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QuestionWhat are the little circles on top?Community AnswerThe little circle that looks like an o means that the string is played open (it is not fretted). If there is an x at the top, then that string is not played at all.
QuestionIs there anyone who plays the guitar without the chords, with just the music and notes? How would you know which chords to use?Community AnswerAfter playing certain songs for long enough, people memorize the chord progressions for each song so they can just play off the top of their head.
QuestionWhat if there is a thick black line with numbers in it?Community AnswerThat symbolizes a bar chord.
QuestionWhat does the number five mean on a chord chart?Community AnswerIt means it is played a 5th above the normal chord.
QuestionWhat is major and minor?Community AnswerThe difference between major and minor chords and scales boils down to a difference of one essential note - the third. The third is what gives major-sounding scales and chords their brighter, cheerier sound and what gives minor scales and chords their darker, sadder sound.
QuestionWhat would happen if you are missing the sixth string?Rebekka RianCommunity AnswerUntil you have replaced your string, you won't be able to fingerpick properly. However, when playing chords you usually don't need all the strings to make it sound nice.
QuestionWhat do I do if you can't reach a note with my pinky?Rebekka RianCommunity AnswerYour fingerboard is probably either too wide, or you're holding your hand wrong. If that's not it, remember you can always use your thumb for the biggest E-string.
QuestionHow do I know if my guitar is tuned properly?ElCommunity AnswerThere are several guitar tuners available, both in app form and on websites. Start with those, they're really helpful with getting to know what your guitar should sound like.
QuestionWhat does an arrow at the top of a chord diagram, pointing down toward a string, mean?Community AnswerThe chord should be played as an arpeggio, (or maybe you should strum down) so depending on the chord, you are mimicking a piano.
QuestionWhat does it mean when a number that is showing the fret is circled? How do you play it then?KAILYNN 7519911Community AnswerThis means to put a capo on that specific fret. If you don't have a capo, you should buy one, as they are VERY useful!
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