The seated figure four is a modification of the figure four yoga pose, typically done while standing. This pose can be done anywhere, and is a good stretch to help open your hips, particularly if you have a job that involves sitting at a desk for extended periods of time.To do a seated figure four, find a stable chair where you can place both feet on the floor. Once you've perfected the seated figure four, you may want to try other hip-opening poses.

Method 1
Method 1 of 3:

Perfecting the Seated Figure Four

  1. To do any seated yoga variation, you must be sitting in a solid, stable chair that allows you to place both of your feet firmly on the floor. Chairs with wheels or with a lot of cushioning in the seat typically aren't the best choices.
    • Sit forward on the edge of your chair and make sure your back is neutral, not arched. You should be sitting on your "sit bones" – two points you'll be able to feel on your buttocks – not on your tailbone. Center your rib cage over your hips.
    • Roll your shoulders back so that your shoulder blades are tucked in and flowing straight down your back alongside your spine.
  2. Before you get started with the seated figure four, it's a good idea to do some neck stretches and twists to gently open up your neck and back. These are especially important if you're stiff from sitting hunched over a computer for an extended period of time.
    • Simple neck and shoulder rolls will help loosen you up and improve your mobility. While not technically yoga poses or exercises, they can help warm you up for the seated figure four as well as other seated yoga poses.
    • Do neck and shoulder rolls both clockwise and counter-clockwise. Then come to a seat at the edge of your chair with your feet firmly on the floor and twist to the left and right to loosen your spine. Keep your hips squared forward, and only twist as far as you can without pain or discomfort.
  3. To move into the seated figure four, plant your left foot solidly on the floor, then lift your right leg and bend it at the knee so it's crossed over your left leg. You want to place your right ankle on your left thigh, just above your knee.
    • Flex your right foot and try to keep your knee and leg as flat as possible. You should feel a slight stretch in the muscles of your outer hip.
    • Press your palms together in front of your chest to complete the pose. To take the pose deeper, gently press down on your right knee with your right hand.
  4. Breathing is at the center of yoga practice. Turn your focus to your breath and inhale deeply through your nose, expanding your belly. Think of filling your lungs with air from the bottom up.
    • When your lungs are completely full, pause for a moment before exhaling slowly out of your mouth. Open your throat so you are making a whispered "ha" sound in the back of your throat as you exhale. With practice, you'll be able to make this sound while exhaling through your nose.
    • Exhaling can help ease tension and stress as it stimulates the parasympathetic nervous system, particularly if you lengthen your exhalation.[1] When you've completely exhaled, pause before inhaling again. These pauses between inhaling and exhaling help your breathing become more intentional.
    • Hold the pose for 10 to 20 breaths, or as long as you can do so comfortably. Since this is a gentle pose, you can hold it as long as you want – just keep in mind that you need to switch and do the other side.
  5. If you want to intensify the stretch in your glutes and outer thighs, you can do so by hinging your torso forward from the waist. Try to keep your back as flat and neutral as possible, and lower your shoulders away from your ears. This will help open your throat and allow you to maintain your breathing practice.
    • Think about folding your chest or heart toward your thighs. You can rest your torso on your thighs if it's comfortable for you to fold that deeply. Don't go lean so far forward that you feel pain, however. Or, if you’re sitting at a desk, you can lean onto the desk.
  6. Lower your right foot to the floor, then lift your left foot and repeat the same movements.
Method 2
Method 2 of 3:

