Q&A for How to Know if Someone is Bisexual

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  • Question
    My best friend snapped at me when I asked her if she was bisexual, does this mean that she is?
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    No, not necessarily. She may have snapped because she was offended, surprised, or for some other personal reason. Of course, it could mean she is bisexual, but you can't assume it just from her response.
  • Question
    I'm struggling to find my sexuality, it stresses me. How do I know if I'm bisexual, and how do I know if I'm gay?
    Tom De Backer
    Tom De Backer
    Top Answerer
    You are not obligated to define yourself. Instead of finding a label to find your identity, remember that you are already you and that is enough. If you find a nice box to tick that you're comfortable with, that's great. Also, your preference can change over time, though not usually overnight. If you love one man, it doesn't mean you're gay, let alone for the rest of your life. Focus on the small, on the personal. Find someone you love who loves you back, enjoy that, don't worry about the label.
  • Question
    My friend and I kissed. Could this mean she's lesbian?
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    It could, or it could mean she's bisexual, or perhaps she was just experimenting. The only way to know is to ask her.
  • Question
    Does the term bisexual refer specifically to being attracted to the male and female genders, or can it be applied to anyone who likes two genders?
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    It really depends on who you ask. Some bisexual people will define it as only liking men and women, some define it as being attracted to their own gender and other genders, others consider it virtually interchangeable with the term pansexual, and so forth. Typically, the LGBT community will most often acknowledge bisexuality as attraction to two or more genders that may not necessarily fit in the gender binary.
  • Question
    My friend says she might be bisexual, but she's scared about what her parents might say. What should I tell her?
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    You always want your friend to be comfortable and safe. If she is too scared to tell them, maybe it is not the right time. If her safety is compromised by coming out, she doesn't have to come out. Coming out is a very intimate and scary thing to do. What you can tell her is that you will be there with her if she needs your support.
  • Question
    Do child sexual abuse victims often become bisexual?
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    No. Being abused does not change your sexuality. You are born with your identity. Bisexuality is not mental illness.
  • Question
    Someone I am currently seeing mentioned in the middle of the conversation that he's bi. When I freaked out about it he denied it and said it was just a joke. I am confused. How am I supposed to act?
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    Honestly, you shouldn't have freaked out. Freaking out when someone comes out to you only drives them back into the closet and makes them miserable. Try talking to him about it. Tell them that you support the LGBTQ+ community and it's perfectly okay with you if he's bisexual. (I'm assuming that it is. If it isn't okay with you, break up with him so he can start dating someone who doesn't disapprove of who he is.)
  • Question
    A girl I know and really like whispered to me her preference. I couldn't hear what she said, but she did say she has a partner, as in girlfriend. So how do I know if she's lesbian or bisexual?
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    You can politely ask her. Don't be afraid to ask questions, but please do be polite and supportive when asking about or discussing someone's sexuality.
  • Question
    How do I tell if I'm bisexual?
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    If you're attracted to both men and women, there's a good chance you're bisexual. The only way to know for sure is to experiment by dating different people and seeing how you feel. It's perfectly fine to not be sure about your sexuality, and you can choose not to label yourself at all if this is what you prefer.
  • Question
    My cousin says I'm bisexual because I used to like guys and now I like girls, But I identify as a lesbian. I'm confused, can you please give me some advice?
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    Your cousin doesn't get to define your sexuality, only you do. Remind your cousin that sometimes people's sexuality changes over time. You used to like guys, now you don't, so you're not bisexual, you're a lesbian.
  • Question
    Every time I ask my friend if she's bi, she never answers, and always just says, "Well, I've been out with one boy." What does this mean?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    It sounds like your friend isn't 100% sure about her sexuality. That's perfectly normal. Since it sounds like you've tried to ask her a couple of times and you haven't gotten a response, it would be best to let it go for now. If you keep bothering her about it, she might get upset.
  • Question
    I think my gay friend might be bisexual, but I'm not sure. How could I find out?
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    Your gay friend? If he told you he's gay, then assume that's the truth. If he just told you he's interested in the same sex, ask him if he's bisexual. It's a simple question and most likely he will just answer it.
  • Question
    I am a bisexual male and I am in love with a guy, but he might be straight. How do I know?
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    Hang out with this guy. See how he acts around other guys and girls. When you find out how he acts around others, it should be really easy to figure out what sexuality he is. If you're extremely close to one of his friends, then ask them.
  • Question
    My parents and friends don’t know I might be bisexual. What should I do?
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    The best thing is to start by talking to the closest open-minded people you know. You also don't need to tell anyone if you don't want to.
  • Question
    I have a boyfriend. We have been together for six months. I am bisexual and I want to tell him. His family is homophobic and I want them to accept me. What do I do?
    Community Answer
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    Assuming your boyfriend isn't homophobic (and you really shouldn't date someone that is if you're bisexual), just ask him not to tell his family. It's really none of their business anyway.
