Q&A for How to Act Depressed in a Performance

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    How do you play a character with depression?
    Murisa Harba
    Murisa Harba
    Acting Coach & Dance Instructor
    Murisa Harba is an Acting Coach, Dance Instructor, and the Artistic Director & Owner of About the Works Actors Studio and Take My Lead LA. With over 13 years of experience, she specializes in private ballroom dancing lessons and encouraging actors to creatively tell stories. Murisa holds a BFA in Theatre and a Minor in Dance from Boston University’s College of Fine Arts.
    Murisa Harba
    Acting Coach & Dance Instructor
    Expert Answer
    Try to figure out what your character is grappling with. Is it a death? Is it a divorce? Is it finding out about an illness? Everybody's going to have a very different way of understanding how that manifests within their body—so, to know oneself and how you cope individually will help you figure out how the character copes.
  • Question
    I'm in an original performance playing a severely depressed character and I do not know how to pull it off with my bright personality. Any extra tips?
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    Being depressed is hard for people who are normally bright and bubbly. Just pretend that something tragic has happened (like your best friend has died) and act as if it happened in real life.
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    What do I do if someone asks me what's wrong?
    Community Answer
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    Say something along the lines of "It's none of your business," "Nothing's wrong," or "Why would YOU care?"
  • Question
    I have depression, but my parents don't believe it, even though my counselor told them so. Should I follow the steps in this article to convince them?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    No, you should not. If they will not believe you, then you should try telling other people you trust and or getting help. Just be honest with your parents and tell them you need help. They probably don't want to believe that their baby is hurting, but they do want what's best for you, so just keep asking for help.
  • Question
    How do I act depressed over text?
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    You should say sarcastic comments or not even answer at all. Being depressed makes you avoid people and if you were depressed you probably wouldn't even want people near you. You should send angry, sarcastic or melancholy types of texts.
  • Question
    What if I laugh too easily?
    Community Answer
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    If you laugh to easily, try to avoid direct eye contact. The other person will have a happy or funny look in their eyes if they just told a joke, which could set you off. If you have an odd sense of humor, try warning people in advance, so they're not caught off guard by your inappropriate laughing.
  • Question
    Will others notice that I'm acting depressed?
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    Some people may not notice, as they could be too caught up in their own lives to really think about others. Close friends or people who know you well may notice. Also remember, some people wont approach you about it out of awkwardness or fear.
  • Question
    How can I act like a cold hearted person?
    Mia Colangelo
    Mia Colangelo
    Community Answer
    Be distant and rude to kind people, and accept no favors. Isolate yourself from others, but let them know you are just acting.
  • Question
    Why act like someone with an actual mental disorder? We're supposed to stop it, not act it.
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    There could be legitimate reasons for acting depressed, such as when people want to perform a depressed character in a play or movie, or when someone might want to put on this act in order to avoid connecting with another person when they want some space.
  • Question
    What could I wear if I don't have any dark clothes?
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    Try caring less about your appearance and the composition of your outfit, such as: baggy t-shirts, old sweatpants, etc. Depression tends to lead people to stop caring about things, including what they look like. It can also lead people to lose energy and motivation; this includes coming up with new outfit ideas.
  • Question
    Why is this article even on here? I have depression and I find this offensive.
    Mia Hake
    Mia Hake
    Community Answer
    Having depression myself, I can see where you're coming from, but I don't think this article was made for the purposes you think it was made for. This article was made to teach people how to better play the role of a depressed person in a movie or play. In no way does this article suggest that people should pretend to be depressed in their day to day life to get attention or use it as an excuse to get out of things, so I don't see it as very offensive.
  • Question
    Is it okay to act depressed to make someone feel bad after hurting your feelings deeply?
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    You really shouldn't. It's kind of pathetic. Just be honest and tell the person that he/she hurt your feelings.
  • Question
    Would wearing maroon shirts help?
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    Any dark colored clothes can give the impression of being depressed, especially if they're older and more worn.
  • Question
    I have many of these symptoms, but I'm 12, and I don't want my parents to know. What should I do?
    Community Answer
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    Try talking to friends, a teacher, your school counselor or your doctor. You really should let your parents know, though.
  • Question
    What if I smile easily?
