Q&A for How to Sing Falsetto

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    How do I protect my voice when I sing falsetto?
    Tanisha Hall
    Tanisha Hall
    Vocal Coach
    Tanisha Hall is a Vocal Coach and the Founder and Executive Director of White Hall Arts Academy, Inc. an organization based in Los Angeles, California that offers a multi-level curriculum focused on fundamental skills, technique, composition, theory, artistry, and performance at a conservatory level. Ms. Hall's current and previous students include Galimatias, Sanai Victoria, Ant Clemons, and Paloma Ford. She earned a BA in Music from the Berklee College of Music in 1998 and was a recipient of the Music Business Management Achievement Award.
    Tanisha Hall
    Vocal Coach
    Expert Answer
    Remember the vocal cords are like rubber bands. Singing higher stretches them. You want to be very gentle with this part of your voice. Sing very softly and then gradually increase the volume. Falsetto and head voice should never be belted!
  • Question
    how can you sing stronger on your falsetto?
    Community Answer
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    Lift your soft palate (like a yawn) and keep your mouth opened in a circular shape. Then, gradually raise the pitch with a vocal exercise.
  • Question
    I am a male, my range is A2-G5, is this good for a 14-year-old?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Yeah! That's quite impressive! Keep going, you can probably accomplish a lot with your range.
  • Question
    How do you I louder while using Falsetto?
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    Community Answer
    Just take a big breath and let it go. Imagine tossing a ball over a fence. Let your voice just flow over that imaginary fence.
  • Question
    I don't know whether I have ever used falsetto or not, but I have sung very high. How can I tell?
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    Community Answer
    Falsetto is a very airy head voice. If your high notes are strong, it is likely not falsetto.
  • Question
    My voice improved until it's reached a stage where it is not getting higher. How can I keep going?
    Community Answer
    Try doing different exercises like singing up a scale on piano on C, then doing D, then E etc. until you can't go any higher. Do this regularly and you will soon see a change in your pitch. If you don't have a piano or keyboard, there are lots of warming up exercises on YouTube, sometimes they have a playlist of a few days worth of exercises.
  • Question
    Does puberty in boys have to do anything with falsetto?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    No. People usually sing in falsetto when they can't reach high notes with their natural voices.
  • Question
    Is c2-eb5 a good range? I am a male.
    Rafael Barrizzelli Godone
    Rafael Barrizzelli Godone
    Community Answer
    Yes, you can sing both baritone, tenor, and alto parts (though alto parts are usually sung by women), Your range is quite long.
  • Question
    What if I can't even make any sound unless I strain?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Start by singing in your chest voice or your normal voice. If it's not that good at first, keep working on it. Then you can slowly move up to other voices. Try vibratos and falsettos only after you have mastered the chest voice.
  • Question
    Is f2 to f#5 a good range for a 12-year-old male?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Although there's no such thing as a "good" range, it is a nice range you have.
  • Question
    My falsetto is really weak. What should I do?
    Faith Perez
    Faith Perez
    Community Answer
    Do lip trills while going up and down in falsetto. Go as low as possible in falsetto, not going into the chest! It's hard! Don't worry about it sounding horrible down there, it will for a while!
  • Question
    What is the difference between falsetto and counter tenor?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Falsetto is the higher part of your voice, also known as your head voice. Countertenor is the highest male vocal range, the male equivalent of soprano.
  • Question
    Whenever I sing, my vocal chords hurt. What can I do?
    Gwir Galon
    Gwir Galon
    Community Answer
    Let your chin drop just a little, so that you are singing with the sound rolling up and high. You want the sound to be carried by the resonance made more than the voice in itself. Drink at least two liters of water a day. Push down in your legs when you want to sing a note that seems hard, and never push the voice itself out.
  • Question
    If I have a big voice, can I sing falsetto?
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    Community Answer
    Of course. You just have to slip into your "head voice."
  • Question
    When I was a kid, my voice was great for a male, but now that I'm a teenager and my voice is deep, is it possible for to be a great singer again?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Sure thing! It helps to have a voice teacher who is used to working with the changing male voice. Short of that, there are specific exercises you can do to help you navigate your vocal registers and "unify" them.
  • Question
    How can I tell if I'm singing in falsetto or whistle tone?
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    Community Answer
    The whistle register ranges from any most 6th notes onward. If you are singing high but in 5ths, you are singing in falsetto; if you are singing in 6ths and up, it's whistle tone.