Learning Other Figure Four Variations

  1. The figure four on the floor is also called the eye of the needle pose, because you thread your arm through your legs as though you are threading a needle. This pose is provides a good stretch for your outer hips and thighs.[2]
    • Lie on your back on the floor. Make sure your shoulders are rolled back so that your shoulder blades are tucked along your spine, and your lower back is flat against the floor. Keep your chin in a neutral position and make sure all 4 corners of your torso are touching the floor.
    • Lift your legs and bend your knees at right angles so that your shins are parallel to the floor and your thighs are perpendicular. Cross one leg over the other so that your ankle is resting on your thigh just above your knee. Essentially, you're recreating the seated figure four position, except that you're lying on your back.
    • Grasp your lower thigh with your hands, threading one of your arms through the space between your legs. Gently pull your lower thigh toward your chest while pressing away with your bent knee. To take the pose deeper, extend the leg underneath so the sole of your foot faces the ceiling.
    • Breathe deeply. Hold the pose for 5 to 10 breaths, then release and switch to the other side.
  2. The standing figure four is a balancing pose that is a little more challenging than the figure four you do either sitting or lying down. If you don't have a strong sense of balance, it may take you some time to work up to it.[3]
    • Do this pose next to a wall if you have trouble balancing, so you have something to support you.
    • Bend your knees slightly and lift one foot, bending your knee to rest your ankle on the thigh of your standing leg. Press your ankle into your thigh and your thigh into your ankle. Press down with your bent knee to open your hip and find your balance.
    • Check in with your upper body to ensure your pelvis is tucked, your core is engaged, and your shoulders are rolled down flat to you back to leave room for your chest to open and breathe.
    • Lock the pose by resting your elbows on your knee and ankle, pressing your palms together. You can also press one palm against the sole of your foot. Hold for three to five deep breath cycles, then release and repeat with the other foot.
  3. After you've mastered the standing figure four, you can deepen the stretch by lowering your hips into chair pose. This tough balancing pose mimics the same position your body is in when you're doing a seated figure four.[4]
    • Instead of leaning forward over your crossed leg, keep your torso up straight, shoulders back. Press your palms together in front of your chest and hold the pose for three to five breath cycles. Release and repeat on the other side.
  4. Of all the "pigeon" or "figure four" variations, the double pigeon pose may be the most intense. Take it slow, and don't attempt this pose if it causes you any pain or discomfort.[5]
    • Sit on the floor and stack your shins one on top of the other in a modified cross-legged position. Your shins should be parallel to the front of the mat. Your top knee may or may not rest on your bottom ankle.
    • You may want a rolled blanket behind your hips if you have a hard time maintaining a straight back in this position. While discomfort is okay, pain is not.
    • Hinge forward from the hips, extending your arms out in front of you. You can use your hands to walk away from your body for extra support. Only fold forward as far as you can go without any pain. As you continue to practice this pose, you'll be able to fold forward more deeply.
    • Hold the pose for 5 to 10 deep breath cycles, then release and switch your legs so that the one that was stacked on the bottom is now stacked on top, and repeat your fold.
  5. You can increase the intensity of any of the figure four variations by working in a spinal twist from the figure four position. Just be sure to keep your spine stacked in alignment and twist at the waist, and keeping your hips squared forward.[6]
    • If you're including a twist with any of the figure four variations, you can choose to twist in both directions with both your right and left legs.
Method 3
Method 3 of 3:

Trying Other Hip Opening Poses

  1. The half-pigeon is a relatively intense hip opener, but if your hips are fairly loose it also can be a relaxing pose. Take it slowly and focus on your breath. If you feel any pain, pull out of the pose immediately.[7]
    • Start on all fours. Slide one knee forward so that it is behind your wrist and then bring your ankle toward the opposite wrist. The goal is to get your shin parallel to the front of the mat, however, you should listen to your body and stop wherever is right for you. Extend your other leg straight back behind you.
    • Slowly lower into the pose until you are all the way on the floor. Press down into the ground through your front pinky toe. Square your hips to the front of the mat and press down into the mat with your back leg. Keep your torso erect and only go as deeply as you can without pain.
    • Stay in the pose for 3 to 5 breath cycles, then raise back onto all fours and repeat the pose on the other side.
  2. From the half-pigeon leg position, you can get a deeper stretch in your hips, glutes, and thighs by folding your torso over across your front leg. Fold from the hips and keep your back straight and flat.[8]
    • Make sure your shoulders are rolled back and your shoulder blades are tucked down alongside your spine. Avoid crunching your shoulders or hunching them up around your ears as you fold forward.
    • At first, try lowering to your elbows. As your hips get looser, you can recline all the way down to the floor, extending your arms out overhead and resting your forehead on the floor. Keep your hips square by pressing down with your legs so your body doesn’t shift or tilt.
    • Hold the pose for 3 to 5 breath cycles, then release and repeat on the other side.
  3. The seated figure four is intended to stretch your outer hips. The cow face pose goes a little further to provide a more intense stretch. You may want to use a folded blanket or yoga block as a prop.[9]
    • Start this pose on all fours. Cross one knee over the other, and then press your hips back until you are sitting on the floor. Press your sit bones into the mat with the outer edges of both feet on the mat. Or, place the sole of the foot of your top leg on the floor where it’s comfortable to do so.
    • If going all the way to the floor is too much of a stretch, a folded blanket or yoga block will give you a little elevation so you don't have to stretch as far.
    • Place your hands on your feet or ankles. Hold the pose for five to ten deep breath cycles, then release. Extend your legs in front of you and shake them out a little before standing.
  4. Happy baby pose stretches your inner thighs, and can be used as something of a counter-stretch from pigeon or figure four stretches. This pose is often done at the end of your practice.[10]
    • Lie on your back and raise your legs, bending your knees. Grasp the arches of your feet with your hands and pull your thighs down alongside your torso. If you can’t reach the arches of your feet, hold your thighs. Make sure your entire spine is flat against the floor.
    • In this pose, you can rock back and forth or up and down to gently massage your spine, or you can remain still. Hold the pose as long as you want, breathing deeply and feeling the stretch in your thighs and hips.

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  • There are many ways to modify these poses to make them accessible for you. A quick Internet search will yield plenty of helpful results.

About this article

Caitlin Downey
Co-authored by:
Yoga Instructor
This article was co-authored by Caitlin Downey and by wikiHow staff writer, Jennifer Mueller, JD. Caitlin Downey is a Registered Yoga Teacher at Yoga Therapy in Burlington, Vermont. She has over 200 hours of experience as a certified Yoga Instructor since 2014, and has over 600 hours of training as a certified Phoenix Rising Yoga Therapist. This article has been viewed 9,309 times.
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Updated: June 7, 2021
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