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QuestionWhat is the noble gas notation for lead?Community AnswerThe noble gas notation for lead is [Xe]6s2 4f14 5d10 6P2.
QuestionWhat is the noble gas configuration for a noble gas? Would you go to the previous noble gas or simply put in brackets?Community AnswerYou would use the noble gas before it. The noble gas for Neon (Ne) is [He] 2s2 2p6.
QuestionWhat are noble gases?Community AnswerAny element in column 16. They also have eight valence electrons, so they don't need to gain or lose electrons.
QuestionHow are combining powers of electronic configuration determined?Community AnswerThe combining power, or affinity of an atom of a given element is determined by the number of hydrogen atoms that it combines with. Valence diagrams of a compound represent the connectivity of the elements, with lines drawn between two elements, sometimes called bonds, representing a saturated valency for each element.
QuestionHow does noble gas notation make it easier to write electron configuration?Community AnswerNoble gas notations serve as a starting base in which to write e- configs. For example, in iron, fe, we can write e- config based on the number of protons it contains.
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