Carolina Dogs are assigned to the hound group and thought to have been derived from dogs who crossed over the Bering land bridge from Asia to North America with migrating humans. [1] They do have some resemblance to other dog breeds, including the Australian Dingo [2] , but they also have several unique traits. This wikiHow will help you figure out whether or not a dog is a Carolina Dog.

Method 1
Method 1 of 3:

Body Structure

  1. Carolina Dogs are usually somewhere between 17.75 to 19.5 inches (45.1 to 49.5 cm) tall, and they typically weigh anywhere from 30 to 55 pounds (14 to 25 kg). [3]
  2. When looked at from the top, you should notice that the Carolina Dog's head appears to be a triangle that is wide, with jaw muscles that are developed well. The muzzle, which should be pointed and strong, should taper, and this should be more noticeable due to the dog's jaw muscles. You should also notice tapering on the dog's skull going to the point of their muzzle, as well as noticeable yet slight stop. [4]
  3. Carolina Dogs should have expressive, mobile ears that are well-set on the top of the dog's head, are fine-textured, and are pointing forwards a little, along with tips that are rounded a little. The dog's ears should preferably be equilateral triangle-shaped, but the ear base may be a little shorter than the ear edges that are ascending. The dog typically carries their ears in an erect manner when they are alert, though they may be folded and back, being carried along the dog's neck. Often, one ear is pricked strongly, while the other rotates and picks up any sounds. The dog may also have drop or semi-prick ears, though they should preferably be upright. [5]
  4. Carolina Dogs should have diagonally-set eyes that are almond in shape and typically brown-colored, but they can be anywhere from yelp to even sometimes blue in color. [6]
  5. Carolina Dogs should have a tail that continues on from the dog's spine, typically with a brush that is moderate, though under the dog's tail should be where you notice the most hair. You should notice the tail being in a "fish hook" position if the dog is alert, which is from the horizontal typically to approximately a 45° angle. When the dog is trotting, their tail should be downwards and appear similar to a "pump handle". The tail also may be in between the dog's back legs or simply low, but it should not hang loose or slack. [7]
  6. Overall, Carolina Dogs should appear like a small wolf or jackal and have a build that is medium. Their gait should be effortless, smooth, and low, with movement that is free and the dog's back appearing flexible. [8]
Method 2
Method 2 of 3:


  1. Carolina Dogs are most often a variety of red ginger-colored shades, along with having markings over the dog's shoulders that are pale buff in color. Pale white coloring is also typically found along the dog's muzzle. However, the dog's coloring may vary, being anywhere from straw-colored to wheaten to a pale yellow buff color. Ideally, you should notice shading on the dog's throat, underside, and chest that are of a lighter color, often on the throat being close to white, along with a little white coloring on the dog's toes, and on the dog's loins, tail, and back, you may notice dark sailing. If the dog is younger than 2, they may have a muzzle that is darker in color. Dogs that are ginger in color frequently have a coat that is of a lighter color behind their shoulder blades. [9]
    • Carolina Dogs may also be completely black (frequently with small markings), black and tan, or piebald spotted with a blanket back that is black in color. [10]
  2. Carolina Dogs have a coat that changes depending on what season it is. The dog's summer coat should be noticeably lighter than the dog's winter coat, along with a good amount of undercoat during the winter time. [11]
  3. Carolina Dogs typically have hair that feels smooth on their ears, front legs, and head, along with guard hairs on the dog's back, neck, and withers that feel coarse in texture. [12]
  4. Carolina Dogs should have short hair on their ears, front legs, and head, along with guard hairs that are longer in length than the dog's undercoat found on the dog's withers, back, and neck. These hairs should be erect if the dog is aroused. [13]
Method 3
Method 3 of 3:


  1. While Carolina Dogs are loyal and typically bond with their family, they don't tend to show a lot of affection. [14]
    • This dog also tends to do well with kids, especially kids who the dog thinks are members of their family. [15]
  2. Carolina Dogs tend to be suspicious and wary around strangers, meaning they are usually a good watchdog. [16]
  3. While Carolina Dogs are quite intelligent and eager to please, they also tend to be stubborn, meaning that training can sometimes be difficult. [17]
  4. Because of this, it is important that caution is exercised when the dog is around small animals. However, they tend to do well with other dogs. [18]
  5. Because Carolina Dogs are pack dogs, they do not do well if they are left alone, so this is something to be aware of. [19]

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  • If you want to know what breed your dog is, consider dog DNA testing. This can help confirm whether or not your dog is a Carolina Dog.

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