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A neckerchief is a great fashion accessory that can be tied in a variety of ways. Try a classic, necklace, or choker tie for a simple and feminine look. Alternatively, try out a cowboy or desperado tie for a more edgy style. Neckerchiefs are also part of some Scout uniforms. These are folded into a triangle band and can be worn over or under the collar for a smart addition to the uniform.

Method 1
Method 1 of 2:

Wearing a Fashionable Neckerchief

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  1. Fold the scarf in half diagonally so that it looks like a triangle. Then fold the base of the triangle upward towards the top point several times to create a long, rectangular shape. Tie the scarf around your neck using a square knot and position the knot either to the front or the side of your neck.[1]
    • A square knot is a basic knot which involves crossing each end in a tie, twice.
    • This style goes well with a button-down shirt.[2]
  2. Bring 2 diagonal corners of the scarf together to make a triangle. Tie the 2 long ends of the triangle together at the back of your neck using a square knot. Shift the triangle part of the neckerchief either to the front or just off to the side of your neck to see which style you prefer.[3]
    • Use a small scarf to create a small neckerchief. Alternatively, opt for a larger scarf if you want a cowboy neckerchief that is slightly ruffled at the front of the triangle.
  3. Fold the scarf into a triangle shape by matching 2 diagonal corners. Then fold the base of the triangle upward toward the point of the triangle until the scarf looks like a long rectangle. Wrap it twice around your neck and form a square knot to hold it in place.[4]
    • Position the knot at the front of your neck by your throat.
    • Start wrapping the neckerchief at the front of your neck, then bring it to the back, and then wrap it back around the front again. This is where you will tie the knot.[5]
    • This style of neckerchief should be snug against your neck.
  4. Arrange the scarf into a triangle by bringing together 2 diagonal corners. Loosely tie the 2 long ends together at the back of your neck. You can either tuck the neckerchief into your shirt or wear it untucked.[6]
    • This type of neckerchief tie is the fastest and easiest way to style it.
  5. Draw 2 diagonal corners of the scarf together to form a triangle. Fold the triangle from the base upwards toward the final point. This will turn the scarf into a long rectangle. Bring the scarf around your neck and let it hang loosely, before tying a square knot at the front.[7]
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Method 2
Method 2 of 2:

Knotting a Scout Neckerchief

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  1. Lay the scarf out on a flat surface. Bring 1 corner over the scarf to rest on the diagonal corner. Gently press the scarf down the fold.[11]
    • Make sure that the scarf isn't wrinkled. Iron the scarf before you start tying it if necessary.
  2. Keep the triangle flat on a surface. Fold the base of the triangle up by approximately 3 in (7.6 cm) towards the top point of the triangle. Run your hand along the fold to make sure it is smooth and repeat this if necessary to make the neckerchief triangle smaller.[12]
    • Generally, approximately 6 in (15 cm) of the tip of the neckerchief tends to remain unfolded at the top.[13]
  3. Either wrap the neckerchief around your neck over the top of your uniform collar or lift your collar up and wrap the neckerchief below it. The regulations for neckerchiefs differ among the units that wear them, so check with your unit if you are unsure.[14]
    • If you wear your neckerchief under your collar, make sure to fold your collar back over the neckerchief once you have tied it.
  4. Place the 2 loose ends of the neckerchief into the slide. Draw the slide upward until it reaches the top button of your uniform.[15]
    • To remove the neckerchief, simply pull the slide down to loosen it and pull the neckerchief over your head.[16]
    • The neckerchief not only looks smart with your uniform, but it can also be a great piece of emergency first aid gear. It can be used to make a sling, bandage, or tourniquet.[17]
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The Takeaway: Tying a Classic Neckerchief

For a classic look, fold the neckerchief in half diagonally, then make several small folds along the long side up toward the top point to create a rectangular shape. Put the neckerchief around your neck and make a simple square knot (cross the ends of the tie twice and pull tight).

Expert Q&A

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  • Question
    What color can I choose if I have brown eyes?
    Hannah Park
    Hannah Park
    Professional Stylist
    Hannah Park is a professional stylist and personal shopper with experience in e-comm styling, celebrity styling and personal styling. She runs an LA-based styling company, The Styling Agent, where she focuses on understanding each individual she works with, and crafting wardrobes according to their needs.
    Hannah Park
    Professional Stylist
    Expert Answer
    If you have brown eyes, you can choose to wear green, white, or yellow scarves.
  • Question
    Which colors go well with blue eyes?
    Hannah Park
    Hannah Park
    Professional Stylist
    Hannah Park is a professional stylist and personal shopper with experience in e-comm styling, celebrity styling and personal styling. She runs an LA-based styling company, The Styling Agent, where she focuses on understanding each individual she works with, and crafting wardrobes according to their needs.
    Hannah Park
    Professional Stylist
    Expert Answer
    Pastel colors like pink, purple, blue, and white suit people with blue eyes.
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  • A neckerchief isn't a necessary requirement for all Scouts. The troopers vote on whether or not their unit will wear neckerchiefs.[18]
  • A neckerchief is a square piece of cloth or scarf which is worn around the neck.
  • Only wear a Scout neckerchief with the official uniform and never with ordinary clothing.
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About This Article

Hannah Park
Co-authored by:
Professional Stylist
This article was co-authored by Hannah Park. Hannah Park is a professional stylist and personal shopper with experience in e-comm styling, celebrity styling and personal styling. She runs an LA-based styling company, The Styling Agent, where she focuses on understanding each individual she works with, and crafting wardrobes according to their needs. This article has been viewed 70,382 times.
9 votes - 45%
Co-authors: 7
Updated: December 23, 2023
Views: 70,382
Categories: Scarves
Article SummaryX

To tie a fashionable neckerchief in the classic style, start by folding the scarf in half so it looks like a triangle. Then, fold the bottom upwards several times to create a rectangular shape. Place the scarf around your neck and tie the ends in a square knot, which you can position at the front or side of your neck. If you’re going for a Western look, bring 2 corners of the neckerchief together to make a triangle and tie it at the back of your neck with a square knot. For a more edgy look, form a triangle out of your scarf and tie it loosely at the back of your neck. You can either tuck the triangle into your shirt or leave it hanging out. To learn more, including how to tie a Scout neckerchief, read on!

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