Q&A for How to Prune a Fig Tree

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    How long does it take a fig tree to produce fruit?
    wikiHow Staff Editor
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    A fig tree needs to be mature enough to produce seeds before it will fruit. Most fig trees will be able to bear fruit after two years of age but it can take up o 5 or 6 years before a fig tree produces fruit, depending on the variety and growing conditions.
  • Question
    Should I mulch my fig tree?
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    Fig trees that experience dry weather periods (both warm and/or cold dryness) can benefit from mulching to help retain water. This is especially important if you notice the signs of the tree not getting sufficient water––the leaves turning yellow and falling off. Mulching is helpful when a newly planted tree is establishing itself too, to help retain much-needed moisture. Avoid placing mulch up against the bark of a tree; just create a ring around the tree and then mulch a good way outward.
  • Question
    How do you take care of a fig tree?
    wikiHow Staff Editor
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    Being a hardy tree, fig trees are relatively easy to care for, provided they are planted in the right conditions and watered regularly. For clear details on fig tree care, refer to: How to Take Care of a Fig Tree.
  • Question
    Do fig trees need to be pruned?
    wikiHow Staff Editor
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    Fig trees need to be pruned vigorously in the first year, and often in the second year, to ensure that they grow strong by focusing most on root growth initially and not on branches. This trains the tree for optimal growth in a garden or orchard setting. After the first few years, fig trees require very little by way of pruning. Indeed, since the fig fruit forms on the leaf axils on new wood, pruning after initial establishment of the tree would reduce the fruit crop, so pruning is best left to tidying dead, diseased branches, or where you wish to stimulate new fruit growth.
  • Question
    I have a long-neglected fig tree. It has produced very long branches at ground level to escape choking brambles. I've got rid of the brambles but grazing sheep are stripping these branches. Can I cut them off to concentrate growth on the higher branches? (I live 2000 feet up in Crete)
    wikiHow Staff Editor
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    Fig trees are remarkably tolerant and can bounce back from heavy pruning if needed, provided it is not done frequently. As such, you could remove the long branches at ground level but there are some things to consider before doing so. First, are these branches in any way supporting the weight of the tree? You mention it is "long-neglected," suggesting it is a large tree so it may have come to rely on these lower branches as weight distribution. Second, by removing lower branches, you make it much harder to harvest the fruit. Third, consider the existing uses of the lower branches by wildlife; will any animals be made homeless by this change? If you are reassured after answering these questions, get some helpers and suitable equipment and remove the branches together.
  • Question
    How do I prune a potted fig tree?
    wikiHow Staff Editor
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    Potted fig trees can be pruned to create a ball shape for a spectacular display. Fig trees are hardy trees that tolerate remaining in a pot, and the pruning into shape won't usually harm the tree. For details on how to prune a potted fig, see How to Prune a Standard or Potted Fig Tree.
  • Question
    My fig tree fell over for reasons unknown to us, but a new tree has sprouted from the roots. Will this be a productive tree or do I need to start over?
    wikiHow Staff Editor
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    It is not unusual for a fig tree to be killed to ground level as a result of winter temperatures or animal activity, only to revive from the shoots sprouting from the roots. If you’re willing to tend the new tree growing from here, and keep it sheltered from severe winter weather, then it may well turn into a productive tree. The fact the roots are already settled in the soil can be of benefit to the newly growing tree.
  • Question
    I have problems with deer eating my plants. Will the deer eat fig tree leaves?
    wikiHow Staff Editor
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    Deer are known to eat anything, so fig tree leaves are certainly something a very hungry deer might eat, depending on the deer species and levels of hunger. You may experience young deer “learning” about different plants having a nibble and discovering fig sap is not great. On the whole, fig leaves on older trees are less desirable to deer, so they may go for other plants first, although some bucks may harm a fig tree’s bark by rubbing their antlers on it. To be absolutely safe, especially for young trees still getting established, fence in the fig tree or provide some other sort of deer-proof barrier around the tree; you can fence in various trees if you have an orchard and protect them all.
  • Question
    How late is too late to prune a fig tree?
    wikiHow Staff Editor
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    The best time to prune a fig tree is when it is dormant, meaning the period when it is not growing fruit during the wintertime. If you don’t mind lack of fruit, the fig tree can be pruned later but only if the tree is strong, otherwise late pruning can weaken it. Avoid pruning during hot weather, as the tree needs all its resources to thrive during the heat.
  • Question
    What is Breba crop fig tree?
    wikiHow Staff Editor
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    The breba crop is not referring to the fig tree itself but to the first crop of a fig tree that has two crops yearly. The breba crop grows from shoots or develops from small figs that formed the fall or autumn before but which remained dormant though winter. This crop ripens by early or mid summer. The second crop (also known as the main fig crop or “higos” crop) then grows on the current year’s shoot growth, ripening in late summer or fall/autumn.
  • Question
    Can I cut a branch to make another fig tree?
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    Yes. If the sap is still rising, you can root fig cuttings by simply standing them in water for a period of time. Some will root, some not. Usually, after rooting, they can be re-potted for further growth before transplanting to their intended location. Don't expect more than a 50% success rate by this method!