  • Question
    I can't get above A5, but I can get off the bottom of the piano... Any hope for me getting higher?
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    Community Answer
    This is quite the vocal range! If you can sing past the low end of the piano (A0), you have a 5 octave range which is quite impressive already. While it's possible for you to sing higher, you don't want to strain your vocals, so consider hiring a vocal coach or practicing good singing techniques such as diaphragm breathing, lifting your soft palate, and the techniques listed above.
  • Question
    Even if i try releasing falsetto, it just makes me "hold my breath", like I am passing out. How do I do this?
    Beatrice Canary
    Beatrice Canary
    Community Answer
    Try to breathe deeper while singing, almost as if singing into yourself. Focus on the deep, deep inside of your lungs and diaphragm, then breathe from the diaphragm, deeply.
  • Question
    I have a vocal range of B2 to C4, what is my voice type?
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    You have a range of 1.08 octaves, and your range corresponds closest to a tenor or a baritone.
  • Question
    I'm a male. My range is C3 to A5; what category do I fall under and which artist should I look to learn from?
    Community Answer
    Your C3-A5 vocal range is closest to Joanna Newsom. Your voice can span 33 piano keys! Pretty cool - that's a 2.75-octave range. The voice of Joanna Newsom spans 33 piano keys, which is a 2.75-octave range and closest to your high and lows. Your voice would most likely fall under the tenor category.
  • Question
    Is it alright to use falsetto for baritones when singing high notes?
    Community Answer
    Just do a high note with falsetto, then low your larynx, then contract the vocal cords a little. It sounds like chest voice, but it's not. Vocal fach/weight/tessitura refers to where your voice sits most comfortably in the baritone, bass, tenor, soprano, mezzo, or alto registers.
  • Question
    Is a b2-g5 vocal range good for a 12-year old male going through puberty?
    Community Answer
    Your voice can span 32 piano keys! Pretty cool - that's a 2.67-octave range. A vocal range of 2.5 to 3 octaves is common among professional singers. So yes, that is a good vocal range for a 12-year-old.
  • Question
    My range is D3-E6. I am 13 and I am female, is this a good range?
    Community Answer
    Your voice can span 38 piano keys! Pretty cool - that's a 3.17-octave range. A vocal range of 2.5 to 3 octaves is common among professional singers. So yes, that is good for a 13-year-old.
  • Question
    My vocal range is B2-A6 (I'm 11 years old). I'm a male, is that good?
    Community Answer
    Your voice can span 46 piano keys! Pretty cool - that's a 3.83-octave range. A vocal range of 2.5 to 3 octaves is common among professional singers. So yes, that is good for an 11-year-old.
  • Question
    I am a male, my range is F2 -B5. Is it good for a 19-year-old?
    Community Answer
    Your voice can span 42 piano keys! Pretty cool - that's a 3.50-octave range. A vocal range of 2.5 to 3 octaves is common among professional singers. So yes, that is good for a 19-year-old.
  • Question
    How do I know that it is really falsetto and not head voice?
    Community Answer
    Falsetto is a thinner sound and is strictly in the 'head' and only uses the thin, leading edges of the vocal folds to vibrate. Head voice can be defined as a 'mix' of chest and head voice, which is generally a stronger sound than falsetto. You also can do the same thing going up into falsetto.
  • Question
    How do I tell the difference between falsetto and head voice?
    Community Answer
    While falsetto and head voice have been used interchangeably in the past, falsetto is understood to be a breathy version of high notes and head voice produces a richer and more balanced tone on the high pitches in a singer's voice.
  • Question
    I can't seem to find my true singing voice but I can sing and every time I sing, its sounds different. So how do I find my true singing voice and how do I sing without feeling tension?
    Community Answer
    Something that helps me is just closing my eyes and imagining I'm somewhere else while I sing. If you're comfortable and sing best in the shower, imagine you're there. Bedroom? Kitchen? Outside? Basement? Imagine you're wherever you're most comfortable singing and sing your best.
  • Question
    My vocal range is G2 to D5. Is this good?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    That's extremely good, you should be very proud!
  • Question
    How can I reach a high note in falsetto and is it possible for a teenager to reach that note?
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    Community Answer
    Use lots of air to prevent voice cracks. Also, do not stick your chin out.Kkeep your posture the same as you would as if you were singing a note in your normal range. Teenagers can hit high notes, it all depends on the development of your own voice. To increase your falsetto, practice singing it in your warmups.
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