Q&A for How to Win UNO

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  • Question
    How can I draw good cards when dealing?
    Zach Waldman
    Zach Waldman
    Professional Comedy Magician
    Zach Waldman is a Professional Comedy Magician based in Los Angeles, CA. He has over 20 years of experience as an entertainer and performer. He is a comedian, magician, and mentalist, and he customizes his show to be distinct for every audience he performs for. His clients include some of the biggest corporations in the world, including Microsoft, Google, BusinessWeek, Absolut, the L.A. Kings, Anheuser-Busch, and more. He has been a member of the Academy of Magical Arts (AMA) since 2001, and performs regularly at the Academy’s clubhouse, The Magic Castle. For the past 20+ years, Zach has been a mainstay at many other reputable Los Angeles theaters and comedy clubs including the El Portal, the Comedy Store, the Improv, Flappers, and the Laugh Factory. Before moving to L.A., he attended the Player's Workshop of the Second City. He received his degree from the University of Central Florida.
    Zach Waldman
    Professional Comedy Magician
    Expert Answer
    To draw favorably when dealing in the UNO card game, begin by subtly manipulating the deck before dealing, arranging cards in a manner that benefits your game plan. Utilize shuffling techniques that allow you to maintain control over the deck's composition, ensuring desirable cards are positioned favorably. When dealing, employ sleight-of-hand maneuvers to subtly swap out less beneficial cards for more advantageous ones, ensuring that you draw cards that align with your strategy. Timing is key; choose opportune moments to execute these actions, and capitalize on distractions in gameplay to minimize detection. But remember to uphold fairness and sportsmanship to ensure an enjoyable experience for all players involved.
  • Question
    Will keeping wild cards help me win at UNO?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Yes, certainly! If you can, try to make a wild card the very last card in your hand. If you do, you will get to play the wild card, and win, no matter what color someone else plays before you.
  • Question
    Do you have to play your "wild draw four" if you have it?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    If it's the only option, you should - but it's not a rule. You can hold into it and draw additional cards.
  • Question
    Is there is an iPhone app that helps to automatically define a winner and calculate points?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Yes, you can find several apps like this in the App Store for iPhones.
  • Question
    Why should we put all the reverse and skip cards first?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    These cards are worth 20 points - the person who wins will get a lot of points. Also, these cards help you finish your cards at the start before everyone else.
  • Question
    Can I play a wild draw 4 if I have another wild in my hand?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Yes, however, they are worth the same points, which makes a wild draw four more useful than a wild.
  • Question
    What is the trick of wild draw fours?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    They allow you to make the person after you take four cards and change the color.
  • Question
    If I don't say UNO, do I have to draw three cards instead of two?
    Rei27 Raxo
    Rei27 Raxo
    Community Answer
    No. If you don’t say UNO, you pick up two cards, bringing the total to three.
  • Question
    If someone puts a draw 2 card down, can I put down another draw 2 card?
    Kanishka Williamson
    Kanishka Williamson
    Community Answer
    Yes, you can.
  • Question
    Can you finish the game with a wild card?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    It's not in the rules, but you may if you want to.
  • Question
    Can I end a game with a draw two card?
    Kanishka Williamson
    Kanishka Williamson
    Community Answer
    Yes, you can. But, the draw two card should match with the color of last card played.
  • Question
    How do you get thirty cards?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    If one of your opponents make you draw 2 or 4 cards a lot,then you will get thirty cards.
  • Question
    Do I need to use two stacks of cards for UNO?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    No, you don't, but you can use two stacks if you would prefer.
  • Question
    If I draw a +2 card and the next player also draws a +2 card, does the following player get 4 cards?
    Valia Kalentine
    Valia Kalentine
    Community Answer
    Yes. If I play a draw two, and then you play a draw two, then unless the third person has a draw two card, they have to draw 4.
  • Question
    If I play a draw 2 or a draw 4, will the next player's turn be skipped?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    No, when you play the draw 2 or draw 4, the next player will have to draw 2 or draw 4 from the stack.
  • Question
    How do I win when playing with points?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    You must have the number of points your group agreed on first. In order to gain points, you win rounds and score points from your opponents' cards.
  • Question
    If I have one card left in my hand, am I a winner?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    No. For winning, you should have no cards. And remember, when you are down to a single card, say, "uno."
  • Question
    Can I end a round with a skip?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Yes, as long as it is the correct color, you can play a skip at the end of a round/game.
  • Question
    I played a wild card and no one could play a card, so the play came back to me. What happens next?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    You simply continue with the color you chose when playing the wild card until the color changes.
  • Question
    After playing draw four with three players, should I play again.
    Community Answer
    No. When you play a draw four card, you are not allowed to play again, but the opponent loses their turn and draws four cards.
  • Question
    What if someone in 2 player goes first and starts with 7 skip/reverse cards?
    Community Answer
    This is very rare, but if it happens, shuffle the deck and restart. When you buy an UNO deck, it will not be shuffled, resulting in all of the skip/reverse cards being in the same place. This is why some players are getting 7 cards of the same color or all +4 cards.
  • Question
    Do you keep pulling cards until you get the color or number?
    Allison Schick
    Allison Schick
    Top Answerer
    In some versions, you must only draw one card. Some people play that you must draw until you can play a card. Determine which version with your opponents before you play.
  • Question
    If you draw a card because you can’t play with the cards currently, can you play the card that you just picked up?
    Allison Schick
    Allison Schick
    Top Answerer
    Yes, if you draw a card that can be played, you can play the card on the pile.
  • Question
    When paying a +2 or a +4, who has to draw extra cards: the person next to you or the whole group?
    Allison Schick
    Allison Schick
    Top Answerer
    Only the person next to you must draw extra cards. The rest of the table needn't draw cards.
  • Question
    What happens if your last card doesn’t match the color played?
    Allison Schick
    Allison Schick
    Top Answerer
    You must draw a card and play continues. Your last card must match the color or number for you to win.
  • Question
    Can I play more than 1 card of same colour at a time?
    Allison Schick
    Allison Schick
    Top Answerer
    No, you may only play one card during your turn. You must wait for your next turn to play another card.
  • Question
    If I put down a particular color and my opponent has that color and a draw 4, can he put the draw 4 down and keep it the same color or is that illegal?
    Yes, this is jaeden
    Yes, this is jaeden
    Community Answer
    In the official rules, you are only allowed to play a draw 4 if there is nothing else in your hand that you can legally play. However, there are easy ways to get around this rule on its own, so an anti-cheating method was put into place. If a player suspects that the person who played the Draw 4 has other cards in their hand that could be played, they can "challenge" the card player. The person who played the card has to show their deck to the challenger, and if there is another playable card in the hand, then the card player has to draw the 4 cards instead. If the challenger is incorrect, they must draw double the cards (8 cards) originally on the card.
  • Question
    If I don’t say UNO and no one notices and I play my last card, do I still win?
    Yes, this is jaeden
    Yes, this is jaeden
    Community Answer
    Yes, someone must notice within your turn and the next two turns. If anyone says anything after that, it doesn't count.
  • Question
    Is there a card that allows a player to take my hand of cards and give me their hand?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    In recent versions of UNO, there is a card called "Swap Hands", which does exactly this.
  • Question
    Can you say UNO with more than one card left in your hand?
    Community Answer
    No, because it would trick people and could be unfair to some.
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