  • Question
    Is it true that I should cover the fig tree with burlap in the winter?
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    Here is my experience with wrapping my tree in burlap: the first year I didn't wrap my tree, it died in the winter, but came back and was fairly productive. The second year, I wrapped and insulated the tree. It didn't die and has grown to about 8'. Given this, I would recommend wrapping it, but your experience may differ.
  • Question
    After a hard freeze, my one-year-old Panache fig branches all died. Several new stems came up from the roots. Is this type of tree better off as a multi-branch bush or trained to one main trunk?
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    My tree died to the ground and came up as many shoots. I trimmed all but five back to the ground. It is now an abundant producing bush with five main trunks.
  • Question
    Will my fig tree bloom again if I trim a branch that has already bloomed?
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    Fig trees don't bloom, but it should still produce fruit.
  • Question
    How do I prune an overgrown and neglected fig tree?
    Tim Gillespie
    Tim Gillespie
    Community Answer
    The instructions on this wiki articleare good. You should cut off any damaged branches now and then wait until mid-winter to cut it back to waist height.
  • Question
    Can I cut the top of my fig tree without damaging it?
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    Be very careful what you remove. If it's fruit bearing, only trim it back to old wood .
  • Question
    We have a beautiful big fig tree that was planted by an animal and does not produce edible figs. Is there anything we can do?
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    Get a small piece of a branch from a edible variety of fig that you like that has three or four buds, and graft it to your fig tree.
  • Question
    My Western Fig has loads of fruit but none have ripened and we're going into October. The tree flourishes in growth but the fruit doesn't get very large and is always dark green. The tree/bush is 5 years old and faces south. What am I not doing correctly?
    Tim Gillespie
    Tim Gillespie
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    Figs are unusual because the fruit will ripen after picking. Until it is hit by the frost and the leaves fall, we continue taking the fruits which are the size of a golf ball and are soft when you squeeze them. It sounds like you will need a brutal pruning during the winter months.
  • Question
    Can I put my four year old potted tree in my garage for the winter?
    Tim Gillespie
    Tim Gillespie
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    Once the leaves have fallen, you can move it indoors. It won't need light until spring. Unless the temperature falls well below freezing, your tree doesn't need much protection and the cold can help kill off the pests.
  • Question
    My tree is 7-10 years old. It is healthy and productive, but it is too big. Can I prune it back now, especially at the top?
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    Wait until the leaves have all fallen off in late fall and then trim the tree back to a height that you want. My tree is about 12 feet tall and I will be trimming it down to about 5 feet. Since figs grow on last year's new growth you might lose a year of figs.
  • Question
    How do I fertilize a fig tree and when do I do that?
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    Don't fertilize a fig tree at all. They're heavy feeders, and don't need the fertilizer. It can actually harm the tree's productiveness.
  • Question
    How do I prune a mature tree that has never been pruned before?
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    If it were me, I would do it gradually. Saw off the tallest branch on a 45 degree angle. Next year, pick the next biggest branch and cut that one off same way. Third year, do the next biggest. This way you are gradually bringing the size down without shocking the tree, and hopefully still not missing out on fruit while doing it.
  • Question
    When is it too late to move a fig tree?
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    It's too late once it comes out of winter dormancy and begins its growing season, which is right after the last frost of the winter. The last frost of the winter depends upon where you live.
  • Question
    How do I differentiate between old and new wood on fig trees?
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    If you look at a branch, you should be able to see where the color changes between the growth from previous years (brown) and the growth from the current season (greener).
  • Question
    How do I prune a fig tree that hasn't been pruned in a long time?
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    Just do as you would for a fig tree that's well manicured. Follow the steps in the article and wait until the dormant season (winter) to prune your tree, as this will cause minimal stress.
  • Question
    What is the best way to prune an overgrown fig tree?
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    If you have an overgrown fig tree, start by waiting for the dormant season (winter) to prune your tree, as this will cause minimal stress. Follow the steps in the article to prune your fig tree.
  • Question
    How do I know if I want to prune my fig tree?
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    If you see dead or diseased branches, suckers, or an overgrown fig tree, that probably means it's time to prune. Aim to prune your tree in the dormant season, (winter) as this will prevent your tree from getting stressed due to pruning.
  • Question
    When is the best time to move a large fig tree that hasn't been pruned in at least 2 years if living in the southern part of the U.S.? Should I prune it before moving it to a different location?
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    Prune the tree before you move it, making it easier to move. Transplanting fig trees should take place in the fall, well before frost, or just as winter dormancy breaks.
  • Question
    How do I know if I can prune my fig tree?
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    If your tree is new, and you trust the source and stock of the tree, you can prune it immediately. If you are uncertain about the integrity of the tree, you may want to wait until the first dormant season before you prune it.
  • Question
    My fig plant is not a tree but has lots of branches from the root. If I cut all but one off how do I stop them from coming back?
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    To prevent a tree sucker, try not to cut into growth that is more than a few years old, if possible. Prune regularly. While over pruning can cause plant suckers, regular healthy pruning can help with tree sucker control.
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