Q&A for How to Survive Middle School

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    Is it normal to be afraid of starting middle school?
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    Community Answer
    Absolutely. It's a major transition point in life and usually happens at the same time that most people are reaching puberty and discovering new things about themselves and their peers, which can be nerve-wracking even outside of middle school. Some people are more nervous than others about middle school, but remember, it's normal to have different reactions, and you're definitely not alone in being scared!
  • Question
    What would be the worst scenario that could happen? People say "hope for the best and prepare for the worst", so what's the worst?
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    Community Answer
    A meteor could crash down on your school... or more realistically, you could fight with your friends, get a bad grade, experience bullying, or have some awkward moments like walking into the wrong classroom. The truth is that there's no one worst-case scenario for middle school, and you're going to have unforeseen experiences and a mix of good and bad days, just like you did in elementary school. It's okay to be nervous and want to be prepared, but middle school isn't one single event where you can rehearse every situation beforehand; it's several years where you're growing up, learning how to interact with others, and figuring how to deal with conflict and more responsibility. You're not going to get it perfect the first try - nobody does. Instead of trying to prepare for the worst, focus on taking things day by day and being willing to ask for help when you need it.
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    What if you're nonbinary? How do you deal with locker rooms?
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    Community Answer
    Do you feel safe talking to teachers or school administration about it? They might let you change in a separate location from your classmates, like in a PE teacher's office or an all-gender bathroom. If not, try getting to PE early and asking if you can change out before your classmates do, so that there aren't as many people in there.
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    If I am studying, is it okay if I stay at the school after hours, or do I have to go to the public library?
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    Community Answer
    That depends on your school. Some schools allow students to stay after school for clubs and studying, but others don't allow it except for disciplinary reasons (like detention). It's also possible that the school allows you to be on campus, but locks some rooms or buildings, so you might not be able to go to the school library or certain classrooms. Look on your school's website to see if there's an after-school study program available, or ask a teacher or school administrator if your school offers one.
  • Question
    What grades are considered “middle school”?
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    Community Answer
    It depends who you ask! In the US, most people say "middle school" to refer to sixth, seventh, and eighth grade. But some middle schools include fifth graders or ninth graders, or only teach two grades (like seventh and eighth), so it's not a hard-and-fast rule.
  • Question
    Why do they call it middle school?
    Top Answerer
    Because students attend it in the years between primary/grammar/elementary/grade school and high school.
  • Question
    What if my school doesn't have any clubs?
    Top Answerer
    You could start your own, or encourage your school to have some clubs. There is still the option of taking part in clubs outside of school. While there probably won't be as many people from your school, it is still something for you to enjoy or look forward to. Keep an eye out for any other school activities, such as school trips, competitions and other opportunities you can take part in.
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