Q&A for How to Know if Someone is Lying

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  • Question
    My sister lies a lot. How can I tell if she’s lying?
    Janice Tieperman
    Janice Tieperman
    Community Answer
    Pay attention to her body language the next time you speak with her. Liars tend to use certain cues and habits without realizing it, like breathing rapidly, fidgeting, darting their eyes, and blinking fast. If your sister does any of these things, there’s a good chance that she’s lying to you.
  • Question
    How do I know someone is lying in a phone or not?
    Janice Tieperman
    Janice Tieperman
    Community Answer
    Call the person up, if you can. While there’s no replacement for a face-to-face meeting, there are plenty of audio cues that point to someone being dishonest, like using vocal filler, speaking in a high-pitched voice, talking slowly, or repeating phrases.
  • Question
    What if they're a good liar and can easily cover up their tracks?
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    There is only one version of the truth. On the other hand, there are many versions of a lie. A liar usually won't tell the exact same story twice, so listen closely for any inconsistencies.
  • Question
    Would a liar stutter a lot when they speak?
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    It's possible, but some people just naturally stutter, so you'd have to know the person and know if it's common for them to stutter or not.
  • Question
    Will someone look me in the eyes if they are lying?
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    If they have experience yes, they may be able to stare you down unflinchingly. If they try to avoid eye contact or suddenly find the ceiling a lot more interesting, chances are, they're lying.
  • Question
    What should I do if I know someone is lying, but I don't want to be rude?
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    You don't want the person to get away with lying if you know the truth, so politely tell them that you know that is not true. Honesty is a form of trust and kindness, and if the liar keeps saying they aren't lying, tell them that.
  • Question
    If someone repeats their story very fast, does that mean they are lying?
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    It depends. In some situations, the person might have had to repeat this story numerous times, so they just want to say it quickly and get it done with. However, it can depend on the person, too. Everyone has some sort of sign they make when they are lying and for some people it is talking quickly. Maybe just ask if they are telling the truth, because you don't want to accuse someone of lying when they are not or you are unsure.
  • Question
    If I ask her a question and she blinks 4 times, is she lying?
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    Not necessarily. Some people just blink a lot, or she could have something in her eye. However, it might mean that she is surprised or worried by your question, which could mean she is lying.
  • Question
    Are sexual predators liars?
    Community Answer
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    Of course. Sexual predators will say whatever they need to to get you to where they can take advantage of you.
  • Question
    Do people who lie repeatedly nod their head?
    Community Answer
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    Nodding is sometimes a sign of lying, but lack of eye contact, repeated swallowing and fidgeting are more common signs.
  • Question
    There's this girl in my class who claims be pregnant, but I think she's lying. How will I know?
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    You can watch to see if her belly grows over time. Of course, she could fake that, but ultimately does it really matter? If she's lying, that's silly, but it doesn't affect you.
  • Question
    When someone is lying, do they blush or do their faces turn red?
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    It depends on the person, but both of the things you describe sound like blushing. Either way, some people blush and others don't. Some people get shifty eyes or nervous, bouncing legs -- everyone has different "signs" that they're lying.
  • Question
    How can I tell if a girl is lying when she says she likes me?
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    She probably won't lie unless she it's a joke but you can usually tell if she's sincere.
  • Question
    If someone gets angry about a question I ask them, could that mean they're lying?
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    Maybe, but it really depends on the question you asked. If they think you're accusing them of doing something bad that they genuinely didn't do, this might make them angry as well.
  • Question
    When someone twists their hair? Are they lying?
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    No, not necessarily. They are uncomfortable or bored.
  • Question
    If a suspect lowers their head and covers their neck, does that mean they're lying?
    Community Answer
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    This could be indicative of guilt, but it could also be the result of the suspect's anxiety.
  • Question
    How can I tell if my best friend is lying when she told me my crush's friend said that he liked me?
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    Go to the source. Ask out your crush -- if he says yes, then she's telling the truth.
  • Question
    I had a conversation with my foster sister about her decisions and what she's doing to me. I asked her a question, and she responded with an attitude, "am I supposed to answer that?"