    Mia Colangelo
    Mia Colangelo
    Community Answer
    Smile creepily, or think of a morbid or sad thought to suppress the smile.
  • Question
    I don't have depression, I just think I'm broken. I don't cry when I'm sad, and it just feels like the entire world stops and my heart dies for a second. Thoughts?
    Community Answer
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    You cry when you're sad. You don't cry when you're depressed. That aching and pressure on your chest is painful and familiar. Learn what you can from it, find the good. Wait it out. You don't have to believe it gets better, you just have to wait until it does. Consider talking to a professional.
  • Question
    I am depressed, but my "friends" don't see me as depressed and therefore take me for granted. How do I make it clear that I want my boundaries?
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    There's a difference between being depressed and wanting space from your friends. Depression is a serious medical illness and should be treated as such. If your friends draw out such emotions, maybe they aren't the best people to be around. Find others who understand you and love you for who you are. Or simply tell them you want some time for yourself, or that they're upsetting you.
  • Question
    What if I have depression after acting this out?
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    You could watch your favorite YouTuber, your favorite show, or just anything you enjoy doing. If that doesn't work, think about all the people in your life who need you.
  • Question
    My crush dumped me so I want to act depressed about it but I don't know if it will work. Will it?
    Community Answer
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    Why would you want to act depressed if you aren't? If he dumped you and you aren't depressed, move on! The best revenge is to live well.
  • Question
    I want to kill myself. What should I do?
    Riley Meredith
    Riley Meredith
    Community Answer
    Please call a suicide hotline in your area. There are trained professionals who can get you through this.
  • Question
    I think I'm depressed and have anxiety, but my mom isn't getting it. What do I do?
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    You should tell her. The only way for her to properly realize it is for you to tell her yourself.
  • Question
    My school has a uniform. How can I make myself look dark in that?
    Mia Colangelo
    Mia Colangelo
    Community Answer
    If the uniform offers different color choices, go for the darkest shades available. Use the baggiest coat possible, and wear it whenever possible. Accessorize with dark hair pieces and jewelry if dress code allows. Long sleeves/pants/skirts help, too.
  • Question
    I'm depressed and am scared of what I will do to myself. I have a therapist but I feel like I should go away for a while (asylum) how do I tell my parents without them thinking I'm overreacting?
    Community Answer
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    Be gentle. Tell them your idea, and patiently give an explanation. Keep calm no matter how nervous you are. If they have questions answer them, but take it slow. You want them to see that you are trying to make a mature decision, and that you think it's best.
  • Question
    I don't want to just all of a sudden act depressed, so how do I slowly edge my way to bring not the same me anymore?
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    Find a reason to be depressed, and then slowly become more sad each day.
  • Question
    How do I act depressed without getting in trouble? What if a teacher asks me to answer a question?
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    You can still answer the question. If you get in trouble for acting depressed, come clean.
  • Question
    Is it bad that I WANT to be depressed?
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    It's bad in the sense that nobody should want to be depressed, so you may want to seek help from someone like a therapist to deal with these feelings. Maybe you're just trying to seek an explanation for feelings that you experience often.
  • Question
    How to make it seem as though I'm not depressed even if I am going through depression?
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    The best way to do this is to get help. Go to a counselor or a therapist or even your parents, but healing is the best way to act like you don't have depression. For some reason, if you are in a specific situation where you can't do that, smile. Go out of your way to get ready and look good (if not for yourself, then for someone else), and try to focus only on positive things.
  • Question
    I want to act like this around a particular person because they have really hurt me and I want them to feel bad, or at least to make them regret their actions. Is this inappropriate?
    Emma Woodall
    Emma Woodall
    Community Answer
    You are intentionally acting upset to make somebody feel upset, so yes, I this can be considered inappropriate. Instead of trying to make them feel bad by acting upset, just talk to them and tell them that you feel their actions were wrong.
  • Question
    What if my crush notices me but does not care?
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    That likely means they are not the one for you, but there is no need to be upset as there are plenty of fish in the sea.
  • Question
    I have clinical depression. Why are you telling people how to act depressed because they want to get out of something? Its a mental illness, not a choice.
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    Community Answer
    Many people are looking at this for acting. Characters with depression and other mental illnesses are becoming more of a focus in plays, musicals, TV shows and movies. Learning more about depression can help actors portray the character much better.
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