Q&A for How to Write a Cookbook

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    What is a minimum number of recipes needed to put in a cookbook?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    There's no set amount of recipes needed for a cookbook. Create as small or as large of a cookbook as you like. In many cases, your publishing company will tell you how many recipes they'd like to see included in your book.
  • Question
    Can I use pictures from other people for my cookbook?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    In order to use another person's pictures, you must have their written permission. In this case, the images cannot be images that are easily available online. They must be original works.
  • Question
    Can the internet be my source for recipes?
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    Community Answer
    You'll need to create your own recipes to publish in your cookbook. If you're adapting or changing recipes that you've found online, always give credit to the original recipe and write the method in your own words.
  • Question
    Can I create a cookbook with recipes from other cookbooks?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    If the cookbook is for your own personal use and is not going to be published or profited from, you can certainly use recipes from other cookbooks. If you're going to be publishing a cookbook, you'll need to write your own recipes so you don't violate your country's copyright law. Always give credit to recipe authors that you're inspired by.
  • Question
    What platform can I write my cook book on?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Microsoft word would be a good starting place as well as the Apple word processor. They have an easy user interface and are free to use provided you have a registered pc/laptop/tablet. If you're willing to spend a few bucks though, you'll be able to purchase a high end professional word processor made for book writing. Do a quick Google or browser search for more information.
  • Question
    If I use a boxed cake in a recipe, can I name the company in the book?
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    Community Answer
    It depends. You might need to have their written permission.
  • Question
    When using recipes from other cook books, do I need permission from the authors?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    If their book is copyrighted, by law you are required to gain their written permission, however if their book is an open source, you wouldn't have to acquire written permission from the author (though giving them credit would be considered good etiquette).
  • Question
    How can you "own" a recipe that is common knowledge and a dish that everybody makes?
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    Community Answer
    You can alter the recipe. For example, if you want to do a recipe for cookies, add a unique ingredient such as candy or pieces of another dessert. Once you do that, your take on it is unique and becomes "your" recipe. You can also alter amounts of ingredients, preparation technique and decoration.
  • Question
    Can I publish a cookbook if I am a kid?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Sure! Check out the methods in Publish a Book at a Young Age .
  • Question
    What is the best writing format (Microsoft Word, PDF, etc.) and templates for a cookbook and sending to a publisher?
    Otterly Badgerific
    Otterly Badgerific
    Top Answerer
    Publishers vary as to what format they want but it's probable they'll prefer a format they can edit and work with to make changes, so Word is likely preferred over PDF, for example. It is best to contact your publisher and ask before sending your cookbook to them. As for templates, this is likely to be a production stage requirement rather than initially but again, ask your publisher for advice.
  • Question
    Can I draw the food instead of taking pictures?
    Otterly Badgerific
    Otterly Badgerific
    Top Answerer
    Absolutely, there are many cookbooks from older times that relied upon drawings in place of photographs and they still served the reader well. You could update this approach with a modern style, excellent imagery and clear depictions of cooking steps. If you're not good at drawing yourself, be sure to team up with a good quality illustrator who sees things the way you do.
  • Question
    Is there a legal requirement to list the nutritional value of each recipe?
    Otterly Badgerific
    Otterly Badgerific
    Top Answerer
    Usually, no but this may depend on where you live and the purpose for which the cookbook is intended. For example, it may be a legal requirement if the cookbook is intended for use in an institutional setting where exactness as to calories and nutritional benefits aids the clients or patients. Contact your publisher or local health authority for precise details if you're unsure.
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