that Donald Trump has been elected president?
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    Join an Indivisible group in your area or start one of your own, get involved in local elections to help Democrats gain control of Congress in 2018 and write to your own members of Congress about the issues that are most important to you.
  • Question
    How would I protest against school rules? (The rules shouldn't be there in the first place.)
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    Get others involved so you have backup, and to make your protest more convincing. Share your reasons for disliking the rules. Organize a sit-in or a walk out during school hours.
  • Question
    How do I protest about things as a kid?
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    Anybody can protest, regardless of their age. Learn the rules of protest and take a few friends or a parent with you, so you do not get into trouble.
  • Question
    How do I protest to stop littering?
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    Create a recycling drive in your area, get groups of people to clean up areas of your community and talk to young people in schools about the problems caused by littering.
  • Question
    Are college campuses good places to collect signatures for a U.S. president's impeachment?
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    As someone who lives in a liberal college town, I would say yes. Generally, younger people will be much more receptive to change.
  • Question
    I want to organize a peaceful march protesting the recent child sexual abuse scandals in the Catholic Church. I'm assuming church grounds are private property and not a good place to protest at. Is that right?
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    The owner of the church and the grounds is the diocese, and the bishop is technically the owner. However, depending on your parish, you might be able to do something on the grounds or just outside. It really depends on what you are demanding - a bishop's resignation? An investigation? Full disclosure? (Good luck with THAT!) I do not think it is effective to just protest the RCC - it is a huge organization with many very bad and very good people working under a medieval bureaucracy. I would demand something very specific - more involvement of the laity or better screening of priests. Consider having a prayer vigil for the victims of abuse - that's both a protest and a blessing.
  • Question
    Can kids protest against poachers and how?
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    If you care enough, you can protest even as a kid! Since you're young, I would start with making flyers and signs as well as raising awareness through social media. And always get a parent's permission first, as they have your safety in mind.
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