Q&A for How to Survive a Riot

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    If someone grabs me and tells me to take sides, what do I do?
    Community Answer
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    Make it look like you're on their side and slowly back off when they can't see you. Then get away as fast as you can.
  • Question
    How does a riot start?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    A riot starts when people revolt against something. Such as, if a law was passed that people disagreed with, some people may start a riot and cause a panic to show that they don't like the new law. Many riots result in people getting arrested.
  • Question
    Should I try to help the police if they're having trouble dispersing the crowd?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    No. Unless you are a police officer yourself, your continued presence adds to their problems. You can help by stepping away, adopting a passive, non-aggressive position, and leading your friends away. If you think the police are overwhelmed, call the emergency services to ask for assistance for the police on the scene, though most police forces usually have their own systems in place to call for back-up.
  • Question
    What happens if a police officer finds you near the riot area?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Remain calm and polite, and comply with the officer's commands. Adopt a passive, non-aggressive position. Calmly explain who you are and what you are doing and answer any questions the officer may ask.
  • Question
    Does tear gas have a scent?
    Community Answer
    Yes, it does. Some forms of tear gas may be odorless, but these aren't usually used by riot police units. The descriptions of the scent of tear gas vary from smelling like vinegar to smelling like bleach.
  • Question
    What if I am 12 and with my father at the inauguration of an unpopular president?
    Blue Prism
    Blue Prism
    Community Answer
    Stay calm. The one thing you should know about inaugural ceremonies is the local police and armed forces will be there to help keep riots at bay. If you have a phone with MP3 on it, try listening to music.
  • Question
    Is tear gas odorless?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    It's not odorless, but it also doesn't really have a distinct smell.
  • Question
    What happens if I'm stuck in a subway station during the riots?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    If it is the start of the riot, try to catch a train out or calmly leave through the nearest exit without making eye contact or talking to anyone. If the riot has already started, it would probably be best to stay in the subway and maybe try to find a bathroom to just wait it out.
  • Question
    How do I start a peaceful riot?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    You do not. Riots are, by definition, not peaceful.
  • Question
    What if someone wants to kill me?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Try to find a police officer or other authority to protect you. If this is not possible, try to run and hide from the person that wants to kill you.
  • Question
    Why are riots so violent?
    Community Answer
    Not all riots are extremely violent, but they are emotionally-charged events. Riots usually occur when a large group of people are protesting against a measure that was taken, usually by the government. Rioters often feel very strongly about the issue they are protesting, and when the emotion becomes too strong, a riot may quickly escalate and become violent.
  • Question
    What is a riot?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    A riot is a violent disturbance of the peace by a crowd.
  • Question
    If I inhale too much tear gas at a riot, will I die?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    No; however, the lasting effects of tear gas will affect your lungs.
  • Question
    When are riot police deployed?
    Community Answer
    Riot police units are usually deployed when a riot becomes violent or dangerous. Rioters may cause harm to innocent civilians in the proximity of the rioting area. When this happens, riot police are used to control the rioters. This may also happen if property is damaged by rioters.
  • Question
    What should I do if some thugs are blocking the entrance and exit of the place?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Stay calm and try not to be noticed. Do not make eye contact with anyone. Do not attempt to escape and wait until authorities arrive.
  • Question
    How do I take part in a riot? What's the safest/most effective gear to wear?
    Top Answerer
    Don't intentionally take part in a riot. They solve almost nothing, and it looks bad on your record. You may protest peacefully if you wish, but if it turns into a riot, the best thing you could do is leave.
  • Question
    If I get shot or gassed and I’m innocent, what should I do?
    Top Answerer
    You should leave the area immediately and seek medical attention. In a riot, the authorities can't afford to spend time determining who is innocent or guilty, so they won't differentiate. The best thing you can do is leave.
  • Question
    What to do if the riot starts in the school?
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    Community Answer
    Your school likely has a procedure for this; find out about it advance so you can feel safer knowing what is expected of you. Should a riot actually happen, follow the instructions of your teacher.
  • Question
    How do I survive a riot as a child?
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    Cover your face and run. Don't hide under cars or such though, they tend to get flipped over. You can also just get arrested, but you might get thrown into juvenile prison. Try to get help from adults and don't start fights.
  • Question
    What if there are rumors of riots starting––should I be sceptical?
    Uni Storm
    Uni Storm
    Community Answer
    No, keep it in mind, wear appropriate clothing and stay clear of any indicated areas. Prepare for a riot, carry extra change, a phone and tell a family/ friends when you are going out and to where.
  • Question
    If I live in a high risk area, should I attach spikes to my car to deter any rioters and to clear a path through an occupied street?
    Uni Storm
    Uni Storm
    Community Answer
    No! That is probably the worst thing you can do, it will attract attention from rioters, making you a target, and make you a target of the police. Along with the fact that you are unlikely to be driving 100% of the time in riot conditions.
  • Question
    Can riots happen in the suburbs?
    Community Answer
    Yes, riots can occur in any kind of setting, even in the suburbs or out in the country.
  • Question
    if a riot is impacting my place of work, should I leave the office or stay?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Stay inside where it is safe if a riot is happening. Stay in the building and wait for the riot to subside before leaving. If you can get a view of the riot from a safe position, keep an eye on its progress so that you'll know when it's safe to leave.
  • Question
    What will happen to grocery stores during a riot?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    During a riot, any kind of store is at risk of being broken into and looted for its goods. If this happens, people will likely aim for the most valuable goods first, then they tend to grab anything, just because they can.
  • Question
    What if there are riots in many different cities?
    Top Answerer
    Leave your city if you feel the riots are too intense for you to be able to keep safe at home, and head for a smaller town that would be off the beaten path for rioters. Keep up to date on the status of the riots (connecting your phone to a public Wi-Fi hotspot to check the news online is an easy way to do this). Stay away from major cities until the riots have calmed down enough for you to return home safely.
  • Question
    Should I be worried about a riot coming to my house?
    Top Answerer
    It depends on many factors. These include where you live (riots are much more likely to happen in city centres than smaller towns), the current political climate and living conditions (disagreeable new laws and political issues, especially those that affect people's quality of life, have a chance of starting riots), whether ethnic conflict is rampant in your area, and how close you are to a major sports stadium where a sports-related riot could break out. Whatever your situation, reinforcing your home is a win-win situation, since this can also protect you from issues not related to riots, such as one-off burglaries.
  • Question
    What if our shop is the target of the riot?
    Community Answer
    If your shop is the target of the riot, make sure you have an evacuation plan ready. Make sure you do not retrieve anything along the way, and don't take a gun as that can be seen as joining the riot to a police officer. If you see the police, do not approach them, instead move away. If that plan is impossible, you must stay in the building, lock doors and find a lockable room to keep any employees you may have and yourself safe. Your safety is the top priority.
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