Q&A for How to Tell Your Parents About a Bad Test Score

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    What do I do if I get a really bad score
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    Community Answer
    No matter how poor the score, the above steps should apply. However, if you have a really low score, keep in mind that you may need to take more drastic steps to address it.
  • Question
    Why do my parents get angry on me for failing and I fail many times?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Often times, parents get angry about things like bad test scores because they care about you and want to see you do well. Poor grades can affect your future, so they want to see you get the most you can out of your education. However, anger is not often helpful to you as a student. Tell your parents if this is case. Say something like, "I understand why you're upset, but it's not helping me get better. Can we talk about what you think I should do to improve my scores instead?"
  • Question
    What if I failed the test before and they ask you how you are sure that you won't do it again because you said the exact same thing last time?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    The only way to convince them that you're sincere is through your actions. If you follow through with your promises by actively studying more, your parents will know that you're not just trying to appease them.
  • Question
    What happens if you constantly fail tests?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    If you constantly fail tests, it's time to commit to trying to improve. Sit down with your teachers and parents to ask for advice about how to you can do better in those areas where you're struggling. Come up with a plan for trying harder, and stick to it. Even if you continue to do poorly on tests, your parents will see that you're putting in the effort to do better.
  • Question
    What if they beat me
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    If you are worried that your parents will respond violently, contact another adult who you trust and have them accompany you when you have the conversation. If you are dealing with physical abuse or feeling threatened at home, talk to your teacher, school administrator, and/or guidance counselor about it immediately. Domestic abuse is against the law, and getting a bad score on a test is no excuse for it. If your parents beat you, you should call 911 to get help.
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