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VLC is a free media player for multiple platforms, developed by the VideoLAN project. This wikiHow article will help you to reset VLC back to its default settings.

Quick Steps

  1. Open VLC Media Player.
  2. Click Tools.
  3. Click Preferences.
  4. Click Reset Preferences.
  5. Click OK.
  1. 1
    Launch VLC Media Player on your computer. Search for VLC in the Start menu to find it easily. Alternatively, you open a media file with VLC Player.
  2. 2
    Navigate to the Tools option. Click on the Tools from the top menu bar. You'll see a drop-down menu after doing so.
  3. 3
    Select Preferences from the drop-down menu. You can quickly access this Preferences option by pressing Ctrl+P on your keyboard.
  4. 4
    Click on the Reset Preferences button. It will be located at the bottom of the newly opened Preferences box.
  5. 5
    Confirm your action. Click on the OK button from the confirmation prompt. This will reset your VLC Player to its default settings. Finished!
  6. Advertisement

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Co-authors: 3
Updated: February 10, 2024
Views: 53,171
Categories: VLC Media Player
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