    Top Answerer
    When a person will not listen or be reasonable, it is wise to go to someone who will listen and be reasonable, such as a parent, a counselor, a pastor, etc. It can also help to not take your sister's attitude to heart; if she sees it doesn't bother you, she'll likely cut it out.
  • Question
    Is a person lying if they try changing subject?
    Taylah Cowling
    Taylah Cowling
    Community Answer
    Not necessarily. You could be talking about a topic that is making them uncomfortable. This is something that people do when they are lying, but don't assume they are without other evidence.
  • Question
    I know someone who is very fidgety and pretends to know things that she doesn't. She really annoys me with her constant lying! What should I do?
    Tom De Backer
    Tom De Backer
    Top Answerer
    Just let her lie. You can be kind and gently let her know that you don't care about those things, that you just want to be friends and she doesn't need to pretend around you. She'll sigh a sigh of relief and it will be over.
  • Question
    Is it called stalking if I watch because I feel something is wrong and want to get to the bottom of it?
    Tom De Backer
    Tom De Backer
    Top Answerer
    Stalking is repeated undue presence. If you feel something is wrong and keep following someone around to get more input, then yes, you're stalking the person. If you investigate things that are none of your business, then it could be harassment, stalking and violation of privacy. If you feel something is wrong, ask questions. If someone needs help, call the police.
  • Question
    Do liars usually get off track a lot?
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    They might segue into another conversation to distract from the lie, but it's not common. Liars are more prone to focus on the lies, adding in many unnecessary details.
  • Question
    If a person is looking away from me in the other direction, does that mean they're lying?
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    It's possible, especially if they are nervous, but it could also just mean they are distracted.
  • Question
    My friends lie to me in style. And they don't show any signs nervousness. So how will I know I know that someone is lying to me.
    Top Answerer
    Some people can lie very effectively. Some people do not have the ability to discern a falsehood. Perhaps you should always presume both: maybe a lie, maybe the truth. Then consider the outcome of both. Also, you may need to find a trustworthy friend that will help you to know the difference.
  • Question
    What if they end the conversation quickly and storm away?
    jynae Blaise
    jynae Blaise
    Community Answer
    if there's simply no reason to justify such an aggressive reaction, they might be being dishonest (unless the conversation ended on a bad note or they were simply being truthful and got frustrated due to your jumping to conclusions too quickly). Pay attention to your actions and how they might have triggered their response. If the reaction wasn't caused by you, it may be a reflection of their authenticity or patience.
  • Question
    How do I know if my best friend is lying to me and being fake when they say they aren't, but other people say they are?
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    You'll have to investigate the facts yourself to find out who's telling the truth.
  • Question
    A person I know is lying even after I confronted them. What do I do, and will they ever tell me the truth?
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    Figure out why you think they're being dishonest. Make sure you're seeing things objectively and you're not being biased or holding a grudge.
  • Question
    My girlfriend is a great liar. I’m a human lie detector. What should I do besides break up?
    jynae Blaise
    jynae Blaise
    Community Answer
    Have a one-on-one conversation with her and try to find out why she feels the need to be dishonest with you. There may be some communication issues involved.
  • Question
    If a person laughs or smiles while answering, does that mean they're lying?
    jynae Blaise
    jynae Blaise
    Community Answer
    Not necessarily. Some people just take a more bubbly or respectful approach, so they smile or subtly chuckle to ease tension. If you suspect that they're lying, pay attention to what their say when they smile or laugh. For example, if they're saying ''I closed the door'' or ''I went to bed,'' it's possible that what they are saying isn't factual, as their smiles or laughter may seem unusual in the situation. If it's more of a stiff, nervous smile or anxious chuckling rather than authentic amusement, it may be covering a lie.
  • Question
    Are there symptoms that are not in here? When my brother lies, he jumps up and down a lot. Does this count as fidgeting?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Everyone has different signs when they lie. If he usually jumps up and down a lot, then that is his tell, since you know already it mans he is lying.
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