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QuestionWhen you're driving in a straight line, how often do you slightly turn the wheel to keep it on the road?Community AnswerEvery few seconds or so, it depends on several conditions: the road, the car, and wheel traction.
QuestionHow do you know if the front wheels are moving in the desired direction?Community AnswerYou can test this by letting go of the wheel when you are driving a straight stretch of road, with your hands poised to grab it again immediately if needed. Your car should continue to move in a straight line, so if it begins to drift to either side, you have a problem.
QuestionHow do I make a correct turn?Community AnswerFigure out which way you'll be turning. Slow the car to an appropriate speed. Determine how sharp the turn is and slowly begin turning the wheel.
QuestionHow do I position my car's tires when parking?Community AnswerThe wheels should be straight and forward facing when you're parked. However, if you're parking upwards on a steep hill, you can turn the wheels slightly away from the curb and let them rest there gently as a block. Facing downwards on a hill, you can turn the wheels slightly towards the curb.
QuestionHow do I turn onto smaller roads?Community AnswerReduce your speed and figure out the size of the curve, then slowly drive.
QuestionHow do I straighten the driving wheel in a car after turning?Community AnswerYou can just let the wheel go by itself, slightly releasing your grip at the steering wheel, until the car straightens.
QuestionWhen I turn, do I have to push on the gas pedal?Community AnswerWhen you turn you have to keep your foot on the pedal, but don't push it. Pushing it will increase your speed. Just keep it on the pedal, to keep it at the speed you are driving.
QuestionShould you keep pushing the gas pedal as you turn a corner?Community AnswerNo, keep your foot on the pedal to drive the same speed as you're going. Pushing the pedal will increase the speed.
QuestionHow and when do I need the handbrake?Wikiuser 101qCommunity AnswerYou only need it when you park on a steep hill. You might also need it in an emergency.
QuestionI find it difficult to steer while driving. What should I do?Wikiuser 101qCommunity AnswerCheck to see that your power steering is working. The fluid might be too low or the pump is bad. If the owner's manual doesn't say what to do, then take it to a mechanic.
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