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QuestionMy golden delicious tree has a lot of straight upward branches. Should they be removed?Andrew Carberry, MPHAndrew Carberry is a Food Systems Expert and the Senior Program Associate at the Wallace Center at Winrock International in Little Rock, Arkansas. He has worked in food systems since 2008 and has experience working on farm-to-school projects, food safety programs, and working with local and state coalitions in Arkansas. He is a graduate of the College of William and Mary and holds a Masters degree in public health and nutrition from the University of Tennessee.
Food Systems ExpertYes, you should remove them. Try to leave branches with a 45 to 50 degree angle from the trunk. -
QuestionMy apple tree is eight years old and has never been pruned. It has not produced any fruit in the last two years. How do I prune it to correct this?Andrew Carberry, MPHAndrew Carberry is a Food Systems Expert and the Senior Program Associate at the Wallace Center at Winrock International in Little Rock, Arkansas. He has worked in food systems since 2008 and has experience working on farm-to-school projects, food safety programs, and working with local and state coalitions in Arkansas. He is a graduate of the College of William and Mary and holds a Masters degree in public health and nutrition from the University of Tennessee.
Food Systems ExpertStart by removing all dead, damaged, or diseased wood the first year. This will likely stimulate new growth and fruiting. You can prune for shape the 2nd year, but don't remove more than 1/3 of the volume of the tree at a time. -
QuestionMy apple tree has gotten very tall. Can I cut the top off?wikiHow Staff EditorThis answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.
Staff AnswerwikiHow Staff EditorStaff AnswerYes, you may cut off the top, leading branch to control the size. Cut it to the next lowest branch. -
QuestionMy apple tree is only one year old, and it has grown tall. Can I trim it a bit?wikiHow Staff EditorThis answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.
Staff AnswerwikiHow Staff EditorStaff AnswerYes! Trim it so that it has 4-5 primary branches growing from the trunk, and only a single leading branch growing straight upwards. Aim a for a cone or pyramid shape to the tree. -
QuestionThe branches of my new apple tree are too long, and I'm afraid a winter storm will break them. Can I cut them in mid-September?wikiHow Staff EditorThis answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.
Staff AnswerwikiHow Staff EditorStaff AnswerWait until after the leaves have fallen to perform any dormant cutting. Then, cut those too-long branches to a more reasonable length. -
QuestionMy wife has cut back our 2-year-old apple tree too enthusiastically! Will the young tree recover?wikiHow Staff EditorThis answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.
Staff AnswerwikiHow Staff EditorStaff AnswerThe tree might not grow back as heartily as it would have, but you may still see some fruit. Refrain from pruning for 1-2 seasons to let the tree bounce back, then evaluate based on the fruit yield. -
QuestionIs the beginning of May too late to prune?Community AnswerIn most areas, yes. Pruning should be done during the dormancy state, not where leaves or fruit are developing.
QuestionWhat can I do with fallen apples?Community AnswerIf the apples are still good, you can wash them and eat them. If the apples are still bruised, you can make some applesauce. Just make sure that there are no worms inside of them!
QuestionMy apple tree has long shoots growing straight up - should I cut them off?Community AnswerTypically, the shoots are actually a sucker. Cut them completely off otherwise trimming them is otherwise advised.
QuestionWhat do fruiting spurs look like on apple trees? Do they show up on old wood or newer wood?Community AnswerFruiting spurs look like swollen buds along the branch. Leafing spurs are not swollen and are much more compact lying flush to the branch. Fruiting spurs show up primarily on newer wood.
QuestionWhat does "outward facing bud" mean?Community AnswerA bud will eventually produce a limb. Cut back to a bud or limb that is growing in a desirable direction.
QuestionDo I need to put anything on the tree where I cut a large branch off?Community AnswerNo. Trees have their own natural processes to help them recover from pruning. For optimal health though, prune your tree when it is dormant in late winter and rub alcohol or peroxide on the pruning tools between cuts to sterilize them.
QuestionShould you treat the trunk after cutting a large limb?Community AnswerProper pruning cuts do not need dressing. It is best to reduce to a limb one-third the size of that which is being reduced. If a large section needs to be removed, it is best to reduce a little at a time. If the branch dies, though, the whole limb should be cut. Large dead cuts may be dressed with a water-resistant paint to protect against rot.
QuestionMy apple tree has bent to the ground due to being laden with leaves and full-sized apples. How much can I prune my apple tree to save it?Community AnswerYou can use wood to brace the heavy apples before harvest.
