How to
Be a Better Person: A Guide to Self-Improvement
Our Mission
At, our mission is to provide the best, expert-approved and research-based advice on fitness and health. We accomplish this by creating comprehensive, illustrated guides that provide readers with clear instructions addressing their most important fitness-related questions. combines the expertise of co-author professionals in health and fitness fields, the work of trained researchers and writers, and the personal experiences of the wikiHow community to ensure that readers can trust the advice they find here.
Our Process follows a thorough process with multiple quality control checks when creating our articles to make sure they meet our mission and help readers pursue fit, healthy lifestyles:
- Our articles are reviewed by professionals in the health and fitness fields. Most of the articles on are co-authored by qualified experts, such as personal trainers, yoga instructors, nurse practitioners, and orthopedic surgeons. These reviewers help ensure that our advice is accurate and comprehensive, so readers will be able to find the information they need to get and stay in shape. Look for the "Expert Co-Authored" badge at the top of an article, then tap or click to learn more about the experts who contributed to the guide.
- Our articles are edited by trained writers. All articles on have been edited by our team of trained writers and researchers, and reviewed by our staff members.
- Our articles are carefully researched. Articles that appear on cite numerous authoritative sources, including healthcare organizations like the Mayo Clinic, government entities like the UK’s National Health Service, and university programs like Harvard Medical School.
- We are transparent about our practices. On each article, you can see the experts involved in creating it and check the references used for research.
Our Results
Readers love our articles and report that they have helped them accomplish their goals and resolve their concerns! Here are some things our readers are saying about our articles:
- About How to Improve Stamina, Elizabeth Timmins writes, "This article succinctly describes ways to improve and maintain both your physical and mental stamina. It is a good review for folks already familiar with the topic and it is a healthy introduction for people new to the subject."
- After reading How to Treat a Groin Injury, Steve Bischoff shared his experience: "Having sustained a groin injury, I found this info to be helpful by itself. I also noted that it conformed to the medical advice I received from two sports injury doctors and a therapist. Kudos!"
- Regarding How to Tell the Difference Between a Pulled Muscle or Lung Pain, Laurie Wilson notes, "Gave very good info and put my mind at rest. I have been dealing with a pulled rib muscle for a few weeks, and was starting to panic it was something more serious. This was full of the facts that I needed to know."
- On How to Work Out with Dumbbells, Alfie Thompson states, "I'm just starting using weights. Online there are very few places to find easy-to-understand guides. This article, however, was extremely useful and insightful, so thank you, wikiHow!"
- In response to How to Exercise when You Have Fibromyalgia, Maggie Strogen explains, "Being reminded to take it slow and easy is so helpful for me. I joined a gym and got pressured to keep up with others, and I ended up quitting after 6 weeks because it hurt too much. I'm taking it slow this time."