About wikiHow Pet

Our Mission

At wikiHow.pet, our mission is to provide the best, veterinarian-approved and research-based advice on pet and animal care. We do this by creating in-depth guides that provide readers with clear, comprehensive instructions on how to handle their most important animal-related questions. wikiHow.pet combines the expertise of veterinarian co-authors, the work of trained researchers and writers, and the experience and know-how of the wikiHow community to ensure that readers can trust the advice they find here.

Our Process

wikiHow.pet follows a thorough process with multiple quality control checks when creating our articles to ensure that articles meet our mission and help readers and their pets:

  • Our articles are reviewed by veterinary professionals. Nearly every article on wikiHow.pet is co-authored by one of our veterinarian article reviewers. These reviewers help ensure the accuracy and comprehensiveness of our advice so that readers will have access to the most useful information on caring for their pets. Look for the “Expert Co-Authored” badge at the top of our articles—and tap or click to learn more about the experts who worked to make our guides the best they can be.
  • Our articles are edited by trained writers. All articles that appear on wikiHow.pet have been edited by our team of trained writers and researchers, and reviewed by our staff members.
  • Our articles are carefully researched. On average, articles that appear on wikiHow.pet cite over 16 authoritative sources, including veterinary handbooks and websites, as well as animal welfare organizations such as the ASPCA.
  • We are transparent about our practices. On each article, you can see the experts who were involved in creating it and check the references used when researching and writing it.

Our Results

Readers love our articles, and report them to be accurate and helpful! Here are some things our readers are saying about our articles:

  • About How to Clean Your Cat's Ears, Malynda Leroy-Magee states, "Helpful description of what is normal and abnormal for a cat's ears. Learned how not to injure the cat and make process easier on it. Easy to follow step-by-step instructions. Thank you!"
  • In response to How to Teach Your Dog to Sit, Greta Bennett writes, "Thank you, this really helped me train my dog, especially when I used the first two methods! I have a hound dog mix (with a bit of border collie) named Ted, and he is very stubborn. With this article he mastered sitting under a day!"
  • Regarding How to Understand What Your Dog Wants, Lulu R. explains, "I was dog sitting for my cousins, and was having a hard time understanding their dog. I found this article after a quick search, and now my cousin’s dog has stopped whining, and all I had to do was pay attention to her."
  • On How to Feed a Quaker Parrot, Angela Bollenberg notes, "Knowing what is and is not safe to feed my young Quaker parrot is essential. Interesting and convenient, for diet is very similar to what I feed my Congo African grey. Thank you for the reassurance."
  • After using the instructions in How to Give a Cat a Pill, Carol T. shared her experience: “I have to start giving my cat Pepcid everyday. Normally he will eat anything, so it's not a problem, but he will not go near these pills even using the pill pockets. I'd forgotten to hold the cat's head while trying to give them a pill and this was a great reminder. I just successfully fed him his pill after trying for 2 days. Thanks!”