QuestionWhy are my apples falling off prematurely (after reaching about one inch in size)?Community AnswerI experienced the same thing, and it turned out that squirrels were knocking them down. Look for signs of chewing on the fallen apple to see if this might be your issue as well.
QuestionWhat can I do to stop getting worms in my apples?Community AnswerThe "worms" are likely codling moth larvae. They can be controlled by spraying, and the spraying must take place at just the right time, usually determined by degree-days, which your Dept. of Agriculture may provide.
QuestionThe tree is getting too tall. Can I cut the top?Community AnswerYes, this will keep you from needing a ladder to harvest fruit and open up the tree to more sunlight.
QuestionWhen do I prune a goji berry tree?Community AnswerIn the spring, after the buds have begun to break open. They only need to be pruned lightly, removing old/dead parts.
QuestionI just bought a house and found two apple trees on the property. How do I treat the trees if I want to eat the apples?Community AnswerWait until the late fall before you start the pruning process. Do not get too aggressive in reducing the overall size of the trees. Maintain a conical shape and keep the center open to air flow. Fertilize your trees in the spring in a circle around the outer drip line of the tree. A larger crop will come in the second year. Thin the apples when they are about the size of a quarter. Read up on how to control apple pests in your area.
QuestionI bought a property with trees that look like they haven't been pruned in years. It's summer; should I wait to prune them or do it now?Community AnswerWait until all of the leaves have fallen. Winter is the ideal time to prune.
QuestionYou write that pruning should be done in the 1st or 2nd month of spring, then that it should be done in winter after the last frost. Which is it?Community AnswerPruning should be done just before the buds start their new growth. Frosts can occur any time and should not be used as a clock to prune. The best month on average to prune in the USA is March.
QuestionI have three Jonathan apple trees on a farm. None of them have been pruned or taken care of. They all produce fruit, but all fruit is bitter. What should I do to care for them?Community AnswerPrune them (right now) to about 2/3 of what they were. Next year, graft some honeycrisp or other "better" apples to them.
QuestionHow do I spur the growth of branches on the lower location of the main trunk of a fruit tree?Community AnswerIf there aren't any buds at that location, then a branch will generally not grow. If there is a bud it can be encouraged to branch out by using a technique called "notching." The main trunk is notched just above the bud to stimulate growth. A grafting technique called a "stab graft" can be used to artificially insert a branch at a desired location.
QuestionMy 20 year old apple trees are very tall. Can I cut the tops off to make the apples easier to reach to pick?Community AnswerYou can reduce the height of a mature apple tree, but this is a multi-year project. Do not trim more than 25 percent of the desired height reduction in any one year. Maintain a conical shape to the tree. Keep the center open. Perform the pruning in the late fall or early winter. Fertilize and maintain the tree with consistency.
QuestionMy apples are full off worms. Do I need to spray?Community AnswerI use "dormant oil" when my apple trees have dropped their leaves, in late winter prior to the spring budding, to kill all insect larvae living on or near my fruit trees. Do not spray pesticides when trees are budding fruit flowers -- doing so will kill bees and other insects that pollinate the trees and no fruit will grow. I use Malathion insecticide. You mix it in a gallon sprayer.
QuestionCan I prune my trees early since moths got to most of the apples?Community AnswerNo. Wait until winter; otherwise you will stimulate unwanted sucker growth.
QuestionMy apple tree is one year old and it has no branches. It only has one "stem" with leaves on it. How do I prune it without hurting the tree?Community AnswerIf it has no branches, then what is there to prune? Let it grow, cut it down and buy your apples and give it more time to develop.
QuestionTwo years ago, I planted an apple tree that barely grows any leaves, much less any fruit. What can I do to help my tree grow and produce apples?Community AnswerDepending on where you bought it (big box store), it may not be suitable to your zone. Give it plenty of water, mulch to keep rodents away, keeping the base of the trunk clear of mulch a few inches. Protect from deer and rabbits. Stake in windy areas. Aside from that, there are a few products that will help too. Try to keep away from hard fertilizers and stick with things like compost tea, worm castings, and good mycorrhizae.
QuestionHow do I prune an apple tree that's never been pruned?Community AnswerStart by removing suckers. There may be more suckers that you can remove safely in one season. Don't remove more than 1/3 of the wood on a tree in any one year. Remove dead branches. Next, start to remove branches that cross others, and remove branches that make narrow angles with other branches.
QuestionHow do I know if I need to get rid of my entire apple tree if it's never been pruned or taken care of?Community AnswerIf it produces fruit, makes shade and/or is habitat for birds and animals, you could choose to leave it.
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