This is an excellent system for making certain you have the information you need in your notes when doing a book report on a chapter book. This also works very well for studying history and science.


  1. You will need five pages labeled with the name of the book in each of the five sections of your notes. The sections are: Characters, settings, vocabulary, plot or story notes and predictions.
  2. Near the left margin on the first page of each section, write the Chapter Name (or number if it doesn't have a name) of the chapter you are working on (do not skip this step).
  3. As you read, you will need to watch for the names of people and places; also watch for any dates or other numbers given.
    1. Do the same thing for the setting! The setting is where and when the story is taking place.
    2. (You will only need a few lines for each setting though, so more will fit on each page.)
    3. You don't need to copy the full description from the book, but briefly tell about it - i.e. "A cold dark cave" "Aunt Tillie's house in the city."
  4. As you read, you will come to many words that you don't know. Many of them you can guess at.
    1. If a word is new or unfamiliar to you, write it down in your vocabulary section.
    2. Write down the page number where you first saw the word, and the sentence it was used in (this is very important).
    3. Leave four more spaces for adding a definition later.
  5. After you have read the entire chapter, close the book and think about what you read.
    1. Write 1-3 sentences (in your own words) about what has happened in this chapter.
    2. Try to pick out what you think will be the most important things that happened.
  6. Take a chance here. Don't look ahead!
    1. Guess what will happen in the next chapter. It's okay if you don't get it right. One fun thing to do here is think, "If I was writing this story, what would I have happen next?"
    2. See if you can figure out what the author is going to do next.
  7. Many words will have more than one meaning. You will need to copy down only the meaning for the word as it was used in the story (that's why you wrote down the sentence it appeared in, so you would know which meaning you needed).
    • When you have finished the book, you will have everything you need to do an excellent book report! You will have an entire story line, descriptions of all the characters, new words you've learned, and even notes about what you thought would happen and if the author could surprise you or not!

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  • Question
    How do I write a 5-page book report with very few notes about the book?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Try to use Google to find more information about it like reviews, dates, etc. and once you have gathered as much information as possible try to put it all together. If you have very few notes, try to put in as much detail as you can. If you find a lot of information, you can write the bigger picture, but if you put more details in you are more likely to get a higher mark.
  • Question
    Is it okay if the chapter has both a number and a name?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Yes, it is totally fine. Adding a name to the chapter is much better because it creates an intense moment between the reader and the character in the story.
  • Question
    Can I use this method to study geography?
    Community Answer
    Yes! Many people use the same methods for very different subjects. You can use whatever you feel would help you in your studies.
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wikiHow is a “wiki,” similar to Wikipedia, which means that many of our articles are co-written by multiple authors. To create this article, 27 people, some anonymous, worked to edit and improve it over time. This article has been viewed 82,896 times.
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Updated: February 17, 2022
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