  • Question
    I have a friend, and I found out he is watching male on male porn, does this mean he is a gay?
    Community Answer
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    Not necessarily. He might be gay, he might be bisexual, or he might just be curious. Sometimes a person's taste in pornography doesn't have anything to do with their actual sexual preferences, and that may be the case with your friend. The only way to know for sure is to ask.
  • Question
    My co-worker asked me how to know if a man is gay, is this a sign that he is nervous about his sexuality? I think he is bisexual, but he has a girlfriend.
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    He might be questioning his sexuality, or maybe he's just curious. He might also just be wondering if someone he knows is gay.
  • Question
    I'm unsure of whether I'm bi, pan, or even trans. I feel as if I'm a girl, attracted to both genders, but also feel as if I'm a boy, I guess I use both perspectives sometimes. Can you help?
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    There's a possibility you could be gender fluid or gender flux, which is when you switch between genders. Bisexual means you are attracted to two genders (not always male and female) and pansexual means you are attracted to all people, regardless of gender.
  • Question
    I have a crush on a girl. I only like her, the rest of the time I’m attracted to guys. Does that make me gay?
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    No, it doesn't. You may be bisexual (attracted to girls and guys), or you may simply be straight. It's not at all unusual for a heterosexual person to have a same-sex crush every now and again. Even if you chose to act on this crush, you could still call yourself straight if you're only attracted to the one girl.
  • Question
    How do I know if I'm pansexual or bisexual?
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    Generally, bisexual people are attracted to those who identify as male or female, whereas pansexual people feel they can be attracted to anyone regardless of gender identity (i.e. trans people, nonbinary people, and other non-traditional genders). Ultimately, it's up to you to decide which label (if either) makes the most sense to you.
  • Question
    What if I tell one of my friends I like them and they say they're not bi and then it's awkward for the next few days?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    So what if it is? If you don't try, you'll never know! Dealing with a little awkwardness will not be the end of the world, and things will eventually go back to normal.
  • Question
    I’m attracted to a girl who came out as bisexual a while back. I’m a girl and I’ve never had feelings for a girl except this one. I’ve always liked guys. What does it mean? What do I do about it?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    You might be bisexual, or you might just be interested in this one girl. It's not unusual for straight people to have same-sex crushes (or for gay people to have opposite-sex crushes). What you do about it really depends on you. Can you imagine dating her, kissing her, being in a real relationship, etc.? If so, consider telling her how you feel. If not, you should probably just ignore the feelings and go on about your life. Whatever you decide to do, make sure to be honest with her about your sexuality, your feelings, your intentions, etc. so nobody gets hurt.
  • Question
    I really like this guy, but I am not sure if he is bisexual. He has kissed lots of girls, and is always asking me if I am gay. He always hits my butt as well.
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    Ask him. The worst that can happen is he says no, which you can always laugh off. If he's always asking if you're gay, it shouldn't seem that odd if you turn the question around on him.
  • Question
    What do I do if I want to date someone, but don't know if she is straight or not, and don't want to friend zone her.
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    Just try to casually bring it up; you could just ask her if she's interested in some random person, and if she says "No, I'm not straight" you have your answer. However, the best way to do it would be just to straightforwardly ask her if she's part of the LGBTQ community.
  • Question
    I have an attraction to one of my female friends (I am a girl). She likes to touch me (not sexually) and she holds my hand and calls me beautiful and all this other stuff. Is she attracted to me?
    Community Answer
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    Is she really affectionate with all her friends, or just you? If she's only this way with you, there's a pretty good chance she likes you. The only way to know for sure is to talk to her about how you feel!
  • Question
    I asked my male friend out and he said yes but then he said he thought it was a joke and barely talked to me. What could this mean? Btw I’m a bisexual male.
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    It might mean that he is embarrassed that you asked him out. He may or may not be bi, because either one would make sense for him to be embarrassed. Try talking to him some time, and if he just runs or really doesn't want to talk to you, it will be okay. There are plenty of other fish in the sea that will be better for you.
  • Question
    Can a bisexual man get married to a woman and be happy?
    Community Answer
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    It depends on the woman. She'd have to be rather tolerant.
  • Question
    My best friend is bisexual. Is it OK for me to date him?
    Top Answerer
    If he likes you back, go for it! His being bi shouldn't affect the relationship negatively.
  • Question
    My husband is very attentive to his new friend. Does this mean he is bisexual?
    Top Answerer
    The only way to know if your husband is bisexual is to ask him. Simply because he is "attentive" to his friend doesn't mean he's attracted to him.
  • Question
    I met this guy on a dating site we've been talking but haven't met. He tells me he loves me, but I suspect he's gay cause I saw one of his pictures where he was kissing a guy. How do I know if he is gay?
    Top Answerer
    Simply because he kissed another guy in a photo doesn't necessarily mean he's gay. He could be bisexual, pansexual, or exploring his sexuality.
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