Q&A for How to Write a Speech for School Elections

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    How do I say "vote for me" in a school election without coming right out and saying it?
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    Say it indirectly. Something like, "I'd be proud to be your leader, and I hope you choose me to serve you" would work.
  • Question
    How can I not be nervous about the speech?
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    Breathe in and out. Remember that most of the students in the audience probably didn't run for whatever you are running for because they were too scared.
  • Question
    I'm new in middle school, so I don't really know anything we can improve on yet. What should I do?
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    Ask other students for suggestions on things that can be improved. In your speech, explain that even though you are new, you have experience from your previous school.
  • Question
    How do I get people to vote for me if I'm running against the most popular person in my grade?
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    This isn't a popularity contest; students will vote for whoever presents themselves well, addresses the school's issues, and seem like they'll make a difference and be a good leader.
  • Question
    How long should a campaign speech be?
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    The school may give you a time frame to stick to, but if they don't, 2-4 minutes is probably a good window.
  • Question
    How should I introduce myself?
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    Say your name, and what grade and homeroom class you are in. For example, "Hello, fellow students. My name is Billy Bob and I am in eighth grade in Mrs. Montgomery's class."
  • Question
    How do I get someone else to write a speech for me?
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    You should write the speech yourself, but it's okay to ask for help if you have a friend that is very good at writing and/or very persuasive.
  • Question
    How do I transition from the introduction into my actions?
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    Use words like 'next', 'then', 'also', 'additionally', and 'finally'. There are lists of transition words available online. However, don't overdo it as it can become a bit tedious when overused.
  • Question
    How do I run for school council if I'm in primary school?
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    The way primary schools vote changes depending on what school you go to. It is probably a good idea to ask your class teacher or your classmates for information.
  • Question
    What are the three "R's" in elections? Respect, reach, and ?
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    Respect, reach, role model!
  • Question
    How do I introduce myself for a school election?
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    Just state your name, grade, and what position you're running for. For example, you could say, "My name is Alice; I'm in 6th grade, and here are the reasons that I'd make a great school treasurer."
  • Question
    Approximately how long should the speech be?
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    A good speech is short, sharp and shiny. Your school might give you a time limit, but something like 2-3 minutes is good.
  • Question
    I'm running for school president of my middle school and will need to present a speech. I have great ideas, but I can have stage fright . How can I give an energetic speech and not sound like G.W. Bush?
    Top Answerer
    The more you practice your speech ahead of time, the better you'll sound when the time comes.
  • Question
    What is an interesting and engaging way to begin a speech?
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    An interesting and gripping way to start a speech is to begin with something like a rhetorical question. For example: “Are you sick of the way our school bathrooms stink every day?”. Then get stuck into the subject, with the audience already on your side and willing to learn more.
  • Question
    How do I end an election speech?
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    Repeat what the main idea of your platform is, for example: “If I am a leader then I will solve all the problems we have.” Be emphatic and engaging.
  • Question
    How do I get people to like me without campaigning for a school election?
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    It's not a matter about people liking you, it's a matter of students believing that you are the best person for the post. If you can do so by means other than campaigning, you'll have their votes.
  • Question
    How do I describe my good qualities without sounding cocky in a speech?
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    Practise while your at home and then, after you are confident at speaking alone, try doing it in front of your parents or family members. This should contribute to making you sound good without being cocky, as your test audience can give you feedback on how you come across. Ask them to be honest!
  • Question
    Do I talk about myself in a speech while running for school elections?
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    Let them know who you are, but they don't need your entire life story. Focus on your personality traits that would prove you are right for the position.
  • Question
    How do I cut off parts of a speech while keeping the important parts?
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    Three suggestions: 1. Look through all your sentences and make sure they connect to what you are trying to say. 2. Reread the speech without a sentence and see if everything you want your audience to hear is still present in the speech. 3. Try to cut out words from each sentence or merge sentences together. Maybe bring the end of the sentence to the beginning.
  • Question
    I don't have any experience from my previous school. How can I write a speech to persuade people to vote for me in my current school?
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    As you're new to a school, it's very difficult for you to win. You can win only if you're in the school from first and you are popular, it may not be a popularity contest, yet students vote for the popular people. You still try to persuade people, yet you'll likely only have a 10% chance of winning.
  • Question
    Could I please suggest some quotes or slogan kind of a thing if I am a soft spoken person?
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    Use quotes in your speech. Just not too many because people have short attention spans and will get bored if something/a tactic is used or said too many times. Definitely have a slogan. It will help people know what you stand for and what kind of person you are.
  • Question
    How do I know if my speech is 1-2 minutes long?
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    Time it. You could use your phone, laptop or other device with a timing mechanism on it.
  • Question
    When filling out an application for election what does it mean to "list a reference from school"?
    Top Answerer
    That means to cite the name of someone at school who knows you well.
  • Question
    How can you tell someone that you're the best candidate without bragging?
    Top Answerer
    You can't. You can, however, disguise your bragging by offering a short and straightforward list of your strong points as a leader and innovator who wants what's best for his/her fellow classmates.
  • Question
    What should I do to make my speech memorable?
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    To make your speech memorable, add slogans and funny quotes! For example: 'An apple a day, keeps the teacher away!'
  • Question
    Should I use our or your in a school election speech?
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    Yes. These words are inclusive pronouns, meaning they make the audience feel included and instead for being talked at, they are talked to.
  • Question
    How do I say my name in a speech for a school election if everyone already knows my name?
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    Just state your name anyway, for the sake of formality and in case there are people in the audience who still don't know you. This comes off as more professional and makes sure everyone knows you.
  • Question
    How can I get votes if everybody thinks I'm disgusting?
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    You should try being more confident, because it sounds like you're suffering from low self-esteem. Bullies tend to pick on others who they believe are weak, but people are drawn to those who are confident and strong and able to stand up for themselves. It's okay if you don't feel confident, you just have to fake it til you make it!
  • Question
    I'm a really shy person, and no one in my grade is expecting me to run. Can I use this to my advantage somehow?
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    Yes! Try to use a side of you that most people don't see. Many people will be shocked at this new side of you, and will probably vote for you. Try adding humor and good ideas.
  • Question
    How do I get people to vote for me when I'm not the most popular person?
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    Try to include some humor in your speech, or come up with a good, catchy, meaningful slogan for your campaign. You don't need to be that popular if you have good ideas and can catch people's interest. Just make sure to put yourself out there and be confident.
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